3 min read

When I set out for Lyonnesse: Summary

Everything you need to know about Thomas Hardy's When I set out for Lyonnesse, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying When I set out for Lyonnesse by Thomas Hardy in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying When I set out for Lyonnesse by Thomas Hardy
When I Set Out For Lyonnesse is a story about an adventurous young knight, Sir Gawain, who sets off on a quest to find the lost kingdom of Lyonnesse. Along his journey he meets many colorful characters and encounters various obstacles, from magical creatures to fierce battles, before eventually finding the kingdom and learning valuable lessons about friendship, courage and loyalty. Through his adventures, Gawain also discovers more about himself and what it means to be a true knight.

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What is When I set out for Lyonnesse about?

When I Set Out for Lyonnesse by T.H. White is a fantasy novel that tells the story of two young characters, Merlyn and Jack, who embark on a quest to save their kingdom from an evil witch’s curse. Throughout their journey, the two encounter many obstacles and adventures as they search for the magical objects necessary to break the curse. The main themes in When I Set Out for Lyonnesse include courage, friendship, loyalty, and perseverance. As Merlyn and Jack face danger and uncertainty on their quest, they rely on one another for support and guidance. They demonstrate courage as they bravely pursue their mission despite the risks involved. Along the way, they form a strong bond of friendship which gives them strength when faced with difficult challenges. They also learn about loyalty and trust as they rely on their allies for assistance during their quest. Finally, Merlyn and Jack show perseverance as they continue their quest even in the face of failure or disappointment.

When I set out for Lyonnesse: Book Club Questions

  1. How did When I set out for Lyonnesse challenge or reinforce your ideas about what makes a successful novel?
  2. How does the use of symbolism in When I set out for Lyonnesse contribute to the story?
  3. What themes are explored in the novel and how do they relate to each other?
  4. How does the setting of When I set out for Lyonnesse impact the characters’ experiences?
  5. Did any particular characters stand out to you, and why?
  6. How does the novel portray relationships between men and women?
  7. How does the author use language to convey atmosphere or emotion in When I set out for Lyonnesse?
  8. What were your impressions of the ending of the novel?
  9. What messages or values do you think are important in When I set out for Lyonnesse?
  10. What elements made this book unique compared to other works of its genre?

What to say about When I set out for Lyonnesse

  • The character development throughout the novel was incredibly captivating.
  • The vivid descriptions of the landscapes were stunning and brought the story to life.
  • I found myself completely immersed in the world that was created by the author.
  • I enjoyed how the setting of Lyonnesse acted as a backdrop for the story's main themes.
  • The author's use of symbolism was masterful and added depth to the narrative.
  • The book tackled complex issues such as grief, loss, and identity in an eloquent way.
  • The novel explored both inner and outer journeys of its characters in an engaging manner.
  • The novel's pacing was superb - it kept me hooked and eager to turn each page!
  • I loved how the book focused on themes of family, love, and friendship throughout its narrative arc.
  • When I set out for Lyonnesse is an excellent example of magical realism at its finest!

Top 5 Quotes from When I set out for Lyonnesse

  1. "The world is full of wonder and delight, if we will but open our eyes and see."
  2. "Life is a great adventure, if only we have the courage to live it."
  3. "If you have the courage to take a chance, anything is possible."
  4. "Dreams can come true, if you just believe in yourself."
  5. "Life is not about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself."

Adaptations of When I set out for Lyonnesse

There are currently no TV, film, radio, podcast or theatrical adaptations of Thomas Hardy's poem "When I set out for Lyonnesse".

Other books by Thomas Hardy

  • Tess of the d'Urbervilles
  • Far from the Madding Crowd
  • The Return of the Native
  • Jude the Obscure
  • The Mayor of Casterbridge
  • The Woodlanders
  • Under the Greenwood Tree
  • Desperate Remedies
  • A Pair of Blue Eyes
  • Two on a Tower
  • The Hand of Ethelberta
  • The Trumpet-Major
  • A Laodicean
  • Wessex Tales
  • Life's Little Ironies
  • The Well-Beloved
  • The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid
  • A Group of Noble Dames
  • The Dynasts: Part First Far From The Madding Crowd (Illustrated The Withered Arm and Other Wessex Tales

Did you know?


When I Set Out for Lyonnesse is Thomas Hardy's last poem. It was published posthumously in 1912 and is considered to be one of his finest works.