3 min read

Water for Elephants: Summary

Everything you need to know about Sara Gruen's Water for Elephants, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
Water for Elephants is a novel by Sara Gruen, published in 2006. It tells the story of Jacob Jankowski, an elderly man who looks back on his life as a young man in 1931. He was studying to be a veterinarian when his parents died, leaving him without money or family. In desperation, he joins a traveling circus and quickly falls in love with Marlena, the star of the equestrian act, and her horse, Rosie. He also must deal with the cruel animal trainer, August Rosenbluth. The novel follows Jacob's trials and tribulations as he navigates life in the circus and his relationship with Marlena.

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What is Water for Elephants about?

Water for Elephants is a historical novel by Sara Gruen. It tells the story of Jacob Jankowski, a 93-year-old man who looks back on his life in the circus during the Great Depression. The themes explored in the book include love, loss, redemption, friendship, courage and survival. Other issues explored include animal rights, morality and the struggle to maintain human dignity in difficult circumstances. Through the eyes of Jacob, Gruen also examines the beauty and brutality of life on a traveling circus.

Water for Elephants: Book Club Questions

  1. What do you think of the relationship between Jacob and Marlena?
  2. How did the novel illustrate the importance of family?
  3. Was there a particular scene or image that stood out to you?
  4. What did you find most intriguing about August's character?
  5. Do you think Jacob learned any lessons from his experiences at the circus?
  6. How did author Sara Gruen use symbolism to illustrate her themes?
  7. What do you think was the overall message of the book?
  8. How did the setting of the novel contribute to the atmosphere of it?
  9. Discuss what elements of Water for Elephants made it an engaging read for you?
  10. What do you think was the most powerful moment in the book?

What to say about Water for Elephants

  • Water for Elephants is a captivating story that draws you into the world of the circus.
  • The unique setting of the novel helps to create an atmosphere of excitement and danger.
  • The characters in the novel are complex and multifaceted, making it easy to connect with them on a personal level.
  • The development of the relationship between Jacob and Marlena is an emotional rollercoaster that keeps readers engaged throughout the book.
  • There are many insightful themes explored in Water for Elephants, such as loyalty, identity and family dynamics.
  • The vivid descriptions used by Sara Gruen help to bring this historical time period to life in a fresh and exciting way.
  • One of the most interesting elements of Water for Elephants is how it tells two love stories--one between Jacob and Marlena and another between Jacob and Rosie the elephant.
  • It's remarkable how Sara Gruen uses animals throughout the novel to reflect aspects of the human experience, such as courage and resilience.
  • Water for Elephants presents an intriguing exploration of what it means to be an outsider in society, and how people cope with being marginalized or discriminated against.
  • The ending of Water for Elephants is surprisingly meaningful and satisfying, leaving readers feeling hopeful about Jacob's future despite all he has been through.

Top 5 Quotes from Water for Elephants

  1. "A heart can be broken, but it keeps on beating just the same."
  2. "The only way to survive was to forget everything and concentrate on today."
  3. "We are all damaged in our own way, nobody is perfect."
  4. "You can't look back—you just have to put the past behind you, and find something worth living for."
  5. "Life is a circus. We are all juggling plates, trying not to drop any."

Adaptations of Water for Elephants

1. Water for Elephants (2011) – A feature film adaptation of the novel directed by Francis Lawrence and starring Robert Pattinson, Reese Witherspoon and Christoph Waltz. 2. Water for Elephants: The Broadway Musical – A musical stage adaptation produced by Barry and Fran Weissler and based on the novel and 2011 film. 3. Water for Elephants: An Audio Play – An audio drama adaptation written by Ken Ludwig and produced by L.A. Theatre Works. 4. Water for Elephants Radio Play – A radio play adaptation produced by BBC Radio 4 in 2012.

Other books by Sara Gruen

  • At the Water's Edge
  • Ape House
  • Riding Lessons
  • Flying Changes
  • The Solace of Leaving Early

Did you know?


The book Water for Elephants was adapted into a feature film starring Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson in 2011.