4 min read

Three Cups of Tea: Summary

Everything you need to know about Greg Mortenson's Three Cups of Tea, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson
Three Cups of Tea is a memoir by Greg Mortenson about his journey of building schools and promoting education in the remote mountain regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan. After becoming lost and separated from his companions during a failed attempt to climb K2, the world’s second highest mountain, Mortenson was nursed back to health by the people of a small village. As a gesture of gratitude, he promised to build them a school, which marked the beginning of his philanthropic mission. Over the following years, Mortenson worked to build over 130 schools in rural areas throughout the region, while also advocating for peace between different ethnic groups. Three Cups of Tea is an inspiring story of one man’s commitment to changing lives through education.

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What is Three Cups of Tea about?

Three Cups of Tea is a memoir by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. It tells the story of Mortenson's journey to build schools in very remote, impoverished parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Through his work, Mortenson sought to bring education and hope to places where education was not available and poverty was rampant. The book highlights several key themes, including the power of education to transform lives, the importance of international understanding, the value of service and community building, and the power of faith. It also serves as an inspiring tale about how one person can make a difference when they set their mind to it.

Three Cups of Tea: Book Club Questions

  1. What were your initial reactions when you first heard about Greg Mortenson's mission to build schools in remote villages in Pakistan and Afghanistan?
  2. Do you think the story of Three Cups of Tea is an inspiring example of a successful charity effort?
  3. How has this book changed your view of cultural differences and their importance?
  4. What role did faith play in helping Greg Mortenson complete his mission?
  5. What lessons did you take away from Three Cups of Tea that could be applied to your own life?
  6. Was there anything in the book that surprised you or challenged your assumptions?
  7. How could the events described in the book be used to inform our current foreign policy decisions?
  8. Was there any particular moment or scene that resonated with you throughout the book?
  9. Did the author’s writing style help to bring the story to life for you?
  10. In what ways was Mortenson's journey an example of perseverance and resilience?

What to say about Three Cups of Tea

  • Three Cups of Tea is a powerful story of compassion, resilience and hope.
  • The book demonstrates the importance of cross-cultural understanding and communication.
  • It highlights the potential for individuals to make a significant difference in the world.
  • The narrative is an inspiring reminder that education can be a powerful tool for change.
  • The characters are depicted with great depth and complexity, making them come alive for the reader.
  • The book offers an insight into the struggles faced by those living in remote, mountainous regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan.
  • Mortenson's journey from adversity to success is both inspiring and humbling.
  • The story emphasizes the need for selfless service and dedication to causes bigger than oneself.
  • Three Cups of Tea serves as a reminder that our actions, no matter how small, can have far-reaching impacts on others' lives.
  • Overall, this book is a captivating tale that will stay with you long after you've finished it.

Top 5 Quotes from Three Cups of Tea

  1. "The first time you share tea with a Balti, you are a stranger. The second time you take tea, you are an honored guest. The third time you share a cup of tea, you become family, and for family we are responsible."
  2. "Great change in the world happens one person at a time."
  3. "I had learned something that I would carry with me for the rest of my life. It was this: If you really want to make a difference in the world, start by making a difference in the lives of individuals."
  4. "You must remember that when you build a school, it is not just four walls; it is hope that you are building."
  5. "What I have learned is that it is not enough to be compassionate. You must act."

Adaptations of Three Cups of Tea

1. Three Cups of Tea: The Movie (2021) - a feature-length film adaptation directed by David Gordon Green and executive produced by Greg Mortensen, the author of Three Cups of Tea. 2. Three Cups of Tea: The Radio Series (2019) - a six-part radio series produced by Seattle's KUOW Public Radio in partnership with the National Endowment for the Humanities that follows the life and work of Greg Mortensen, author of Three Cups of Tea. 3. Three Cups of Tea: The Podcast (2017) - a podcast series released by PRX Radio that follows Greg Mortensen’s journey to bring education to Pakistani and Afghan communities. 4. Three Cups of Tea: The Stage Show (2015) - an off-Broadway theatrical production that tells the story of Greg Mortensen’s humanitarian effort though music, dance, and spoken word.

Other books by Greg Mortenson

  • Stones Into Schools: Promoting Peace With Books, Not Bombs, in Afghanistan and Pakistan
  • Listen to the Wind: The Story of Dr. Greg & Three Cups of Tea
  • Educating Girls in Afghanistan: Incremental Steps Toward a Brighter Future
  • To Build a School: A Story of Courage and Hope in Afghanistan
  • Transformation in Education
  • Reading Lessons: The Debate Over Literacy
  • Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia

Did you know?


Three Cups of Tea was the first-ever book to be published simultaneously in hardcover, paperback, and audio editions.