3 min read

These Is My Words: Summary

Everything you need to know about Nancy E. Turner's These Is My Words, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying These Is My Words by Nancy E. Turner in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying These Is My Words by Nancy E. Turner
These Is My Words by Nancy E. Turner is a historical fiction novel set in the Arizona Territory of the late 1800s. It follows the story of Sarah Prine, a young woman trying to make a life for herself and her family amidst the struggles of pioneer life. While she must contend with brutal Apache raids, drought, and poverty, Sarah also finds love and friendship from unlikely places. Through her own courage and resilience, she finds strength to overcome any obstacle that comes her way.

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What is These Is My Words about?

These Is My Words is a historical novel by Nancy Turner that follows the story of Sarah Agnes Prine, a young woman who is determined to make something of her life despite the difficulties she faces. The book chronicles Sarah's journey from Arizona in the late 19th century to Oklahoma in the early 20th century. The key themes explored in the novel are perseverance, courage, and resilience. Sarah faces many hardships throughout her life, including poverty, prejudice, and sexism. Despite these obstacles, she remains determined to make something of herself and refuses to give up. She perseveres through difficult times and is able to build a better life for herself and her family. The novel also explores themes of love, friendship, loyalty, and family. Throughout her journey, Sarah meets many people who become important to her—friends who offer comfort and support and family members who provide strength and guidance. As she comes to terms with her past and finds love along the way, Sarah learns how to be loyal to those she loves while also following her heart. Finally, the novel explores themes of identity and self-discovery. While living in unfamiliar places and dealing with new challenges, Sarah must learn who she is and what she wants out of life. Through this self-exploration, she discovers strength within herself that she never knew existed.

These Is My Words: Book Club Questions

  1. What themes stood out to you in the novel?
  2. How did the author’s use of language affect your reading experience?
  3. How did the main character's journey as a woman impact her decisions?
  4. How did Sarah's relationship with nature affect her perspective on life?
  5. Did any of the characters surprise you in their actions or decisions?
  6. How did the time period shape the story and its characters?
  7. What was your opinion of the novel's ending?
  8. Do you think Sarah was able to find true happiness in her life?
  9. Was there anything about the story that you found unexpected or intriguing?
  10. What do you think was the author's overall message in These Is My Words?

What to say about These Is My Words

  • The vivid descriptions in These Is My Words transport the reader to a unique time and place.
  • These Is My Words poignantly captures the struggles faced by women in the 1800s.
  • These Is My Words is a captivating story full of suspense and unexpected twists.
  • The characters in These Is My Words are incredibly complex and realistic.
  • I was amazed by how These Is My Words examines the strength of family bonds during difficult times.
  • The use of language to create an immersive atmosphere in These Is My Words is truly remarkable.
  • The themes presented in These Is My Words make it a powerful and timeless story that resonates with readers from all backgrounds.
  • These Is My Words is an incredible exploration of human emotions, relationships and resilience.
  • The intricate plot of These Is My Words will keep readers engaged until the very end.
  • I was deeply moved by the theme of hope that runs throughout These Is My Words.

Top 5 Quotes from These Is My Words

  1. "Life is too short to be anything but happy."
  2. "It's not enough to know something. You must also understand it."
  3. "We are all capable of more than we think we are."
  4. "The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh."
  5. "Don't let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do. Only you can decide that for yourself."

Adaptations of These Is My Words

At this time, there are no known TV, film, radio, podcast or theatrical adaptations of These Is My Words. However, it is possible that an adaptation may happen in the future as the novel has gained a large following since its release in 2008.

Other books by Nancy E. Turner

  • The Water and the Blood
  • These Is My Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1881-1901 (The Sarah Agnes Prine Trilogy
  • A Quilt for Christmas
  • A Journey of Faith: The Story of the PioneerWomen of the Oregon Trail
  • The Star Garden
  • These Is My Words: Sarah's Story (The Sarah Agnes Prine Trilogy
  • The Keeper of the Light
  • When the Whippoorwill Calls
  • A Thread So Thin
  • Mary's Land

Did you know?


These Is My Words is the first novel in a trilogy by author Nancy Turner, which was adapted as a television movie of the same name in 2008.