3 min read

The Remains of the Day: Summary

Everything you need to know about Kazuo Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro
The Remains of the Day is a novel by Kazuo Ishiguro about a butler named Stevens, who works in an English country house in the 1930s. He has devoted himself to his job and his employer, Lord Darlington, for decades, and takes great pride in the service he provides. However, as the novel progresses, Stevens begins to question his loyalty and purpose, and realizes that he may have been blinded by duty when it comes to how he has lived his life and the choices he has made. In the end, Stevens must find out how to reconcile his past with his present, and come to terms with an uncertain future.

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What is The Remains of the Day about?

The Remains of the Day is a novel by author Kazuo Ishiguro, which follows the story of an English butler, Stevens, and his journey of self-discovery. The novel explores themes such as loyalty, love, regret, and responsibility. Themes such as these are explored through the eyes of Stevens who is devoted to serving his employer and maintaining a sense of propriety. Through Stevens' experiences, readers are able to gain insight into the struggles of maintaining dignity and self-respect while being bound to the rules of the upper class. Additionally, the novel also examines themes of missed opportunities and lost chances in life, as we see how Stevens has gone through life without ever truly experiencing true love or friendship. Finally, there is a strong theme of how one's past can influence their present and future decisions that carries throughout the course of the novel.

The Remains of the Day: Book Club Questions

  1. What is the significance of the title ‘The Remains of the Day’?
  2. How does Stevens’s insistence on decorum and propriety shape the story?
  3. How does Stevens’s employer, Lord Darlington, represent the changing nature of British aristocracy during this period?
  4. How do Stevens’s relationships with other characters in the novel reflect his own views on service and duty?
  5. Discuss the role of Miss Kenton in Stevens's life, and how her presence or absence affects him internally.
  6. What external forces drive Stevens to re-evaluate his life and choices?
  7. What is the significance of the journey that Stevens takes at the end of the novel?
  8. What does The Remains of the Day teach us about loyalty, servitude, and respect?
  9. How does Kazuo Ishiguro examine notions of class, identity and freedom within The Remains of the Day?
  10. How would you describe Ishiguro’s writing style in this novel?

What to say about The Remains of the Day

  • The Remains of the Day is a powerful exploration of the human struggle to balance loyalty and love.
  • It's a poignant meditation on the consequences of repressing one's emotions and desires.
  • Ishiguro uses his brilliant writing to deliver an emotionally charged story that speaks to the heart.
  • He masterfully conveys the internal conflict between a desire for real connections and the need to remain loyal to a fixed set of values.
  • The Remains of the Day paints an evocative portrait of England in the 1930s, while still maintaining its relevance in today's society.
  • The subtlety and nuance with which Ishiguro captures Stevens' journey is impressive - he never overplays the sentimentality or melodrama.
  • It gives an insightful look into how even seemingly insignificant moments can profoundly shape our lives.
  • The book raises important questions about how we choose to live our lives and how this impacts our relationships with others.
  • It's a beautifully written story that shows us the power of hope in even the darkest times.
  • The Remains of the Day is a timeless classic that will stay with readers for years to come.

Top 5 Quotes from The Remains of the Day

  1. "No, I don't believe one can ever sacrifice one's dignity."
  2. "It is a good thing to be contented with what one has."
  3. "One cannot devote oneself to the pursuit of goodness without trusting one's own judgement."
  4. "I have long been of the opinion that no act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted."
  5. "The world of each human being is bounded by his or her knowledge and experience."

Adaptations of The Remains of the Day

1. Film: The Remains of the Day (1993), directed by James Ivory and starring Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson. 2. Radio: BBC Radio 4 dramatization of The Remains of the Day (2010), adapted by Roger James Elsgood and starring Stephen Moore as Stevens and Carolyn Pickles as Miss Kenton. 3. Podcast: The Remains of the Day, an adaptation for the stage by playwright Simon Stephens (2017). 4. Stage: The Remains of the Day, a play adapted for the stage by playwright Simon Stephens (2013).

Other books by Kazuo Ishiguro

  • Never Let Me Go
  • An Artist of the Floating World
  • When We Were Orphans
  • The Unconsoled
  • A Pale View of Hills
  • The Buried Giant
  • Nocturnes: Five Stories of Music and Nightfall
  • A Family Supper
  • The Remains of the Day (movie tie-in edition

Did you know?


The Remains of the Day was the first novel by Kazuo Ishiguro to be adapted into a major motion picture, directed by James Ivory and released in 1993.