3 min read

The Pillars of the Earth: Summary

Everything you need to know about Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
The Pillars of the Earth is a historical fiction novel by Ken Follett, set in 12th century England. It follows the stories of three main characters — Prior Philip, Tom Builder and Aliena — as they struggle to build a magnificent cathedral in the fictional town of Kingsbridge. Through their efforts, they create an enduring legacy that stands against political and religious upheaval, war, and the devastating effects of the Great Famine. Along their journey, they must overcome many obstacles to achieve their dream.

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What is The Pillars of the Earth about?

The Pillars of the Earth is a novel by Ken Follett that follows the fictional lives of people living in the fictional town of Kingsbridge, England during the 12th century. The book deals with themes such as love, loyalty, power struggles, ambition and perseverance. It explores how ordinary people contend with their circumstances and strive for a better life. The novel also examines class struggles and the power dynamics between social classes, as well as religious tensions between Catholics and Protestants. Additionally, it looks at how those in power use their influence to manipulate others and gain more control. At the heart of it all is a story about overcoming adversity and finding hope in times of darkness.

The Pillars of the Earth: Book Club Questions

  1. How did the main characters' different backgrounds, beliefs and motivations shape their relationships with each other?
  2. What themes are explored in the novel, such as politics, religion, power dynamics and social change?
  3. How does the author use symbolism to help convey his message?
  4. What kind of moral dilemmas do the characters face and how do they resolve them?
  5. In what ways does the novel represent a clash between traditional values and modernity?
  6. What does the novel tell us about human nature and how we interact with each other?
  7. How does the novel's setting of 12th century England influence its plot and characters?
  8. How does historical accuracy play a role in developing the story and its characters?
  9. Does the novel successfully convey a sense of hope or despair?
  10. In what ways can The Pillars of the Earth be seen as an allegory for our own society today?

What to say about The Pillars of the Earth

  • The Pillars of the Earth is a truly gripping and powerful story, with a vivid cast of characters that draw readers into the era of medieval England.
  • Ken Follett creates an incredibly detailed world in The Pillars of the Earth, managing to bring to life the politics, society and religious tensions of the time.
  • What I found particularly interesting about The Pillars of the Earth was how it portrays human resilience in the face of so much adversity.
  • The Pillars of the Earth is a great example of how history can be used to explore themes that are still relevant today, such as power dynamics and ambition.
  • I think the character development in The Pillars of the Earth is remarkable; each individual has their own unique motivations and qualities that make them stand out from one another.
  • It's amazing how Ken Follett manages to make every scene, even during moments of intense action, feel emotionally resonant and meaningful.
  • One thing that really struck me while reading The Pillars of the Earth was how well it was able to capture the complexity of human relationships and social structures at this particular point in time.
  • The Pillars of the Earth is a brilliant exploration of human morality and justice, posing questions about what we should value most when faced with difficult decisions.
  • It's remarkable how Ken Follett is able to create such vivid settings with his writing, making it easy for readers to imagine themselves walking through medieval England as they read The Pillars of the Earth.
  • Despite its length, I felt like every page was necessary in order for readers to fully appreciate all the themes explored in The Pillars of the Earth - it's a real masterpiece!

Top 5 Quotes from The Pillars of the Earth

  1. "The greatest structures are not made of stone, but of faith."
  2. "The world is a tapestry of events and the threads are love, hate, ambition, loyalty and courage."
  3. "A wrong decision taken for the right reasons is still a wrong decision."
  4. "Sometimes you have to choose between what is right and what is easy."
  5. "We all must endure pain, suffering and loss as part of life's journey."

Adaptations of The Pillars of the Earth

Television: -The Pillars of the Earth (2010 miniseries) -World Without End (2012 sequel miniseries) Film: -The Pillars of the Earth (2011 film) Radio: -The Pillars of the Earth (2015 BBC Radio 4 adaptation) Podcast: -The Pillars of the Earth Podcast (2021 podcast series adaptation) Theatrical: -The Pillars of the Earth (2015 stage adaptation by London's Globe Theatre)

Other books by Ken Follett

  • The Key to Rebecca
  • Triple
  • On Wings of Eagles
  • Lie Down With Lions
  • Night Over Water
  • A Dangerous Fortune
  • The Third Twin
  • The Hammer of Eden
  • Whiteout
  • Code to Zero
  • Jackdaws
  • Hornet Flight
  • Edge of Eternity
  • World Without End
  • Winter of the World

Did you know?


The Pillars of the Earth was adapted into a 10-part miniseries by the Starz network in 2010, starring Ian McShane and Eddie Redmayne.