5 min read

The Odyssey: Summary

Everything you need to know about Homer's The Odyssey, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying The Odyssey by Homer in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying The Odyssey by Homer
The Odyssey is an epic poem written by the ancient Greek poet Homer. It tells the story of Odysseus, a legendary Greek king who embarks on a long and dangerous journey home after the fall of Troy. Along the way he faces many obstacles, including the wrath of the sea god Poseidon, a Cyclops, and other mythical creatures. He also meets many people who help him along his journey, such as the goddess Athena and the enchantress Circe. After ten years of struggle, Odysseus eventually makes it back to his home in Ithaca and reunites with his family.

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What is The Odyssey about?

The Odyssey is an ancient Greek epic poem by Homer that tells the story of Odysseus, a legendary king of Ithaca, and his long journey home after the fall of Troy. Along the way, he encounters many obstacles, including witches, gods, monsters, and dangers at sea. The key themes in The Odyssey include courage and resourcefulness, loyalty, perseverance in the face of adversity, hospitality and xenia (the practice of welcoming strangers), and divine intervention. Additionally, the poem also explores themes of friendship and family relationships, as well as morality and justice.

The Odyssey: Book Club Questions

  1. What themes and motifs can be identified in The Odyssey?
  2. How does the story of The Odyssey reflect values of Ancient Greek culture?
  3. What are some of the differences between the gods in The Odyssey and those in other mythological stories?
  4. What is the significance of Odysseus's journey across the Mediterranean Sea?
  5. How do Odysseus's experiences on his journey shape his character development?
  6. What role does fate play in The Odyssey?
  7. Are all of Odysseus's decisions justified, or are some of his actions morally questionable?
  8. How does Homer use language to portray the characters, setting, and themes in The Odyssey?
  9. In what ways is The Odyssey relevant to modern literature and culture?
  10. How would you compare the plot structure, characterization, and themes of The Odyssey with other epics (such as Beowulf?

What to say about The Odyssey

  • The Odyssey is a timeless classic that continues to inspire readers centuries after its composition.
  • Homer masterfully crafted a complex web of characters, settings, and plotlines that make The Odyssey a captivating story.
  • The Odyssey has been adapted into various forms of media over the centuries, demonstrating its extraordinary staying power.
  • The journey of Odysseus is an archetypal tale of bravery and perseverance in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.
  • Through his use of symbolism and metaphor, Homer conveys powerful messages about loyalty, courage, and wisdom.
  • While reading The Odyssey, it's interesting to consider how different interpretations might be informed by the reader's own cultural context and personal experiences.
  • Despite its length and complexity, The Odyssey remains accessible to modern audiences due to its captivating story structure and vivid imagery.
  • Homer's epic poem is an astonishingly vivid depiction of ancient Greek beliefs, values and lifestyle that somehow still resonates with contemporary readers.
  • The powerful themes of resilience, hope, faith and determination featured in The Odyssey are timeless reminders applicable to any age or era.
  • It's easy to see why The Odyssey has been regarded as one of the greatest works in human history for centuries - it is truly a masterpiece!

Top 5 Quotes from The Odyssey

  1. "It is a wise child that knows his own father."
  2. "Of all creatures that breathe and move upon the earth, nothing is bred that is weaker than man."
  3. "There is nothing more admirable than when two people of similar age, similar intelligence and similar education come together in perfect friendship."
  4. "The road to a friend's house is never long."
  5. "Wise people learn more from fools than fools from the wise."

Adaptations of The Odyssey

TV: 1. The Odyssey (1997–1998), a Canadian/American television miniseries starring Armand Assante and Greta Scacchi. 2. Homer's Odyssey (2008), a British TV movie based on the Greek epic poem. 3. Ulysses 31 (1981–1982), a French-Japanese anime series loosely based on Homer's Odyssey. Film: 1. O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000), a comedy film directed by the Coen brothers, loosely based on Homer's Odyssey. 2. Ulysses' Gaze (1995), a Greek-French drama directed by Theodoros Angelopoulos and starring Harvey Keitel, inspired by Homer's Odyssey. 3. Odysseus (1961), an Italian adventure film directed by Mario Camerini, loosely based on Homer's Odyssey. 4. Odissea (1968), an Italian-Yugoslavian action adventure film directed by Franco Rossi based on the epic poem. 5. Troy: Fall of a City (2018–2019), a BBC drama series inspired by The Iliad and The Odyssey composed by the ancient Greek poet Homer. 6. The Return of Ulysses (1966), an Italian adventure film directed by Mario Bava and starring Steve Reeves, inspired by Homer's Odyssey. 7. Ulysses Against the Son of Hercules (1963), an Italian adventure film directed by Luigi Capuano and starring Kirk Morris, inspired by Homer's Odyssey. Radio: 1. The Radio Adventures of Doc and Raider: The Odyssey (2005–2006) – An American radio drama adaptation of Homer’s epic poem, broadcast on Sirius Satellite Radio and XM Satellite Radio channels from 2005 to 2006. 2. The Radio Tales: The Odyssey (2001) – An American radio drama adaptation of Homer’s epic poem, broadcast on National Public Radio in 2001 as part of the “Radio Tales” series. 3. BBC Radio 4: A New Version Of 'The Odyssey' By Simon Armitage (2018) – A new version of 'The Odyssey' created for BBC Radio 4 in 2018 by British poet Simon Armitage which featured readings from Stephen Fry, Bill Nighy and Juliet Stevenson amongst others. Podcast: 1. The Ancient Greeks Podcast: The Odyssey with Dr David Stuttard – A podcast series hosted by Dr David Stuttard that explores various aspects of Homer’s epic poem ‘The Odyssey’ from his own personal perspective as an academic and classicist with specialised expertise in ancient Greece culture and literature.. 2. Classical Wisdom Weekly Podcast: Exploring Classics Through Storytelling - A podcast series hosted by Van Bryan which explores various aspects of classical literature such as 'The Iliad', 'The Odyssey', and other great works from antiquity through storytelling.. 3 .Odyssey On Air - A podcast series which adapts 'The Odyssey' into stories for modern audiences, exploring themes such as family dynamics, freedom vs security, loyalty vs ambition, justice vs vengeance, and more..                                                                                                                                                                              Theatrical Adaptations: 1 .Odyssey: An Epic Musical Adventure (1996) – A musical adaptation of Homer’s epic poem ‘The Odyssey’ performed at the Adelphi Theatre in London in 1996 with music composed by Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyrics written by Don Black

Other books by Homer

  • The Iliad
  • The Battle of the Frogs and Mice
  • The Margites
  • The Hymns of Homer
  • The Little Iliad
  • Works and Days
  • The Shield of Heracles

Did you know?


The Odyssey is believed to have been composed around 700 BCE, making it one of the oldest known works of literature still in existence.