3 min read

The Midnight Library: Summary

Everything you need to know about Matt Haig's The Midnight Library, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying The Midnight Library by Matt Haig in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
The Midnight Library is a thrilling fantasy novel about a young girl named Nora who discovers a magical library in the middle of the night. In this library, Nora can explore an infinite number of timelines and alternate versions of her life. With each book she chooses, she can experience what life would be like if she had made different choices. But as Nora discovers the power of the library, she must also grapple with difficult questions about the path her life has taken and what might have been.

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What is The Midnight Library about?

The Midnight Library is a philosophical and imaginative novel about a library located between life and death. It explores the idea of how different choices we make in life can lead us to different outcomes. The main character, Nora Seed, finds herself trapped in this library. Here, she has access to every book that contains an alternate version of her life depending on the decisions she could have made. The novel explores themes such as purpose, regret, hope, second chances, and what-ifs. It encourages readers to reflect on their own life choices and consider the possibilities of alternate realities. Through Nora's journey, we learn that our lives are not predetermined but rather the result of decisions we make along the way. We also learn that even if we don't get the outcome we wanted in our current reality, it doesn't mean that there isn't something else out there for us.

The Midnight Library: Book Club Questions

  1. What themes does this book explore?
  2. How does the concept of the Midnight Library illustrate the power of choice?
  3. What is the significance of Nora's journey through the different bookshelves in the library?
  4. How do the different stories and characters Nora visits reflect her life experiences?
  5. What do you think is the main message or moral of The Midnight Library?
  6. Do you think that Matt Haig intended for readers to view this story as a cautionary tale about regret and letting go of the past, or was it meant to be a source of comfort?
  7. How does Nora's relationship with her father evolve throughout the novel?
  8. What did you find most striking about Nora's conversations with her “guide”, Ms Elm?
  9. Are there any moments in The Midnight Library that made you laugh or surprised you?
  10. In what ways do you think The Midnight Library can help readers explore their own lives and choices?

What to say about The Midnight Library

  • The Midnight Library really captures the power of hope and how it can shape our lives.
  • The concept of a library full of alternative realities was an intriguing one that kept me turning the pages.
  • The characters in The Midnight Library were very well developed and I felt invested in their stories throughout the book.
  • The idea of what we could have been or what could have been is explored in a thoughtful way in this novel.
  • I loved the unique setting of The Midnight Library, which added to its mysterious atmosphere.
  • I found the philosophical discussions between Nora and her librarian mentor to be particularly interesting and thought-provoking.
  • It was impressive how Matt Haig was able to explore so many different themes, such as life choices, regret, and death, in a single novel.
  • The message that we are all more than our mistakes was something that really resonated with me while reading The Midnight Library.
  • Despite being a work of fiction, I felt that The Midnight Library contained a lot of wisdom and insight into life that readers can take away from it.
  • I thought it was clever how Matt Haig managed to weave together so many different storylines within the narrative of The Midnight Library.

Top 5 Quotes from The Midnight Library

  1. "The darkest nights produce the brightest stars."
  2. "The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance."
  3. "We are all just walking each other home."
  4. "It's never too late to reinvent yourself."
  5. "Life isn't about finding yourself. It's about creating yourself."

Adaptations of The Midnight Library

At this time, there are no known adaptations of The Midnight Library.

Other books by Matt Haig

  • The Humans
  • Reasons to Stay Alive
  • Notes on a Nervous Planet
  • How To Stop Time
  • The Radleys
  • The Last Family in England
  • The Dead Fathers Club
  • Shadow Forest
  • The Runaway Troll
  • To Be A Cat
  • A Boy Called Christmas

Did you know?


The Midnight Library was written by Matt Haig, who is a best-selling author of both fiction and non-fiction books.