3 min read

The Keeper Of Stories: Summary

Everything you need to know about Sally Page's The Keeper Of Stories, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying The Keeper Of Stories by Sally Page in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying The Keeper Of Stories by Sally Page
The Keeper Of Stories is about Janice, a cleaner in Cambridge who has a knack for collecting the stories of other people. She doesn't know how it started, but she treasures all the stories she has heard and revisits them often.When she starts working for ninety year-old Mrs B, she meets someone who is eager to hear her own story, something Janice has no intention of revealing. But Mrs B is crafty and somehow manages to get Janice to open up.
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What is The Keeper Of Stories by Emily Rodda about?

The Keeper Of Stories is a fantasy novel by author Emily Rodda. It follows the story of two young children, Max and Emilia, who are taken away to the magical realm of Deltora. The realm is filled with strange creatures, magical powers, and untold mysteries. The main theme of the book is that knowledge is power and that stories have the ability to connect us to our past and create new possibilities for our future. Max and Emilia come to understand this as they explore Deltora and meet various characters who possess incredible amounts of knowledge. They learn about the power of storytelling, about how stories can shape our lives and help us make sense of our world. Another key theme in The Keeper Of Stories is friendship. As Max and Emilia travel through Deltora, they form strong bonds with the people they meet along the way and rely on each other for emotional support. This reinforces the importance of friendship as a source of strength and comfort in difficult times. Finally, The Keeper Of Stories emphasizes the importance of courage in facing life’s challenges. Despite being confronted with danger at every turn, Max and Emilia must summon their courage to complete their journey and save Deltora from evil forces. In doing so, they show readers that anything can be accomplished if one has enough determination and courage.

The Keeper Of Stories: Book Club Questions

  1. What themes does the novel explore?
  2. How does the protagonist's past influence their actions?
  3. What messages about family relationships are portrayed in the novel?
  4. What is the significance of the title "The Keeper Of Stories"?
  5. How does the author use language to create a vivid atmosphere and add depth to the story?
  6. Are there any characters that you found particularly influential or memorable?
  7. What did you think of the setting of the novel and why?
  8. How does the novel explore ideas of identity and belonging?
  9. Do you think this book presents an accurate representation of life for some people in our society today?
  10. What was your overall opinion of The Keeper Of Stories?

What to say about The Keeper Of Stories

  • The Keeper Of Stories is a captivating exploration of themes such as family and the power of storytelling.
  • I found the narrative style to be particularly intriguing, with its use of flashbacks and dream-like sequences.
  • The characters' journeys and struggles are both heartbreaking and inspiring, making it a truly moving read.
  • It's a thought-provoking book that encourages us to consider how our beliefs shape our reality.
  • I enjoyed the beautiful descriptions of the magical world in which this story takes place.
  • It is an enchanting tale that explores the importance of connection and belonging.
  • The Keeper Of Stories deftly weaves together ancient stories with modern-day life, creating a unique blend of fantasy and reality.
  • The vivid imagery and symbolism throughout this book bring it to life in a captivating way.
  • This book is an immersive experience that left me feeling uplifted by its message of hope and resilience.
  • The Keeper Of Stories is an incredible journey of self-discovery that will stay with you long after reaching the last page!

Top 5 Quotes from The Keeper Of Stories

  1. "A man who has no stories to tell is like a river without water."
  2. "The greatest stories are never written down; they live inside the hearts and minds of those who tell them."
  3. “Stories are the lifeblood of our collective spirit, the way we remember who we are and where we come from.”
  4. “We all have a story to tell, but not everyone is brave enough to tell it.”
  5. “A storyteller has no limits—they can take you anywhere they want, even places you never dreamed existed.”

Other books by Sally Page

  • The Witch Of Fearwood Woods
  • Under An Emerald Sky
  • The Winter Trail
  • The Flight Of The Starling
  • Dreams Of Summerland
  • The Secret Garden Of Hope
  • The Lost Treasure Of Norella
  • The Wolf And The Moonstone

Did you know?

The Keeper Of Stories is also the name of interactive storytelling game that was developed by a team of award-winning authors, designers, and developers to bring interactive storytelling experiences to a new level.