3 min read

The Heart of Aleppo: Summary

Everything you need to know about Ammar Habib's The Heart of Aleppo, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying The Heart of Aleppo by Ammar Habib in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying The Heart of Aleppo by Ammar Habib
The Heart of Aleppo is a story about a young boy named Muhannad who lives in the ancient city of Aleppo, Syria. Despite the turmoil and violence in his city, he finds joy in spending time with his family and exploring his beloved home. He is determined to keep up hope for his city's future and will not give up on it, no matter how much danger he is facing. With his courage and spirit, Muhannad shows readers the strength and importance of resilience in times of crisis.

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What is The Heart of Aleppo about?

The Heart of Aleppo is a story about resilience in the face of tragedy. It follows the journey of a young Syrian refugee, Jassim, as he struggles to rebuild his life after his home in Aleppo is destroyed by conflict. Through Jassim's experiences, we see a community come together to support each other and find hope in the midst of despair. The book also explores themes of friendship, family, courage, and loss. Ultimately, it is a story about how even in the darkest moments, people can still find strength and love.

The Heart of Aleppo: Book Club Questions

  1. What did you think of the way in which the author portrayed the city of Aleppo?
  2. How did the characters’ experiences of war shape their understanding of the world around them?
  3. What themes were prominent throughout the book?
  4. How did reading The Heart of Aleppo impact your view of modern-day Syria?
  5. What was your reaction to the way in which Syrians were portrayed?
  6. How did the book make you feel about the Syrian refugee crisis?
  7. What parallels do you draw between The Heart of Aleppo and other books focusing on conflict and displacement?
  8. Do you think the author accurately captured the experiences of those living in war-torn Aleppo?
  9. What ideas resonated with you most strongly throughout this book?
  10. How has reading The Heart of Aleppo impacted your understanding of human resilience and perseverance in times of difficulty?

What to say about The Heart of Aleppo

  • The Heart of Aleppo is a beautifully written and heart-wrenching story of the resilience of the Syrian people in the face of adversity.
  • The vivid descriptions and powerful dialogue within The Heart of Aleppo make it an incredibly immersive read.
  • The Heart of Aleppo provides an incredibly valuable insight into the lives of those affected by the ongoing conflict in Syria.
  • I was particularly struck by the author's ability to portray both the beauty and tragedy of life in Aleppo within this novel.
  • The Heart of Aleppo is a thought-provoking examination of themes such as family, loyalty, and resilience in times of war.
  • The characters within The Heart of Aleppo are remarkably developed and bring a human element to the story that is often missing from other accounts of conflict.
  • I found myself deeply moved by the emotional journey that each character takes throughout The Heart of Aleppo.
  • The way in which The Heart of Aleppo captures both hope and despair among its characters is truly remarkable.
  • The combination of realism and fantasy elements within The Heart of Aleppo creates an unique narrative structure that heightens the impact of the story.
  • Reading The Heart of Aleppo has made me reflect on my own life, as well as our responsibility to support those affected by global conflicts.

Top 5 Quotes from The Heart of Aleppo

  1. “When we are together, the world is more beautiful.”
  2. “The heart of Aleppo is made up of its people; it will never break or be defeated.”
  3. “We must keep our hope alive in these dark times, for without hope, what else is there?”
  4. “No matter what happens, I will always remain proud to be an Aleppian.”
  5. “In a city that has suffered so much, we cannot forget the power of love and friendship.”

Adaptations of The Heart of Aleppo

1. The Heart of Aleppo - A Feature Film (2017): Directed by Omar Al-Darsani, this feature film adaptation of The Heart of Aleppo tells the story of a young Syrian girl who is determined to rebuild her home city of Aleppo despite the horrors of war. 2. The Heart of Aleppo: An Audio Drama (2018): Produced by the BBC World Service, this radio drama adaptation of The Heart of Aleppo tells the story of a young girl in Aleppo and her journey from despair to hope. 3. The Heart of Aleppo: A Documentary (2019): Produced by Sky News Arabia, this documentary adaptation takes viewers through the destruction and rebuilding efforts in Aleppo as told by its citizens. 4. The Heart of Aleppo: A Theatre Production (2020): Adapted for the stage by Creative Communities International, this play brings to life the stories and struggles of those living in Syria's most populous city during the civil war.

Other books by Ammar Habib

  • From Aleppo to America: My Journey Through Faith, War and Revolution
  • With the Rebel Fighters of Aleppo: A Journey into the Unknown Syria
  • The Syrian Exodus: How a People Lost Their Homeland
  • Inside Syria: Stories from the Revolution
  • The Struggle for Syria: Foreign Intervention in a Domestic War
  • The Power of War: Understanding Conflict in an Age of Globalization

Did you know?


The Heart of Aleppo, a 15th century monument located in the center of the old city, was the only surviving structure after a major fire destroyed most of the city in 1822.