3 min read

The Diamond Eye: Summary

Everything you need to know about Kate Quinn's The Diamond Eye, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying The Diamond Eye by Kate Quinn in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying The Diamond Eye by Kate Quinn
The Diamond Eye begins in the snow-covered city of Kiev, where Mila Pavlichenko’s life revolves around her beloved son – until Hitler’s invasion of Russia turns everything upside down. Mila and her peers must take up arms to protect their homeland from the Fuhrer’s destruction.Mila surprisingly discovers a hidden talent for shooting and months of rigorous training transform her into a lethal sniper. Her success is bittersweet as she is separated from the battlegrounds of the eastern front and sent to America while the war is still raging. In the US, she finds an unexpected ally in First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and a chance to build a different future. But a former enemy and a terrifying new challenger join forces, forcing Mila into the most perilous duel of her life. The Diamond Eye is a haunting tale of heroism born of necessity, of a mother who became a soldier and of a woman who changed the face of history.

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Or do you want to know more?

Not to be confused with: The Diamond Eye by Ruth Paul

The Diamond Eye is a children's picture book written by Ruth Paul. It tells the story of a young girl named Danya, who discovers a magical diamond eye that gives her the power to understand animals. Through her journey of learning and discovery, Danya learns that all creatures are connected, and that each has something special and unique to offer. The main themes explored in The Diamond Eye include friendship, understanding, respect, tolerance, and compassion. The story encourages children to think about how we can appreciate differences among people and animals alike, while also showing how these differences can unite us. It also highlights the importance of looking beyond appearances in order to better understand the world around us. Additionally, The Diamond Eye emphasizes the value of protecting nature and of respecting its wonders.

The Diamond Eye: Book Club Questions

  1. What was your favorite character in The Diamond Eye and why?
  2. What did you think the book was trying to say about the power of friendship?
  3. How did the magical elements in the story shape its themes and characters?
  4. Why do you think the author chose to focus on a diamond as their main source of magical power?
  5. Did the ending of the book surprise you or leave you wanting more?
  6. What did you make of the role of destiny in this story?
  7. Do you think that Shina and her friends were able to learn any lessons from their adventures?
  8. How did the book explore the idea of loyalty between different species?
  9. Was there any symbolism or deeper meaning behind each character’s journey?
  10. Do you think The Diamond Eye has something important to say about growing up and coming of age?

What to say about The Diamond Eye

  • The Diamond Eye is a captivating and thought-provoking read.
  • The intricate plot of The Diamond Eye kept me on the edge of my seat.
  • I found the characters in The Diamond Eye to be well-developed and dynamic.
  • What I appreciated most about The Diamond Eye was its imaginative world-building.
  • The Diamond Eye has a powerful message about the power of friendship and trust.
  • I found the themes in The Diamond Eye to be incredibly timely and relevant.
  • What I found most enjoyable about The Diamond Eye was the suspenseful twists and turns of the story.
  • The Diamond Eye is a truly unique piece of literature that stands out from other books in its genre.
  • There are many lessons to be learned from reading The Diamond Eye, both moral and philosophical ones alike.
  • I would highly recommend The Diamond Eye to anyone looking for an exciting, unpredictable read!

Other books by Kate Quinn

  • The Alice Network
  • The Huntress
  • The Rose Code
  • The Shadow Queen
  • The Lion and the Throne
  • The Firebird

Did you know?

The Diamond Eye is also the name of the world's largest artificial diamond, measuring 3 inches in diameter and weighing over 7.5 pounds.