3 min read

Stiff: Summary

Everything you need to know about Mary Roach's Stiff, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Stiff by Mary Roach in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Stiff by Mary Roach
In her book Stiff, Mary Roach takes a humorous look at the history and uses of cadavers. From describing how corpses are used to test crash safety in cars to examining how donated bodies are used for medical research, she explores the taboo topic with wit and insight. She delves into the legal and ethical implications behind such use of cadavers, highlighting the often-surprising ways in which our bodies can be put to use after death.

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Stiff: Key Points

  1. Stiff examines the various uses of human cadavers, from medical research to crash test dummies.
  2. It highlights the invaluable contributions that cadavers make to science and medicine.
  3. It looks at the history of anatomy and how it has changed over time.
  4. It explores the ethical and legal issues surrounding the use of cadavers in research and education.
  5. It delves into the fascinating and often bizarre stories that have come out of cadaver donation and research.
  6. It examines the emotions and motivations behind why individuals choose to donate their bodies to science or forensics.
  7. It highlights the importance of respecting the dead, even in scientific pursuits, as well as recognizing their invaluable contributions to society.

What to say about Stiff

  • "Stiff by Mary Roach is a fascinating exploration of the science behind cadavers and their importance to medical research."
  • "The book provides an in-depth look at the ethical implications and cultural taboos associated with the use of cadavers."
  • "Stiff is an eye-opening read that will challenge readers to look at death in a new light."
  • "Roach's writing is engaging and entertaining, while still managing to be educational and informative."
  • "The book is filled with interesting historical facts and anecdotes about cadavers and their various uses over the centuries."
  • "Stiff provides a deep dive into the scientific research conducted on cadavers and the many advances made possible by them."
  • "It's a captivating read that offers valuable insight into the complex relationship between death, science, and society."
  • "Stiff serves as an important reminder of how invaluable cadavers are to medical research and progress."
  • "Mary Roach expertly balances humor, pathos, and scientific accuracy in her exploration of this sensitive topic."
  • "Stiff is a thought-provoking book that will leave its readers with much to contemplate long after they've finished reading it."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Stiff

  • Mary Roach's Stiff is a must-read for anyone interested in learning the science behind the afterlife. A fascinating exploration of cadavers and the unique ways they have impacted our understanding of history and medicine. #Stiff
  • Are you curious about what happens to a body after death? Pick up Mary Roach's Stiff to get an inside look at the human body postmortem! #Stiff
  • Mary Roach's Stiff is an insightful and humorous look at what happens to a body once life has left it. An intriguing read for anyone looking to learn more about the science behind death. #Stiff
  • An eye-opening read on how cadavers have shaped medical history and research: Stiff by Mary Roach! #Stiff
  • Fascinated by the afterlife? Check out Mary Roach's book Stiff for an irreverent and informative look at the science behind cadavers. #Stiff

Top 5 Quotes from Stiff

  1. "If you're curious, be warned: You may not like what you find."
  2. "Death has been feared, worshipped, and mocked, but rarely understood."
  3. "Dead bodies are useful. They help us understand life."
  4. "We are all terminal cases."
  5. "When it comes to death, we carry on as if nothing has changed—except everything has changed."

Other books by Mary Roach

  • Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void
  • Grunt: The Curious Science of Humans at War
  • Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal
  • Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife
  • Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex
  • The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2018 (Editor

Did you know?


Stiff was the first book published by Mary Roach, and it became a New York Times Bestseller.