3 min read

Steve Jobs: Summary

Everything you need to know about Walter Isaacson's Steve Jobs, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
Steve Jobs was an iconic entrepreneur who revolutionized the tech industry and influenced the lives of millions. He founded Apple Inc. in 1976 and served as CEO until 2011, when he passed away from cancer. The biography chronicles his life story, from his humble beginnings to his meteoric rise to fame and fortune. It also examines the obstacles he faced during his journey and the impact he had on the world. Despite his unorthodox management style and polarizing personality, Jobs was a visionary leader who changed the way we interact with technology.

Want to know more?

Steve Jobs: Key Points

  1. Steve Jobs was an innovative and driven leader with a unique vision for technology and the world. He was a passionate perfectionist who pushed himself and others to the highest levels of excellence.
  2. Jobs had a strong belief in his own ideas and was willing to take risks to make them happen. He was also known for his "reality distortion field" which allowed him to sell others on his vision.
  3. Jobs was a master storyteller with a knack for simplifying complex topics into easily understandable concepts. He used this ability to explain his vision and inspire teams of people to work together on projects that changed the world.
  4. Jobs' determination to revolutionize technology and design led him to create some of the most successful products in history, including the Apple II, Macintosh, iPod, iPhone, and iPad.
  5. He also had a deep understanding of marketing and public relations which he used to create powerful campaigns that positioned Apple as a cutting-edge company with superior products.
  6. Despite his success, Jobs faced many personal challenges throughout his life including problems with relationships, health issues, and struggles with drugs and alcohol.

What to say about Steve Jobs

  • Steve Jobs was a visionary leader who constantly pushed boundaries and challenged the status quo.
  • Through the example of his life, he showed us the power of passion and creativity to create something remarkable.
  • He understood the importance of giving back and left an incredible legacy of generosity and innovation.
  • His entrepreneurial spirit changed the face of technology and inspired millions worldwide.
  • The products created by Steve Jobs revolutionized the way we communicate, live, and work.
  • He was a masterful story-teller who could make complex ideas relatable to a wide audience.
  • His ability to balance risk-taking with calculated decision-making made him one of the most successful businessmen in history.
  • Steve Jobs' ingenuity and dedication to detail allowed him to create iconic products that would become game changers for our generation.
  • His vision for Apple was relentless, inspiring all of us to never settle for mediocrity or accept limitations as finalities.
  • Steve Jobs' legacy will continue to leave its mark in history as an enduring reminder of what can be achieved when you believe in yourself and follow your dreams with unwavering commitment and passion.

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Steve Jobs

  • Walter Isaacson's biography on Steve Jobs is a must-read for anyone looking to gain insight into the life and work of one of the most influential figures in modern times. #SteveJobs #WalterIsaacson
  • The legacy of Steve Jobs lives on through his innovative products, which continue to shape how we work and play today. #Innovation #SteveJobs
  • As Walter Isaacson's biography reveals, Steve Jobs was a creative genius who pushed boundaries to develop revolutionary products and ideas. #Creativity #SteveJobs
  • A great leader, an inspiring innovator - Steve Jobs is an icon whose impact will be felt for generations to come. #Leadership #SteveJobs
  • "Stay hungry, stay foolish," was the mantra that drove Steve Jobs' success, as detailed in Walter Isaacson's compelling biography. #Inspiration #SteveJobs

Top 5 Quotes from Steve Jobs

  1. "Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations."
  2. "Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
  3. "Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life."
  4. "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower."
  5. "Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected."

Other books by Walter Isaacson

  • The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution
  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race
  • Benjamin Franklin: An American Life
  • Einstein: His Life and Universe
  • Kissinger: A Biography
  • The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made

Did you know?


Steve Jobs was an avid reader of William Blake's poetry and often quoted it in his speeches.