3 min read

Speak: Summary

Everything you need to know about Laurie Halse Anderson's Speak, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson is a young adult novel about Melinda Sordino, a high school freshman who calls 911 on the night of her end-of-summer party. After this event, she is ostracized and becomes an outcast amongst her peers. Throughout the year, Melinda struggles to find her voice and gain the courage to tell her story, as well as to stand up for herself against her classmates and teachers. With the help of her art teacher, she begins to express herself creatively and ultimately finds the strength to speak out again.

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What is Speak about?

The main theme of Speak is the power of speaking up and finding one's own voice. The novel follows the story of Melinda Sordino, a high school freshman who has stopped talking almost completely after being raped at a summer party prior to her freshman year. Throughout the novel, Melinda struggles with holding onto her voice as she confronts the pressures of teenage life, trauma, depression and bullying. Other themes addressed in Speak include resilience, loss of innocence, identity and self-expression. Melinda's journey reveals her courage and strength in overcoming her silence and speaking up for herself, even when it feels like no one is listening or understanding. Despite the challenges she faces, she finds ways to express herself through art and eventually learns how to communicate with others honestly. The book also explores themes of female empowerment and standing up against injustice. By standing up for herself and speaking out against her rapist's actions, Melinda reclaims her power and helps restore justice in her community. Finally, the novel also touches on themes of friendship and support. Through her friendships with Heather, David Petrakis and even her teachers, Melinda finds comfort and understanding that ultimately helps her find her voice again.

Speak: Book Club Questions

  1. How did the protagonist's experience in the novel Speak reflect the struggles of many young people today?
  2. What was the most powerful scene in the novel and why?
  3. How did Melinda's silence affect her relationships with others?
  4. How did Melinda's relationships with others change throughout the course of the novel?
  5. What does Melinda's story teach us about resilience and overcoming difficult situations?
  6. What role does art play in Melinda’s recovery from her traumatic experience?
  7. How did Melinda use humor as a coping strategy throughout the novel?
  8. What were some of the main themes of Speak, and how did they affect the plot?
  9. What significance do symbols like "the tree" have in the novel?
  10. In what ways do you think Speak has impacted conversations around sexual assault and trauma?

What to say about Speak

  • Speak explores a difficult topic in a compelling and thoughtful way.
  • The characters in Speak are incredibly well-developed, making the story feel very authentic.
  • Speak is an important book that brings to light the power of finding one's voice and speaking up against injustice.
  • The themes of friendship and self-discovery in Speak are truly inspiring.
  • The author has done a great job of creating a story that is both heartbreaking and uplifting at the same time.
  • Speak is incredibly powerful in its exploration of the relationship between the protagonist and her peers, family, and teachers.
  • Melinda's journey from silence to speaking out is both poignant and empowering.
  • Speak offers an emotionally honest portrayal of a young girl struggling with trauma and finding her way back to herself.
  • The symbolism used throughout the book adds another layer of depth to the story that further enhances its impact.
  • Speak is a beautiful yet heartbreaking story about healing and finding hope in the darkest of times.

Top 5 Quotes from Speak

  1. "I didn't tell anyone about it. I couldn't. Even if I had known the words, I wouldn't have been able to speak them."
  2. "Sometimes people don't understand the promises they're making when they make them."
  3. "The first ten lies they tell you are the hardest to believe."
  4. "My life was on mute."
  5. "And that's why I'm telling you this story. So you'll remember that silence is a choice."

Adaptations of Speak

TV: - Speak (2012) (Television movie produced by Lifetime) Film: - Speak (2004) (Directed by Jessica Sharzer and starring Kristen Stewart) Radio: - Speak (2016) (BBC Radio 4 adaptation by Mark Ravenhill, with Kate Fleetwood in the lead role) Podcast: - Speak (2018) (podcast adaptation produced by Audible Originals) Theatrical: - Speak (2019) (play adapted by Tricia Soloman and performed at the Royal Exchange Theatre in Manchester, England).

Other books by Laurie Halse Anderson

  • Chains
  • Forge
  • Fever, 1793
  • Prom
  • Catalyst
  • Twisted
  • Wintergirls
  • The Impossible Knife of Memory
  • Ashes
  • Shout

Did you know?


Speak is the official language of Gibraltar, an overseas British territory located on the southern tip of Spain.