3 min read

People of the Book: Summary

Everything you need to know about Geraldine Brooks's People of the Book, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks
People of the Book is a novel by Geraldine Brooks about the journey of a rare and mysterious book known as the Sarajevo Haggadah. It follows the adventures of Hanna Heath, an Australian rare-book expert, as she travels from Australia to Europe, piecing together the history of this ancient Jewish book. Along the way, she discovers its relevance in various cultures and religions over time, learning about its importance to Jews, Muslims, and Christians alike. The story reveals how faith, culture, history and science intertwine to create a beautiful tapestry that binds us all together.

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What is People of the Book about?

People of the Book is a historical novel by Australian author Geraldine Brooks. It tells the story of Hanna Heath, an Australian rare-book expert who is commissioned by the National Library of Sarajevo to investigate the history of a rare and mysterious Jewish prayer book known as the Sarajevo Haggadah. As Hanna delves into the book’s stories, she discovers a link between her present and a distant past, uncovering secrets that span centuries and continents. The key themes of People of the Book include: cultural heritage, faith and identity, tolerance, war and conflict, survival and resilience. Throughout her investigations, Hanna discovers that the Sarajevo Haggadah has endured centuries of religious persecutions and wars, ultimately becoming a symbol of hope for those persecuted for their religion. The novel explores how cultural heritage can be used to build bridges between people from different backgrounds, uniting them in a common cause. Additionally, it examines how faith can help individuals remain resilient during difficult times. Finally, People of the Book highlights the importance of tolerance in our increasingly diverse societies.

People of the Book: Book Club Questions

  1. What themes do you think were important in the book?
  2. How did Helena's journey of discovery affect you as a reader?
  3. How does the author use symbolism to convey the story of People of the Book?
  4. Was there any particular character that resonated with you during the story?
  5. What was your favorite scene and why?
  6. How did the book explore the concept of identity?
  7. What did you think of the story's resolution?
  8. What did you learn about yourself through reading this book?
  9. Do you think there are any lessons to be taken away from this novel?
  10. How do you think this book compares to other books in its genre?

What to say about People of the Book

  • The characterization of the main character was particularly compelling, as she navigated her journey through the centuries.
  • The novel's exploration of the themes of identity and truth was thought-provoking.
  • I found the author's weaving of historical fact with fiction to be quite ingenious.
  • It was fascinating to see how the different characters evolved and changed throughout the story.
  • I appreciated the way the novel tackled difficult topics such as faith and cultural identity in a sensitive manner.
  • I thoroughly enjoyed the book's vivid descriptions, which brought its setting to life.
  • The multiple storylines added an intriguing layer of complexity to the narrative.
  • I was impressed by how engaging and immersive People of the Book was from start to finish.
  • The author's attention to detail and research was clearly evident in her writing.
  • People of the Book is a captivating read that will leave readers wanting more!

Top 5 Quotes from People of the Book

  1. "It is not a question of what we look like, it is a question of what we believe."
  2. "The truth is, that which we call history is no more than a thin slice of the past."
  3. "The only real failure is the failure to try."
  4. "The past is never dead. It's not even past."
  5. "No one ever steps into the same river twice; for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same person."

Adaptations of People of the Book

1. People of the Book (2020) is a feature film adaptation of Geraldine Brooks' novel of the same name. The film was directed by Daina Reid and stars Rachel Weisz, Paul Rudd, Miranda Otto, and Mark Strong. 2. People of the Book (2008) is an Australian radio drama series broadcast on ABC Radio National. It was adapted from the novel by playwright Hilary Bell and directed by Sally Richardson. 3. People of the Book (2016) is a podcast hosted by author Geraldine Brooks. Each episode features interviews with scholars and experts about the history and culture of different people featured in her novel. 4. People of the Book (2017) is a theatrical production adapted from Geraldine Brooks’ novel for the stage. The show was written by playwright David Yee and premiered at Canadian Stage in Toronto, Canada.

Other books by Geraldine Brooks

  • Year of Wonders March Caleb's Crossing Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women Foreign Correspondence: A Pen Pal's Journey from Down Under to All Over The Secret Chord The People of the Book (novel)

Did you know?


The term 'People of the Book' is used to refer to Jews, Christians and Muslims, who are all said to have descended from Abraham.