3 min read

Peace Like a River: Summary

Everything you need to know about Leif Enger's Peace Like a River, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Peace Like a River by Leif Enger in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Peace Like a River by Leif Enger
Peace Like a River is a novel by Leif Enger that tells the story of 11-year-old Reuben Land and his family. Reuben's father, Davy, is an ex-convict with a mysterious past and an unshakeable faith in God. When Davy is wrongfully accused of a crime, Reuben and his siblings decide to embark on a journey from Minnesota to North Dakota to find their father and prove his innocence. Along the way, they face many obstacles, but ultimately rely on their strong bond as a family and Davy's unwavering belief in God to help them fulfill their mission.

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What is Peace Like a River about?

Peace Like a River is a novel by author Leif Enger that tells the story of the Land family. Living in Minnesota, the Lanes are faced with various trials and tribulations that test their faith and love for one another. The novel explores themes of family relationships, faith, courage, and justice. The novel focuses on eleven year-old Reuben Lane, who is desperate to save his father Davy who is facing a life sentence in prison for a crime he did not commit. Throughout the novel, Reuben struggles to understand how God can allow such injustice and follows his older brother Jeremiah as they embark on an epic journey to free their father from prison. Along the way, the brothers must overcome many obstacles and face some difficult decisions. The novel also explores themes of faith and courage as each member of the Lane family must confront their own personal battles in order to find peace within themselves and with each other. In addition to this, it looks at how faith can help us overcome seemingly insurmountable odds and how justice can be achieved through hope and perseverance.

Peace Like a River: Book Club Questions

  1. What did you think was the central theme of the novel?
  2. How did Reuben's relationship with his father, Jeremiah, shape the story?
  3. In what ways did the landscape of the West affect the characters' journeys?
  4. How did author Leif Enger use symbolism and imagery to tell his story?
  5. Discuss how various characters in the novel dealt with their grief and loss.
  6. Why do you think Davy chose to join the outlaws rather than stay with his family?
  7. How do faith and miracles factor into the novel's plot?
  8. What is the significance of Miriam's character arc throughout the novel?
  9. How did Reuben's belief in miracles change over the course of the book?
  10. In what ways were Jess and Swede a positive influence on Reuben and Davy?

What to say about Peace Like a River

  • The vivid imagery in Peace Like a River makes it an incredibly captivating read.
  • Leif Enger captures the beauty of nature and human emotion in an incredibly moving way.
  • It is remarkable how the author manages to juxtapose tragedy and hope throughout the novel.
  • The characters in Peace Like a River are so well-developed that they become almost like family to the reader.
  • The themes of faith, resilience, and family ties are integral elements of Peace Like a River that make it such a timeless classic.
  • The story provides a poignant look into the power of love and its ability to transcend even the greatest obstacles.
  • Enger's use of language is truly masterful and helps to create a powerful atmosphere for the reader to get lost in.
  • The complexity of the narrative structure is impressive, as it moves effortlessly between past and present events with ease.
  • Peace Like a River paints an honest portrait of rural America during turbulent times and highlights the strength of small towns coming together in times of need.
  • This novel is truly an inspiring tale that should be shared with generations to come.

Top 5 Quotes from Peace Like a River

  1. "It's a mystery that the stars and sky are so much brighter here than in any city."
  2. "My faith was like a great oak, rooted in the past but growing toward the future."
  3. "I'm telling you the truth, even if it hurts."
  4. "We live by grace and love, not by rules and regulations."
  5. "A promise is a comfort to a fool."

Adaptations of Peace Like a River

Currently, there are no adaptations of Peace Like a River.

Other books by Leif Enger

  • So Brave, Young, and Handsome
  • Virgil Wander
  • The High Divide

Did you know?


Peace Like a River was the winner of several awards, including the 2001 Book Sense Book of the Year Award for Fiction and The New York Times Notable Books of 2001.