3 min read

Never Split the Difference: Summary

Everything you need to know about Christopher Voss and Tahl Raz's Never Split the Difference, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Never Split the Difference by Christopher Voss and Tahl Raz in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Never Split the Difference by Christopher Voss and Tahl Raz
Never Split the Difference is a book that teaches readers how to negotiate in order to get what they want. It is based on the experiences of the author, Chris Voss, who was an FBI hostage negotiator. The book explains how to use techniques such as listening carefully, asking open-ended questions, and understanding the other person’s perspective to take control of negotiations and come away with a better deal. Voss also provides advice on how to stay calm under pressure and handle difficult conversations.

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What is Never Split the Difference about?

Never Split the Difference is a book by veteran FBI negotiator Chris Voss which explores the power of negotiation. The book takes readers through the nine essential elements of negotiation, such as using tactical empathy, mastering your stories, and understanding the power of no. Voss also provides strategies for overcoming common obstacles that negotiators face in their everyday lives. Ultimately, Voss’s goal is to provide readers with the tools to negotiate successfully in any situation - from car buying to job interviews. The key theme of Never Split the Difference is how to become a better negotiator by learning how to think like one and by understanding how to use emotional intelligence in order to reach successful outcomes.

Never Split the Difference: Book Club Questions

  1. What is the most valuable lesson you took away from Never Split the Difference?
  2. How did the author's ideas about negotiation help you in your daily life?
  3. What techniques from the book do you find most useful and why?
  4. How did the book help you better understand the dynamics of negotiating?
  5. How does the author's advice relate to real-world negotiations?
  6. What unique insights or strategies did you gain from reading this book?
  7. What advice would you give someone who is new to negotiation and needs some guidance on how to start?
  8. How has the book changed your perspective on bargaining and conflict resolution?
  9. Were there any surprises that you encountered while reading Never Split the Difference?
  10. In what ways can you apply the concepts discussed in this book to other areas of life such as parenting, relationships, or career advancement?

What to say about Never Split the Difference

  • Never Split the Difference provides an innovative approach to negotiation that is both effective and insightful.
  • Chris Voss’s negotiation tactics are highly practical and can be easily applied in a variety of contexts.
  • The book presents an accessible yet comprehensive guide to successful negotiation.
  • Never Split the Difference challenges traditional approaches to negotiation and encourages readers to think outside the box.
  • It offers unique solutions to difficult problems, enabling readers to become more effective negotiators.
  • Voss’s lessons are backed up by solid research and real-world examples, making them highly reliable and applicable to any situation.
  • The book is well-structured, making it easy for readers to find what they need quickly and efficiently.
  • By reading Never Split the Difference, readers will gain invaluable skills that will help them succeed in any type of negotiation they encounter in life or business.
  • The strategies presented in the book allow readers to make better decisions when negotiating, resulting in more positive outcomes for all parties involved.
  • This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to become a master negotiator!

Top 5 Quotes from Never Split the Difference

  1. "Start with the facts and let feelings follow."
  2. "The greatest asset in any negotiation is the ability to be resilient."
  3. "What you allow is what will continue."
  4. "People don't resist change, they resist being changed."
  5. "Listen intently to what people say, but watch carefully what they do."

Adaptations of Never Split the Difference

There are currently no TV, film, radio, podcast or theatrical adaptations of Never Split the Difference.

Other books by Christopher Voss and Tahl Raz

  • The Art of Negotiation: How to Improvise Agreement in a Chaotic World
  • Unfair Advantage: What You Need to Know to Create the Future You Want

Did you know?


Never Split the Difference was written by Chris Voss, who is a former lead international hostage negotiator for the FBI.