3 min read

My Sister's Keeper: Summary

Everything you need to know about Jodi Picoult's My Sister's Keeper, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
My Sister's Keeper is a novel by Jodi Picoult about a family faced with an overwhelming challenge. Anna, the youngest daughter of Sara and Brian Fitzgerald, was born to be a genetic match for her older sister Kate, who suffers from leukemia. As Kate's health continues to decline, the Fitzgeralds face difficult decisions regarding Anna's future and how far they are willing to go to save their daughter's life. Torn between their love for both daughters, Anna and her parents must ultimately make a heartbreaking choice that could change their lives forever.

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What is My Sister's Keeper about?

My Sister's Keeper is a novel by Jodi Picoult that deals with a number of themes, including family loyalty, medical ethics, and the power of love. The story follows Anna Fitzgerald, whose older sister Kate has been diagnosed with leukemia. Anna was genetically engineered to be a perfect donor for Kate, and she must decide whether or not to donate her kidney to her sister. Along the way, Anna learns about the strength of family bonds and what it means to do the right thing even when it involves difficult decisions. The novel also explores the ethical implications of using medical technology to create life and examines how far people are willing to go in order to save someone they love.

My Sister's Keeper: Book Club Questions

  1. How did the relationships between the characters in My Sister's Keeper evolve throughout the story?
  2. Why did Anna decide to take legal action against her parents?
  3. How does the concept of family loyalty play a role in the novel?
  4. Do you think Jesse was a sympathetic character?
  5. What do you think were Sara and Brian's motivations for making their decisions in regards to their daughter, Kate?
  6. How does My Sister's Keeper portray the moral and ethical issues surrounding medical treatments for pediatric cancer?
  7. Was the court decision in favor of Anna at the end of the novel justified?
  8. What themes did you notice throughout My Sister's Keeper and how did they impact the narrative?
  9. How did Jodi Picoult use foreshadowing in her novel?
  10. What do you think is the overall message of My Sister's Keeper?

What to say about My Sister's Keeper

  • My Sister's Keeper is an incredibly powerful and moving story that captures the full range of emotions experienced in a family with a chronically ill member.
  • Jodi Picoult expertly weaves a complex plot that explores delicate issues like medical ethics, the limits of parental love, and the difficult decisions that families must make in extreme situations.
  • Even though it is a work of fiction, the characters feel real and their struggles are poignant and relatable.
  • The novel offers an honest look at how illness affects families and how they cope with this life-changing event.
  • The structure of the novel allows readers to gain insight into each character's perspective as well as to compare their reactions to each other.
  • It is remarkable how Picoult manages to evoke such strong emotions in her readers when exploring themes such as grief and guilt.
  • My Sister's Keeper is an exceptional story that will stay with you long after reading it.
  • The thought-provoking questions that this book raises about medical ethics, family dynamics, and personal responsibility are sure to spark lively discussion in any book club or classroom setting.
  • Jodi Picoult has crafted an unforgettable story that will surely resonate with many readers no matter what their own experiences may be.
  • As a whole, My Sister's Keeper is both heartbreakingly beautiful and thought-provoking at the same time, making it an excellent choice for book clubs everywhere!

Top 5 Quotes from My Sister's Keeper

  1. "Life is made of ever so many partings welded together."
  2. "Life isn't about being dealt a good hand. It's about playing a poor hand well."
  3. "The truth is, every son rises to the honor of his mother's prayers."
  4. "No matter what we do, there's always a price to pay."
  5. "It's not about winning or losing, it's about how you play the game."

Adaptations of My Sister's Keeper

TV: -My Sister's Keeper (TV Movie, 2002) -My Sister's Keeper (TV Series, 2004–2005) Film: -My Sister's Keeper (2009) -My Sister's Keeper (Japanese Film, 2010) Radio: -My Sister's Keeper (Radio Play, 2013) Podcast: -My Sister’s Keeper Podcast (2017-)

Other books by Jodi Picoult

  • Small Great Things
  • The Storyteller
  • Leaving Time
  • Between the Lines
  • Sing You Home
  • House Rules
  • Handle with Care
  • Change of Heart
  • Nineteen Minutes
  • The Tenth Circle
  • The Pact
  • Plain Truth
  • Salem Falls
  • Perfect Match Keeping Faith Vanishing Acts The Lone Wolf Singular Intimacies  My Sister's Keeper: A Novel (film tie-in

Did you know?


My Sister's Keeper was adapted into a major motion picture in 2009, starring Cameron Diaz, Abigail Breslin, and Alec Baldwin.