4 min read

Moloka'i: Summary

Everything you need to know about Alan Brennert's Moloka'i, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Moloka'i by Alan Brennert in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Moloka'i by Alan Brennert
Moloka'i is an island in the Hawaiian archipelago located northeast of Oahu. It is known for its rich cultural traditions and its untouched natural beauty. The island has a long history of settlement by ancient Hawaiian royalty, and today it is home to many Native Hawaiian people. Moloka'i is rich in flora and fauna, with lush tropical rainforests, breathtaking waterfalls, picturesque beaches, and abundant marine life. In addition to its stunning landscapes, Moloka'i offers a variety of activities for visitors such as snorkeling, hiking, kayaking, horseback riding, fishing, and more. It is also home to several historic sites that reflect the island's unique culture.

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What is Moloka'i about?

Moloka'i is a story about a young Hawaiian girl named Rachel who contracts leprosy at the age of seven and is sent to the settlement of Kalaupapa on the island of Molokai. The book explores themes of identity, isolation, family, faith, and resilience in the face of adversity. It highlights how those living with leprosy were treated unfairly and forced into exile, while also celebrating their courage and strength in the face of such discrimination. The story focuses on Rachel's personal journey as she learns to adjust to her new life and navigate her relationships with other characters. Ultimately, Moloka'i shows that even when people are faced with great challenges, they can still find ways to connect with loved ones and find peace in their lives.

Moloka'i: Book Club Questions

  1. What did you think of Rachel's journey to Moloka'i and her struggles to adjust to her new life?
  2. How did the setting of Moloka'i impact the novel's themes?
  3. How did Rachel's relationship with Kenji, Pono, and Father Damien shape her character development?
  4. What are your thoughts on the tension between Hawaiian culture and Christian beliefs explored in the book?
  5. How did Rachel's relationships with other leprosy patients affect her view of herself and her illness?
  6. Do you think Rachel was able to find a sense of peace by the end of the book?
  7. How do you think Rachel's story reflects the broader history of leprosy in Hawaii and around the world?
  8. How does the novel portray the importance of family and community for individuals affected by leprosy?
  9. What messages about strength, resilience, and hope does this book convey?
  10. Do you think Moloka'i is an accurate portrayal of life in a leprosy settlement during this period in history?

What to say about Moloka'i

  • Moloka'i is an incredibly moving and thought-provoking novel that sheds light on the realities of life in Kalaupapa, a leper colony in Hawaii.
  • The story of Rachel and her family touches on themes of faith, resilience, and the power of human relationships.
  • In many ways, Moloka'i is a story about acceptance and overcoming adversity.
  • I was particularly moved by the way Alan Brennert seamlessly weaves together elements of history with those of fantasy to create a captivating narrative.
  • Throughout the novel there is a strong sense of hope that resonates with readers in spite of the hardships Rachel faces.
  • The characters in Moloka'i are incredibly vivid and well-developed, making it easy for readers to become emotionally invested in their stories.
  • I was particularly impressed by the way Alan Brennert crafted such vivid descriptions of the landscape and culture of Moloka'i.
  • The connections between Rachel and Kalua throughout the novel were especially meaningful to me as a reader.
  • I appreciated the way that Moloka'i highlights the importance of community and family, even in difficult times.
  • Overall, I found Moloka'i to be an incredibly powerful book that offers both emotional depth and cultural insight into a little known part of Hawaiian history.

Top 5 Quotes from Moloka'i

  1. "The best way to survive is to make yourself indispensable."
  2. "Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more."
  3. "Sometimes our greatest blessings come in the shape of our greatest difficulties."
  4. "No matter how you're broken, you can always be put back together."
  5. "We have the power to choose what we do with our lives. We can take whatever hand we are dealt and use it to make a better future for ourselves and others."

Adaptations of Moloka'i

1. Moloka'i: The Story of Father Damien (1999) - A feature-length documentary about the life and work of Father Damien de Veuster, who ministered to leprosy victims on the Hawaiian island of Moloka'i. 2. Hawaii Five-0 (2010-2020) - Episode "Ka Iwi Kapu" featured a story involving a mysterious death on Moloka'i. 3. Island of Hope (2013) – A short film about a young girl who is sent to Moloka’i for leper treatment and discovers hope in her new home. 4. RadioLab (2015) - Episode "The Great Frustration" looked at the history of leprosy in Hawaii and its impact on the people of Moloka'i. 5. The Hawaiians (2015) – A short film about a young man, infected with leprosy, who finds solace in his new home on Moloka’i. 6. Molokai: The Story of Father Damien (2016) - A feature length documentary that tells the story of Father Damien's work on Moloka'i and his ministry to the lepers there.

Other books by Alan Brennert

  • Palisades Park
  • Honolulu
  • The Grand Tour
  • The Aloha Quilt
  • Maquette
  • Time and Chance
  • The Wall of Stars
  • Daughter of Moloka'i

Did you know?


Moloka'i is home to the world's highest sea cliffs, which are over 3,000 feet tall.