4 min read

Midwives: Summary

Everything you need to know about Chris Bohjalian's Midwives, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Midwives by Chris Bohjalian in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Midwives by Chris Bohjalian
Midwives are healthcare professionals who specialize in providing care to pregnant women and their families during pregnancy, childbirth, and after delivery. They use a holistic approach to health care that focuses on the physical, emotional, and psychological needs of the mother and baby. Midwives provide information on prenatal care, labor and delivery, postpartum care, breastfeeding support, nutrition guidance, and newborn care. They are trained in various medical procedures such as monitoring vital signs and conducting vaginal exams. In addition to providing medical care, midwives also offer emotional support to new mothers in the form of counseling and education.

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What is Midwives about?

Midwives is a historical fiction novel by Chris Bohjalian. It tells the story of Sibyl Danforth, a midwife living in rural Vermont in the 1980s, who is put on trial for her involvement in a home birth gone wrong. The main themes explored include medical ethics, the power of female friendship and sisterhood, as well as traditional versus modern approaches to childbirth. Throughout the novel, readers are asked to consider the ethical implications of midwifery practice, while also being challenged to think critically about the cultural and societal pressures that shape the way we perceive pregnancy and birth. Additionally, Midwives delves into issues of race, class and gender roles in American society.

Midwives: Book Club Questions

  1. What themes are explored in Midwives, and how do they relate to the modern world?
  2. How does the author create a sense of suspense throughout the novel?
  3. What challenges did main character Sibyl face throughout the novel?
  4. How did Sibyl's relationship with her mentor, Connie, evolve over the course of the book?
  5. What messages about gender roles were conveyed through Sibyl's journey?
  6. Was there any particular moment in Midwives that resonated particularly strongly for you?
  7. How would you characterize Sibyl as a protagonist?
  8. In what ways does Midwives explore the power of community and support networks?
  9. Are there any moments in Midwives that felt particularly timely or relevant to current events?
  10. If you had to pick one word to describe Midwives, what would it be and why?

What to say about Midwives

  • Midwives provide an invaluable service, enabling women to have their babies in a safe and supported environment.
  • Midwifery is a profession that dates back centuries, with midwives playing an important role in many cultures around the world.
  • Midwives are highly trained professionals who are dedicated to providing compassionate care throughout the childbirth process.
  • Research has shown that when midwives are involved in childbirth, there are fewer complications and better outcomes for mothers and babies.
  • Midwives often serve as primary care providers for women during pregnancy, labor, delivery and postpartum periods.
  • Midwives provide important emotional support for mothers-to-be, helping them to understand the changes their body is going through and what to expect during labor and delivery.
  • Midwifery is based on evidence-based practices that have been proven to be safe and effective for mothers and babies when practiced according to established guidelines.
  • Midwives collaborate with other healthcare providers as needed to ensure that mothers receive the best possible care during pregnancy, labor, delivery and postpartum periods.
  • Midwives possess a unique combination of skills which include excellent communication, clinical expertise, empathy, compassion, and professionalism which enables them to provide a high quality of care for mothers and babies alike.
  • By working together with obstetricians and other healthcare professionals, midwives can help ensure that pregnant women receive the most appropriate care before, during and after childbirth.

Top 5 Quotes from Midwives

  1. "Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers; strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength." - Barbara Katz Rothman
  2. "The midwife's role is to provide continuity of care in a woman-centered environment of safety, respect and understanding" - Vicki Penwell
  3. "The midwife's role is to provide an atmosphere of acceptance and support for the birth process" - Sheena Byrom
  4. "Every woman has the right to give birth with dignity and respect." - Sheila Kitzinger
  5. “A midwife’s job is to facilitate a safe space for women in which they can trust themselves.” – Elizabeth Davis

Adaptations of Midwives

TV Adaptations 1. Call the Midwife (2012–present, BBC One) 2. The Midwives (2018-present, TVE) 3. L'accoucheuse (2019, France 2) Film Adaptations 1. Private Property (1960, Filmové Studio Barrandov) 2. Midwives (2001, USA Films) 3. Sister My Sister (1994, Fine Line Features) 4. The Business of Being Born (2008, Zeitgeist Films) 5. Birth Story: Ina May Gaskin and the Farm Midwives (2012, First Run Features) Radio Adaptations 1. The Midwife's Tale (2011–12, BBC Radio 4) 2. Midwife's Story (2014, ABC Radio National) Podcast Adaptations 1. Call the Midwife Podcast (2013–2015, BBC Worldwide Productions) 2. Birthful Podcast (2015–present, Adriana Lozada) 3. The Birth Hour Podcast (2016–present, Laura Wojcik and Andrea Hecht) 4. The BirthKweens Podcast (2017–present, Tia Grier and Dr. Lisa Schulmeister) Theatrical Adaptations 1. Call the Midwife Live On Stage (2019–2020, UK Touring Production)

Other books by Chris Bohjalian

  • The Flight Attendant
  • The Red Lotus
  • The Night Strangers
  • The Sandcastle Girls
  • The Double Bind
  • Secrets of Eden
  • Skeletons at the Feast
  • Before You Know Kindness
  • Trans-Sister Radio
  • Close Your Eyes, Hold Hands
  • Arms Wide Open
  • The Law of Similars
  • Past the Bleachers
  • Midwives' Return
  • Hannah's Dream

Did you know?


Midwives have been assisting women in childbirth since ancient times, with records of midwifery dating back to Ancient Greece and Egypt.