3 min read

Long Way Down: Summary

Everything you need to know about Jason Reynolds's Long Way Down, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds
Long Way Down is a young adult novel written by Jason Reynolds. It follows the story of Will, a fifteen-year-old who is determined to avenge his brother's death by taking revenge on the person responsible. As he makes his way to the scene of the crime, with a gun in hand, he meets numerous ghosts (people he knew who have died in similar situations) that challenge him to rethink his intentions. Through these conversations and flashbacks, Will begins to understand the cycle of violence and ultimately chooses a different path.

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What is Long Way Down about?

Long Way Down is a powerful, poignant story that follows 15-year-old Will as he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and grief. After his brother Shawn is killed in a senseless act of gun violence, Will is determined to take revenge. The book deals with key themes of grief, trauma, justice, and loyalty. Will struggles to reconcile his feelings of loss, pain, and grief over his brother's death with his desire for justice. He also has to grapple with the loyalty he feels to his brother's memory and the expectations placed on him by his family. Through his journey, Will learns about the consequences of gun violence, the power of redemption and forgiveness, and the importance of making good decisions. Ultimately, he discovers what it means to be brave and how to move forward after tragedy strikes.

Long Way Down: Book Club Questions

  1. What is the significance of the "rules" that Will's brother told him about?
  2. How did the elevator serve as a metaphor for the story?
  3. Did Will's decision to not take revenge make sense to you?
  4. How does Long Way Down represent the cycle of violence in society?
  5. What role do memory and regret play in the story?
  6. What was your reaction when Will found out the truth about his brother's death?
  7. How did Will's relationships with his family members change throughout the book?
  8. Describe how Jason Reynolds uses poetic devices throughout Long Way Down.
  9. How did Will's feelings towards vengeance change throughout the story?
  10. What themes were present in this book and how do they relate to our current society?

What to say about Long Way Down

  • Long Way Down is an emotional roller-coaster that captures the complexity of grief and survival in a unique and powerful way.
  • I was particularly struck by the importance of community in the novel and how it serves to both help and hinder Will's journey.
  • The vivid imagery of the novel created an intense atmosphere that I found incredibly evocative.
  • For me, Long Way Down was a powerful exploration of what it means to choose between violence and peace.
  • The structure of the book was really effective in conveying Will's inner turmoil as he wrestles with his moral dilemma throughout the story.
  • I think Long Way Down is an excellent example of how literature can be used to explore difficult topics like vengeance and morality in a creative way.
  • The poetic prose style was captivating and gave an added depth to the characters' emotions that I found very moving.
  • I liked how the lyrics from Will's favorite songs were woven into the narrative, adding another layer of meaning to his story.
  • The novel highlights the consequences of gun violence in a compelling way and offers a thought-provoking meditation on its effects on young people in particular.
  • What I found most interesting about the novel was its focus on family, identity, and legacy, exploring how these concepts shape our individual lives and our relationships with one another.

Top 5 Quotes from Long Way Down

  1. "I thought about how you can't ever really know what someone else is feeling, even if you think you do."
  2. "It's like that old saying about life being a journey, and death just being one stop along the way."
  3. "But I guess sometimes in life, the wrong decisions can take you to the right places."
  4. "You can't go back, but sometimes you can still find a way forward."
  5. "The world might be trying to turn me into something I'm not, but it ain't gonna happen."

Adaptations of Long Way Down

TV: A TV adaptation of Long Way Down is currently in development. Film: There is no film adaptation of Long Way Down at this time. Radio: BBC Radio 4 produced an adaptation of Long Way Down titled "Long Way Down: A Road Trip with Nick and Will" which aired in October 2020. Podcast: The Penguin Podcast produced a podcast adaptation of Long Way Down, which was released in November 2020. Theatrical: No theatrical adaptation of Long Way Down has been produced to date.

Other books by Jason Reynolds

  • Look Both Ways: A Tale Told in Ten Blocks
  • All American Boys
  • As Brave As You
  • For Every One
  • Miles Morales: Spider-Man
  • The Boy in the Black Suit
  • Ghost
  • Patina
  • Sunny
  • Long Way Down: The Graphic Novel

Did you know?


Long Way Down was the first book in Jason Reynolds’s critically acclaimed middle grade and young adult track series, which includes books such as Ghost, Patina, and Sunny.