3 min read

Little Bee: Summary

Everything you need to know about Chris Cleave's Little Bee, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Little Bee by Chris Cleave in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Little Bee by Chris Cleave
Little Bee is a novel about the refugee crisis, focusing on a 16-year-old Nigerian girl and a British family whose lives intersect when the girl escapes from a detention center in England. Little Bee's odyssey is full of danger, but also hope and determination as she searches for a better life for herself and her family. Along the way, she forms an unlikely bond with Sarah, an Englishwoman who helps her navigate the complexities of the immigration system. The story is ultimately one of courage, compassion, and perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds.

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What is Little Bee about?

Little Bee is a novel about survival, freedom, and identity. It follows the journey of a young Nigerian girl who escapes her war-torn village and finds refuge in England. Through her story, the reader is exposed to the complexities of immigration, racism, and poverty. Little Bee's struggle to find safety and acceptance in a foreign land reveals how quickly life can change, and how courage and resilience can help people survive even the most difficult circumstances. The novel also examines themes of family, friendship, forgiveness, and understanding.

Little Bee: Book Club Questions

  1. What was the most memorable scene in the book and why?
  2. How did the characters of Little Bee and Sarah evolve over the course of the story?
  3. How did Chris' relationship with Sarah affect Little Bee's journey?
  4. In what ways did the author use symbolism to convey ideas and messages?
  5. What do you think motivated Little Bee to embark on her journey and take risks?
  6. Do you think Charlie's death had any implications for the other characters in the story?
  7. How did culture, race, and gender shape the experiences of Little Bee and other characters?
  8. What themes does this book explore, and how does it address them?
  9. How did the author use setting (both physical and emotional to create atmosphere in Little Bee?
  10. What message do you think the author was trying to convey with this book?

What to say about Little Bee

  • Little Bee is an incredibly thought-provoking read that offers an insightful look into the human experience.
  • The complexity of the characters and their struggles makes for a compelling narrative.
  • The way in which Little Bee sheds light on the refugee crisis is truly powerful.
  • The symbolism throughout the book serves to emphasize important themes, such as hope and resilience.
  • Little Bee is a moving story that delves into difficult topics with grace and empathy.
  • The contrast between the main characters - Little Bee and Sarah - is interesting to explore.
  • The pacing of the novel is expertly done, as it builds suspense while keeping readers engaged.
  • The ending of Little Bee leaves one with much to ponder and reflect upon after reading it.
  • Throughout the story, there are moments of both heartbreak and joy, making for an emotionally charged read.
  • Little Bee offers an important reminder about humanity that speaks to us all on a deep level.

Top 5 Quotes from Little Bee

  1. "Sometimes I think that the only reason we get to live is so that we can learn how to die."
  2. "You can never really know what's going on inside someone else's heart."
  3. "The most important thing in a person's life is not what they do, but who they love."
  4. "Life has a way of turning strangers into family, if you let it."
  5. "It is impossible to feel lonely when you are surrounded by love."

Adaptations of Little Bee

There are currently no TV, film, radio, podcast or theatrical adaptations of Little Bee.

Other books by Chris Cleave

  • The Other Hand
  • Gold
  • Incendiary

Did you know?


Little Bee is the name of a species of bee commonly found in North America that is known for its small size and black-and-white stripes.