3 min read

Know My Name: Summary

Everything you need to know about Chanel Miller's Know My Name, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Know My Name by Chanel Miller in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Know My Name by Chanel Miller
Know My Name is a book about Chanel Miller, a young woman who was sexually assaulted by Brock Turner in 2016. After the trial, she wrote a victim impact statement that went viral and changed how people view sexual assault survivors. In Know My Name, Chanel shares her story of healing and resilience as she reclaims her identity and reclaims her life. Through her story, she hopes to empower other survivors of sexual violence.

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What is Know My Name about?

Know My Name by Chanel Miller is a memoir that tells her story of surviving sexual assault and coming to terms with its emotional aftermath. The book explores themes of identity, resilience, justice, and courage, as well as the power of speaking out and healing. It examines not only the physical and emotional trauma of the assault but also how our culture and legal system failed to protect her. In sharing her story, Miller demonstrates the strength it takes to fight for justice and reclaim her identity.

Know My Name: Book Club Questions

  1. How did Chanel Miller's experience of the criminal justice system shape her outlook on life?
  2. How did writing a book change Chanel Miller's approach to her own story and recovery?
  3. What parts of the book resonated most with readers?
  4. What can be done to address the societal issues that lead to sexual assault and lack of accountability for perpetrators?
  5. How does Know My Name contribute to the ongoing conversation around sexual assault and victim-blaming?
  6. How has Know My Name impacted public opinion about sexual assault?
  7. In what ways has the #MeToo movement empowered survivors of sexual assault to speak up and seek justice?
  8. What role does empathy play in understanding the experience of survivors of sexual assault?
  9. What obstacles did Chanel Miller have to overcome in order to write her book?
  10. How can we create a society that better supports victims of sexual violence and ensures perpetrators are held accountable?

What to say about Know My Name

  • Know My Name is an incredibly powerful story that highlights the strength and resilience of survivors.
  • The author's use of language to convey the emotional journey of the protagonist is breathtaking.
  • I was deeply moved by how Chanel Miller bravely opened up her life in this book.
  • Know My Name is a powerful reminder of how our justice system often fails survivors of sexual assault.
  • I was particularly struck by how Chanel Miller used humor to cope with her trauma throughout the book.
  • The stories of other survivors included throughout the book were very moving and gave a broader perspective on the issue at hand.
  • Know My Name is a courageous and inspiring account that will stay with me for a long time.
  • This story illustrates the importance of believing survivors, no matter what their circumstances are or who they are accusing.
  • Chanel Miller's bravery in sharing her story is truly remarkable and inspiring to readers everywhere.
  • Know My Name is an important work that brings much needed attention to the subject of sexual assault and its lasting effects on victims.

Top 5 Quotes from Know My Name

  1. "We are not victims, we are survivors."
  2. "I will not be defined by what happened to me."
  3. "My body is my own, and I will decide its fate."
  4. "I cannot control what happened to me, but I can control how I respond to it."
  5. "I choose to take ownership of my story."

Adaptations of Know My Name

At this time, there are no known TV, film, radio, podcast or theatrical adaptations of Know My Name.

Other books by Chanel Miller

  • The Collected Schizophrenias: Essays

Did you know?


Know My Name is the first podcast from Audible, Amazon's audiobook subscription service, that focuses on sharing true stories of people who have experienced incarceration.