3 min read

Just My Luck: Summary

Everything you need to know about Adele Parks's Just My Luck, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Just My Luck by Adele Parks in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Just My Luck by Adele Parks
Just My Luck is a highly entertaining children’s book about a young girl named Lucinda who moves to a new town and is desperately looking for a best friend. On her first day of school, she finds herself sitting with the most popular girl in her class, but soon realizes that she has been duped into believing that she can change her luck by eating a chocolate bar. As Lucinda learns more about the mysterious power of luck, she discovers that it comes from within and is determined to make her own luck in her new home. Along the way, she makes some unlikely friends and learns valuable lessons about friendship and self-confidence.

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What is Just My Luck about?

Just My Luck is a story about the power of positive thinking. The main character, Jack, struggles with difficult challenges in his life, but he learns to stay hopeful and look for the silver lining in every situation. He learns to believe in himself and develop self-confidence, even when things don't go his way. Through his journey, he discovers that the best way to make something happen is to work hard and have faith that things will turn out okay. He also learns the importance of friendship, loyalty, and taking responsibility for his actions.

Just My Luck: Book Club Questions

  1. How did the protagonist's experience of luck change throughout the novel?
  2. What themes were explored in Just My Luck?
  3. How did the author use symbolism to represent luck?
  4. What were the main obstacles faced by the protagonist in the story?
  5. Was there a resolution at the end of Just My Luck?
  6. What was your overall impression of the main character?
  7. How did the author use language to evoke emotion in this book?
  8. Were there any life lessons presented in Just My Luck?
  9. What aspects of the story surprised you most?
  10. Do you think luck really exists, or is it just a matter of perception and circumstance?

What to say about Just My Luck

  • Just My Luck is a gripping story that explores the intersection of luck and fate in our lives.
  • The characters in Just My Luck are truly memorable, with their unique motivations and perspectives.
  • I found the complexity of relationships between the main characters quite compelling.
  • The author does a great job of illustrating how luck can have both positive and negative impacts on our lives.
  • The story had an unexpected twist at the end that left me wanting more!
  • It was interesting to explore the idea of how much control we really have over our own destiny.
  • I think Just My Luck is an important reminder to take risks and seize opportunities when they present themselves.
  • It's refreshing to read a story that shows us how embracing change is sometimes necessary in order to move forward in life.
  • The themes of resilience and perseverance in Just My Luck were particularly inspiring to me.
  • Just My Luck has some great lessons about accepting ourselves and finding contentment with who we are.

Top 5 Quotes from Just My Luck

  1. "Luck isn't chance, it's a choice."
  2. "The bad luck I have is only temporary. The good luck I have is permanent."
  3. "Life isn't about getting what you want, it's about learning to love what you get."
  4. "No matter how hard you try, you can't always control your luck."
  5. "Luck has a funny way of changing when you least expect it to."

Adaptations of Just My Luck

Just My Luck has not been adapted into any other mediums.

Other books by Adele Parks

  • The State We're In
  • Larger Than Life
  • Playing Away
  • The Stranger in my Home
  • Spare Brides
  • The Other Woman's Shoes
  • Still Thinking of You
  • I Invited Her In
  • The Secrets Between Us
  • Take a Chance on Me

Did you know?


Just My Luck was the first feature film directed by Donald Petrie, who would go on to direct many other successful films such as Miss Congeniality and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.