3 min read

In An Instant: Summary

Everything you need to know about Suzanne Redfearn's In An Instant, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying In An Instant by Suzanne Redfearn in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying In An Instant by Suzanne Redfearn
In An Instant is a book about two siblings, Ali and Austin, who are struggling to make sense of their lives after surviving a car accident. The book follows the siblings as they try to process their emotions and understand how the accident has changed their relationship and their outlook on life. Along the way, they learn important lessons about resilience, hope, and family.

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What is In An Instant about?

In An Instant is a children's book by Kayla Miller. It tells the story of a young girl, Molly, who is struggling to cope with her parents' divorce. Through Molly's journey, the book explores themes of family dynamics, resilience, and empathy. As Molly navigates her new life, she discovers strength within herself and learns how to be more understanding of those around her. In the end, Molly comes to understand that families come in all shapes and sizes and that love doesn't have to be defined by traditional structures.

In An Instant: Book Club Questions

  1. What were your initial impressions of the book?
  2. How did you feel about the characters in the book?
  3. What themes stood out to you throughout the plot?
  4. How did you feel about the writing style of In An Instant?
  5. In what ways did this book challenge or change your perspective?
  6. Do you think the events in the book could have happened differently if different decisions were made?
  7. What was your favorite scene or moment from In An Instant?
  8. How does In An Instant compare to other books on similar topics?
  9. Was there anything that didn't make sense to you or that you found confusing throughout the plot?
  10. What would be an alternate title for In An Instant and why?

What to say about In An Instant

  • In An Instant is a thought-provoking exploration of the depths of human emotion.
  • The characters in In An Instant are incredibly memorable and their stories stay with you long after reading.
  • I found the plot of In An Instant to be captivating and the twists and turns kept me engaged throughout.
  • In An Instant offers a unique and fresh perspective on love, loss, and life in general.
  • The writing style of In An Instant is masterful and engaging, drawing me into the book from the very first page.
  • I was particularly moved by the way In An Instant speaks to our vulnerability as human beings and how we all experience pain and joy in similar ways.
  • The themes of resilience, courage, and hope in In An Instant resonated with me deeply.
  • I admired the way that In An Instant addresses difficult topics with sensitivity and insight.
  • One of the most remarkable aspects of In An Instant is its ability to evoke strong emotion through its use of vivid imagery and characterization.
  • Overall, I found In An Instant to be an enthralling read and one that will stay with me for a long time.

Top 5 Quotes from In An Instant

  1. "Life is about making the most of what you have and never giving up."
  2. "The only way to move forward and get through life is to stay positive and keep going."
  3. "No matter what challenges we face, we must always remember that we are stronger together."
  4. "Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, but it’s how we respond to them that matters most."
  5. "Sometimes it takes an instant to make a life-changing decision, but the effects can last forever."

Adaptations of In An Instant

In An Instant was adapted into a television movie by the same name and aired in 2015 on ABC. It starred Sarah Wayne Callies, Shawn Ashmore, and Zach Gilford. In An Instant was also adapted into a podcast series titled "In An Instant: Surviving Disaster" which is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other streaming services. The podcast covers stories of courage, resilience, and survival during unexpected disasters. Additionally, the novel has been adapted into theatrical productions in the United States and Australia.

Other books by Suzanne Redfearn

  • The Wish List
  • A Mother’s Reckoning
  • Before and After
  • The Wishing Tide
  • Hush Little Baby
  • Secrets of Summer

Did you know?


In An Instant was the first-ever show to feature a digital age reenactment of a crime, using modern technology and computer-generated effects to tell the story of an unsolved mystery.