3 min read

Girl Woman Other: Summary

Everything you need to know about Bernardine Evaristo's Girl Woman Other, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Girl Woman Other by Bernardine Evaristo in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Girl Woman Other by Bernardine Evaristo
Girl Woman Other is a novel by Bernardine Evaristo about the lives of twelve different characters living in the UK, all of whom identify as female. Each character has their own unique story and experiences that they face throughout their lives, from coming to terms with their gender identity to navigating careers and relationships. Despite being from different backgrounds and having different experiences, they are all connected in some way and their stories come together to create a powerful and meaningful narrative.

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What is Girl Woman Other about?

Girl Woman Other is a novel by British author Bernardine Evaristo that explores the lives of twelve individuals of different backgrounds, sexual orientations, and gender identities. The novel follows the lives of these characters as they navigate life in modern Britain. The key themes in Girl Woman Other include identity, social inclusion, and intersectionality. The novel examines how identity is shaped by race, gender, sexuality, and class. It also looks at how societal structures can limit or hinder full self-expression and acceptance. Additionally, it explores how intersectional identities can create unique experiences and perspectives within society. Finally, the novel examines how social inclusion can help people find their place in the world and become accepted for who they are.

Girl Woman Other: Book Club Questions

  1. How does the structure of the novel, with its multiple characters and interweaving storylines, contribute to the overall effect of the novel?
  2. How do the characters in Girl Woman Other challenge traditional gender roles and expectations?
  3. What themes are explored in Girl Woman Other, and how do they add to our understanding of identity and society?
  4. What is the significance of the title Girl Woman Other?
  5. How does Bernardine Evaristo portray different generations within each character's story?
  6. Is there a particular character that you related to more than others, and why?
  7. What did you think about the use of music throughout the novel?
  8. Do any particular scenes or moments stand out for you as particularly powerful or significant?
  9. What do you think is the overall message of Girl Woman Other?
  10. How has this book influenced how you view gender and identity in today's society?

What to say about Girl Woman Other

  • The way Bernardine Evaristo explores the lives of these 12 characters is truly remarkable.
  • I found it remarkable how the novel moves seamlessly between different voices and perspectives.
  • I was really moved by the emotions and experiences of the characters in Girl Woman Other.
  • I was struck by the complexities of identity that are explored in Girl Woman Other.
  • I thought it was really powerful how the stories of the characters were woven together to create a larger narrative.
  • The intersecting relationships and dynamics between the characters were particularly interesting to me.
  • I thought the dialogue and language used in the novel were incredibly effective.
  • What I found most fascinating about Girl Woman Other was how it addresses various issues related to gender, race, and class in a contemporary context.
  • The themes of community, family, and self-discovery throughout Girl Woman Other were very relatable to me.
  • Overall, Girl Woman Other is a brilliant and unforgettable novel that is sure to provoke deep thought and reflection on important topics of today's society.

Top 5 Quotes from Girl Woman Other

  1. "Life is a bumpy ride. You can either sit back and enjoy it or you can take control of the wheel."
  2. "You know, when people ask me who I am, I always say that I'm all of the things that make up who I am."
  3. "It's not about finding yourself; it's about creating yourself."
  4. "Who you are is down to you: no apologies, no excuses."
  5. "The future isn't something we enter. The future is something we create."

Adaptations of Girl Woman Other

There are currently no TV, film, radio, podcast or theatrical adaptations of Bernardine Evaristo's novel Girl Woman Other.

Other books by Bernardine Evaristo

  • Lara
  • Blonde Roots
  • The Emperor's Babe
  • Soul Tourists Hello Mum
  • The Forbidden
  • Sentenced to Life

Did you know?


Girl Woman Other is the first novel by Bernardine Evaristo to win the Booker Prize.