3 min read

Dictionary Of Lost Words: Summary

Everything you need to know about Pip Williams's Dictionary Of Lost Words, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Dictionary Of Lost Words by Pip Williams in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Dictionary Of Lost Words by Pip Williams
Esme, a young girl without a mother, is fascinated by her father's work as he and his team compile the Oxford English Dictionary. One day, she spies a forgotten word on a piece of paper that has gone unnoticed. Inspired, Esme decides to create her own dictionary filled with lost words from the past. As the First World War approaches and the women's suffrage movement gains momentum, Esme discovers that the power of these forgotten words may just help her find her place in the world.

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Or do you want to know more?

Not to be confused with: A Dictionary Of Lost Words by Mungo Fabrik

Dictionary Of Lost Words is an award-winning book by author Mungo Fabrik. It tells the story of a magical dictionary that reveals lost words and forgotten meanings from the English language, highlighting how language has evolved over centuries. The key themes of this book include the power of words, the importance of language to history and culture, and the beauty of finding new ways to express ourselves. Additionally, it touches on themes of identity, belonging, and family. The book also offers readers insight into the lives of people in past times, providing a unique window into history through its exploration of lost vocabulary. Finally, Dictionary Of Lost Words encourages readers to discover new words and explore their own stories as they look for their own lost words.

Dictionary Of Lost Words: Book Club Questions

  1. What did you think of the way the author structured the book?
  2. How do you think the concept of a Dictionary of Lost Words could be applied today?
  3. In what ways are the words and definitions featured in the book meaningful to readers?
  4. How do you think this book impacted your understanding of language and its significance?
  5. What did you find most surprising about the stories behind these forgotten words?
  6. How does this book explore themes of identity and belonging?
  7. Do you think this book has anything to say about our current political climate?
  8. What were some of your favorite words or definitions from the book and why?
  9. How did this book inspire or challenge your own thinking about language and its power?
  10. Is there a particular message that you feel this book conveys to readers?

What to say about Dictionary Of Lost Words

  • I found the Dictionary Of Lost Words to be a captivating exploration of language, and how it has evolved over time.
  • The unique structure of the book kept me engaged throughout, as it moved between past and present in a fascinating way.
  • I was particularly fascinated by the idea of lost words, and how they can tell us so much about our collective history and culture.
  • This book is truly a reflection of our shared humanity, showing us how we are all connected through language and memory.
  • The author did an excellent job of taking readers on a journey through time, as she uncovered forgotten words and their meanings.
  • I was especially impressed by how the book highlighted minority voices and perspectives that have often been overlooked in our culture.
  • The Dictionary Of Lost Words provided me with an engaging look into the power of language and its role in shaping society.
  • It was intriguing to discover how some words had been deliberately excluded from dictionaries due to political or social reasons.
  • The writing style in this book was incredibly vivid, allowing readers to really get a sense of what life was like for those who spoke these lost words.
  • Overall, I found this book to be an incredibly thought-provoking read, prompting me to think deeply about the importance of language in our lives.

Top 5 Quotes from Dictionary Of Lost Words

  1. "Look to the language, for it holds the key."
  2. "Words have power and the power of words is hard to overestimate."
  3. "The language we speak shapes the way we think, and can even shape our worldview."
  4. "Words are windows to our souls, and if we lose them, we lose a part of ourselves."
  5. "Language is more than just a tool for communication; it is who we are and what we are capable of achieving."

Other books by Pip Williams

  • The Dictionary of Lost Words: A Novel
  • The Geography of Friendship
  • The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart

Did you know?

The Dictionary Of Lost Words was a Reese Witherspoon Book Club pick.