3 min read

Circe: Summary

Everything you need to know about Madeline Miller's Circe, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Circe by Madeline Miller in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Circe by Madeline Miller
Circe is a character from Greek mythology. She was the daughter of the god Helios and the Oceanid nymph Perse. Circe was a powerful sorceress who could transform humans and animals into other forms. Her most famous transformation was when she turned Odysseus' crew into pigs. Odysseus eventually overcame her enchantments and was able to restore his men to their original forms. Circe then fell in love with Odysseus and they spent a year together before he had to continue his journey home. Circe remains an influential figure in literature, art, and culture today, symbolizing seduction, power, and transformation.

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What is Circe about?

Circe is an epic fantasy novel by Madeline Miller that follows the story of Circe, the daughter of the Greek god Helios. The novel explores themes of power, identity, and destiny as Circe navigates a world filled with gods and mortals. Through her journey, she discovers her own strength and learns to embrace her true identity and role in life. Other themes explored in the book are those of love, betrayal, revenge, and justice. Additionally, Circe's relationship with mortals and gods is explored, as she learns to balance both worlds. In the end, she must come to terms with her own fate and choose whether to stand up for what she believes in or remain silent.

Circe: Book Club Questions

  1. How did Circe's power evolve throughout the novel?
  2. What role do the other gods and goddesses play in Circe's life?
  3. How does Madeline Miller use language to emphasize Circe's loneliness?
  4. How does Circe's relationship with her son Telemachus reflect the themes of motherhood and family in the novel?
  5. What is the significance of the island of Aiaia in Circe's story?
  6. How does Circe’s transformation from a nymph to a goddess serve as an allegory for personal growth?
  7. What is the symbolism behind the many mythological creatures that appear in the novel?
  8. Why does Circe choose to reject immortality and live out her life on Aiaia?
  9. How does Circe's relationship with Odysseus challenge traditional gender roles?
  10. In what ways are modern readers able to relate to and sympathize with Circe's experiences?

What to say about Circe

  • Circe is a remarkable depiction of the complexities of femininity and the power of female strength in the face of adversity.
  • The narrative style of the story offers an intimate look into the journey of self-discovery that Circe embarks on.
  • The mythology woven throughout Circe serves to accentuate her struggles and accomplishments.
  • The beauty of Circe lies in its ability to intertwine themes of love, loss, acceptance, and courage.
  • It is remarkable how Madeline Miller uses language to craft a vivid world for readers to explore with Circe as their guide.
  • The intricate character development in Circe allows readers to experience both her pain and joy on her path from exile to triumph.
  • Circe's story highlights the importance of resilience despite all obstacles faced in life.
  • Miller's choice to focus on female protagonists is refreshing and inspiring, especially when considering the patriarchal undertones found throughout Greek mythology.
  • Throughout Circe, readers are invited to explore the boundaries between strength and vulnerability, as well as between humanity and divinity.
  • What makes this novel so unique is its exploration of redemption, finding one's identity, and ultimately self-acceptance through Circe's journey.

Top 5 Quotes from Circe

  1. "All magic comes at a price."
  2. "The power of witchcraft lies in its ability to create something from nothing."
  3. "It is not wise to cross the gods or ignore their will."
  4. "The gods do not always show us what we need, but they can guide us in finding it."
  5. "We cannot control fate, but we can learn from it."

Adaptations of Circe

TV: 1. Circe (2021) - a limited series based on the novel of the same name by Madeline Miller, which is a retelling of Greek mythology from the perspective of the witch Circe. Film: 1. Circe (2014) – this short film is an adaptation of Homer’s Odyssey and focuses on the story of the goddess Circe. Radio: 1. The Radio Adventures Of Circe (2015) – a radio drama series produced by Sci-Fi London about the daughter of Helios, who travels through time to save her family from an evil plot. Podcast: 1. Mythology With Circe (2020) – this podcast explores ancient Greek myths and legends through conversations with experts in mythology, history, and literature.

Other books by Madeline Miller

  • The Song of Achilles
  • The Last Oracle

Did you know?


Circe is one of the few goddesses in Greek mythology to have had both positive and negative characteristics. She was known for her sorcery skills and could turn men into animals.