3 min read

Brave New World: Summary

Everything you need to know about Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Brave New World by Aldous Huxley in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Brave New World is a dystopian novel set in the future. It tells the story of a world where people are cloned and raised in "hatcheries," where they are conditioned to fit predetermined social roles and prevented from forming deep connections with one another. As a result, personal freedom and individual thought are suppressed. The protagonist, Bernard Marx, struggles with his identity in such a society while also trying to make sense of his forbidden attraction to an "uncommon" woman. In the end, he learns to accept his place in the world despite its oppressive nature.

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What is Brave New World about?

Brave New World is a dystopian novel written by Aldous Huxley in 1932. The novel explores a futuristic world where social stability is achieved through the use of highly advanced technology, such as genetic engineering, conditioning and recreational sex and drugs. The themes explored in this book include a criticism of utopian ideals, an exploration of the consequences of advancing technology, and an examination of what it means to be human. It also addresses themes of individualism, control and power, and mass media's influence on society.

Brave New World: Book Club Questions

  1. How does the World State maintain control over its citizens?
  2. What are the implications of eliminating family and monogamy from society?
  3. How does the use of drugs, especially soma, affect the citizens of the World State?
  4. Why does John eventually choose to die rather than stay in the World State?
  5. What is the significance of The Savage's view of nature versus that of the World State's?
  6. How does Bernard challenge and critique society's values?
  7. What are the implications of having an all-encompassing government in Brave New World?
  8. In what ways do Lenina and John represent conflicting ideologies?
  9. What is the significance of Shakespeare in relation to the novel?
  10. Discuss how technology has been used to create a utopian society in Brave New World.

What to say about Brave New World

  • Brave New World paints a chilling picture of a dystopian future that feels all too plausible.
  • I found the themes of conformity and control to be especially provocative.
  • The way Aldous Huxley so vividly characterizes the horrors of technology-driven society is truly remarkable.
  • The novel serves as a powerful warning about what can happen if we sacrifice our freedoms for comfort and security.
  • I was surprised by how relevant its themes are even today, almost 100 years after its publication.
  • It's amazing how Huxley manages to discuss such complex topics in such an accessible way.
  • The juxtaposition between the World State and the Savage Reservation is effective in highlighting the absurdity of the former's values.
  • The characters in Brave New World are incredibly well-drawn, each with their own distinct motivations and flaws.
  • The book shines a light on how our society is becoming increasingly dependent on drugs and other artificial means of pleasure seeking.
  • I think Brave New World is an important reminder to question the status quo, lest we sleepwalk into our own dystopia one day.

Top 5 Quotes from Brave New World

  1. "Everyone belongs to everyone else."
  2. "A love of nature keeps no factories busy."
  3. "Words can be like X-rays if you use them properly—they’ll go through anything."
  4. "The more stitches, the less riches."
  5. "It was almost impossible to watch the delicate thing struggling against the rage of pain and not do something to help it."

Adaptations of Brave New World

1. Brave New World (2020) - A sci-fi series based on the novel, released by NBC Universal and SYFY. 2. Brave New World (1981) - A film adaptation of the novel, directed by Burt Brinckerhoff. 3. Brave New World (1998) - A radio version of the book, adapted and directed by Dirk Maggs. 4. Brave New World: Reimagined (2020) - A podcast series adaptation of the novel created by Audible in partnership with SYFY. 5. Brave New World: The Musical (2018) - An Off-Broadway musical adaptation of the novel, written by Bill Solly and Becca Anderson.

Other books by Aldous Huxley

  • Antic Hay
  • Point Counter Point
  • Crome Yellow
  • Those Barren Leaves
  • Doors of Perception
  • Heaven and Hell
  • The Perennial Philosophy
  • The Devils of Loudun
  • Jesting Pilate
  • Island
  • Texts and Pretexts
  • Beyond the Mexique Bay Those Barren Leaves
  • Mortal Coils
  • Limbo
  • Ape and Essence
  • Grey Eminence
  • Time Must Have a Stop
  • After Many a Summer Dies the Swan

Did you know?


The novel Brave New World was originally published in 1932, but it has been continuously in print since its initial release.