3 min read

Away With The Penguins: Summary

Everything you need to know about Hazel Prior's Away With The Penguins, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Away With The Penguins by Hazel Prior in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Away With The Penguins by Hazel Prior
Away With The Penguins is a children's story about two young penguins, Pip and Pop, who are determined to go on an adventure by themselves. Along the way, they encounter many of the dangers of being out in the wild, such as fierce predators and severe weather, but with their courage and determination they survive each obstacle. In the end, they learn to appreciate their home, friends and family more than ever before.

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What is Away With The Penguins about?

Away With The Penguins is an adventure story about a group of young penguins who embark on a journey to find the legendary Land of Ice and Snow. Along the way, they face fierce storms, treacherous icy waters, and dangerous predators. They must rely on each other and their courage to make it to the end of their journey. The key themes of Away With The Penguins include friendship, loyalty, courage, teamwork, and determination. Throughout the story, the penguins learn how important it is to support one another when faced with difficult tasks. They also discover that if they work together, they can overcome any challenge they may encounter. Finally, they come to understand that being brave and having faith in themselves can help them achieve their goals.

Away With The Penguins: Book Club Questions

  1. What themes and messages do you think the author is trying to convey in the novel?
  2. How does the protagonist’s journey reflect her growth as an individual?
  3. What did you think of the relationship between the protagonist and her grandmother?
  4. Do you think the events of the novel could have been avoided if different decisions had been made?
  5. In what ways does the protagonist's transformation affect her relationships with those around her?
  6. How does the novel explore concepts such as identity, belonging, and family?
  7. What was your opinion on the ending of the novel?
  8. How did Away With The Penguins make you feel about topics such as death and grief?
  9. What are some of the challenges faced by characters in Away With The Penguins?
  10. Do you think any of the characters could have acted differently in order to achieve a better outcome?

What to say about Away With The Penguins

  • Away With The Penguins is a unique story which captures the beauty of nature with its vivid descriptions.
  • I was particularly captivated by the story's exploration of family dynamics and how this impacts relationships.
  • The author has managed to craft a creative, heartwarming tale that speaks to the importance of acceptance and understanding.
  • Away With The Penguins is a great read for those who enjoy stories about adventure and discovery.
  • I found the pacing of the novel to be well-executed, building tension and suspense as the characters faced unexpected challenges.
  • The illustrations in the book perfectly capture the emotions of the characters and add an extra level of charm to the story.
  • Away With The Penguins is an enjoyable read for all ages, providing valuable lessons about friendship and loyalty along its journey.
  • I appreciate how this book encourages readers to think outside their comfort zone, as they explore unfamiliar places with the characters.
  • It was very touching to see how each character grew throughout their journey, learning valuable lessons about life along the way.
  • Away With The Penguins is a captivating story with beautiful imagery that will leave readers feeling inspired and uplifted by its powerful messages.

Top 5 Quotes from Away With The Penguins

  1. "Life is so much richer when you share it with someone you love."
  2. "The only way to truly appreciate the beauty of life is to embrace its impermanence."
  3. "We don't need more time; we just need to make better use of the time we have."
  4. "No matter how far away you may be, you'll always be in my heart."
  5. "In the end, it's not our accomplishments that define us, but how we live our lives each day."

Adaptations of Away With The Penguins

TV: -None Film: -None Radio: -None Podcast: -Away with the Penguins Podcast (2020) Theatrical: -None

Other books by Hazel Prior

  • The Flatshare
  • The Companion

Did you know?


Away With The Penguins was the debut novel of author Hazel Prior and was nominated for the Costa First Novel Award in 2019.