3 min read

When Genius Failed: Summary

Everything you need to know about Roger Lowenstein's When Genius Failed, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying When Genius Failed by Roger Lowenstein in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying When Genius Failed by Roger Lowenstein
When Genius Failed is the story of the rise and fall of Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM), a hedge fund started by four Nobel Prize-winning economists. The focus of the book is on the events leading to LTCM's near collapse in 1998, which caused a major financial crisis. The book argues that the failure of LTCM was largely due to overconfidence and hubris amongst its founders, as well as their ignorance of risk management. Their reliance on complicated financial models and lack of understanding of the markets also contributed to their downfall. Ultimately, the Federal Reserve had to intervene to prevent a full-blown global financial crisis from occurring.

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When Genius Failed: Key Points

  1. When Genius Failed recounts the story of Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM, a hedge fund founded in 1994 by a group of prominent Wall Street financiers and Nobel Prize-winning economists.
  2. Despite its impressive pedigree, LTCM was unable to overcome the market forces that led to its eventual collapse in 1998.
  3. The book examines the reasons behind LTCM's demise, exploring the hubris and missteps of those involved and providing an in-depth look at how leverage, liquidity, and risk management can create potent market forces that can overwhelm even the most sophisticated investors.
  4. Lowenstein also looks at how LTCM's failure impacted the financial markets and sparked a regulatory response from the Federal Reserve.
  5. Ultimately, When Genius Failed serves as both a cautionary tale for investors and an insightful look into how the financial markets really work.

What to say about When Genius Failed

  • "When Genius Failed is an incredibly insightful book that highlights the risk of overconfidence in the financial sector."
  • "The story of Long-Term Capital Management's fall from grace shows how quickly markets can change, and how important it is to be prepared for these changes."
  • "Lowenstein's analysis of the LTCM crisis provides valuable lessons for those in the financial sector."
  • "The account of the LTCM debacle is a vivid illustration of how hubris can lead to disaster in finance."
  • "When Genius Failed teaches us that even the most talented investors can make mistakes if they become overconfident in their own abilities."
  • "The lessons Lowenstein draws from this story are relevant for any investor or financial institution today."
  • "This book demonstrates why diversification is important in order to reduce risk and protect against market volatility."
  • "When Genius Failed shows us the importance of understanding the full scope of a situation before taking risks."
  • "Roger Lowenstein has crafted a compelling narrative about the rise and fall of LTCM, and its implications for modern finance."
  • "This book offers an invaluable reminder to stay grounded and humble in business - no matter how successful you may be."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about When Genius Failed

  • A must read for any aspiring investor – When Genius Failed by Roger Lowenstein offers an invaluable insight into the world of investing, and is a great reminder of why diversifying in the stock market is so important. #Investing #StockMarket
  • A captivating story of the rise and fall of Long-Term Capital Management – When Genius Failed chronicles a spectacular collapse that shook the financial world to its core. #Finance #LTCM
  • An incredible look at how hubris, ego, and unchecked ambition can lead to disaster – When Genius Failed is an insightful reminder of the power of humility and caution when it comes to financial decisions. #Humble #WiseInvesting
  • An eye-opening tale about what happens when the smartest minds in finance get it wrong – When Genius Failed is a cautionary tale about the importance of risk management in investments. #RiskManagement #InvestmentStrategy
  • A riveting account of one of Wall Street’s most notorious failures – When Genius Failed by Roger Lowenstein offers a fascinating account of how even the most sophisticated investors can be brought down by their own hubris. #WallStreet #FinancialFailures

Top 5 Quotes from When Genius Failed

  1. "It is not necessary to understand markets to make money; but it is necessary to understand oneself."
  2. "The most important decision you make is whether you believe in yourself and your ideas."
  3. "The only way to make money is to take risks, but the key is to manage those risks intelligently."
  4. "Successful investing requires both analytical skill and emotional discipline."
  5. "The greatest risk comes from not taking any risks at all."

Other books by Roger Lowenstein

  • Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist
  • America's Bank: The Epic Struggle to Create the Federal Reserve
  • The End of Wall Street
  • Origins of the Crash: The Great Bubble and Its Undoing
  • While America Aged: How Pension Debts Ruined General Motors, Stopped the NYC Subways, Bankrupted San Diego and Laid Waste to the Dreams of Generations
  • Kennedy Rivkin: Wall Street's Renegade Master Investor
  • Behind the Builders: Profiles in Enterprise from Alexander Hamilton to Jay Gould
  • Investment Banks, Hedge Funds and Private Equity

Did you know?


When Genius Failed was a New York Times bestseller and it has been translated into more than 20 languages.