3 min read

Untamed: Summary

Everything you need to know about Glennon Doyle's Untamed, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Untamed by Glennon Doyle in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Untamed by Glennon Doyle
Untamed by Glennon Doyle is a memoir that explores the idea of living authentically and courageously in a world that often pressures us to conform. Through her own experiences, Glennon encourages us to break free of societal norms, defy expectations, and reclaim our wildness – the truest expression of our authentic selves. She also encourages us to embrace vulnerability, make peace with our imperfections, and break out of the “comparison trap” so we can live fuller, more meaningful lives.

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Untamed: Key Points

  1. Embrace Your Whole Self: In Untamed, Doyle encourages readers to recognize and accept all aspects of their identities. She encourages them to let go of old expectations and roles and celebrate the unique person that they are.
  2. Cultivate Connection: Doyle emphasizes the importance of human connection and the power of vulnerability. She encourages readers to cultivate meaningful relationships with people who will support them in their journey.
  3. Take Back Your Power: Doyle encourages readers to take back their power and tap into their own inner strength. She challenges them to make decisions that honor their authentic selves, even if it means going against societal norms or expectations.
  4. Live Bravely: Doyle encourages readers to live bravely and take risks, even when it’s uncomfortable or uncertain. She challenges them to push past the fear and doubts in order to create a life that is true to themselves.

What to say about Untamed

  • "Untamed is an inspiring and thought-provoking read that has deeply resonated with me."
  • "The way Glennon Doyle captures the idea of living life fully, without fear or hesitation, is truly remarkable."
  • "I believe Untamed has reminded many readers of the power and potential within themselves."
  • "The courage, vulnerability, and honesty with which Glennon Doyle writes in Untamed is incredibly moving."
  • "I found Untamed to be a powerful reflection on the nature of personal growth and development."
  • "Glennon Doyle's insights into how a woman can reclaim her own voice and power are eye-opening and inspiring."
  • "Untamed speaks to the importance of breaking free from society's expectations and embracing our true selves."
  • "The message of living authentically that is conveyed in Untamed is especially relevant today."
  • "Untamed shines a light on how we can take control of our lives through self-awareness and courage."
  • "I greatly appreciate Glennon Doyle's willingness to share her story in Untamed, as it has helped many find their own strength and freedom."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Untamed

  • Just read Glennon Doyle's new book, Untamed - it is a powerful reminder of the importance of listening to our inner voice and living authentically. #Untamed #Authenticity
  • If you're looking for an inspiring read that will help you break free from society's expectations, I highly recommend Untamed by Glennon Doyle! #Untamed #Inspiration
  • Untamed by Glennon Doyle is an invaluable guide for understanding how to prioritize your own happiness and live a life of purpose. #Untamed #SelfWorth
  • Check out Untamed if you're ready to challenge yourself to think differently about what you want out of life - it's a must-read for personal growth! #Untamed #GrowthMindset
  • I'm so inspired by Glennon Doyle's latest book, Untamed - it's a powerful message about embracing vulnerability and reclaiming your power! #Untamed #Vulnerability

Top 5 Quotes from Untamed

  1. "The only way to live a life of integrity is to be brave enough to live out loud the most important truths we know."
  2. "If we want more love in the world, we must start by loving ourselves more fully and completely."
  3. "You are enough. You are so enough. It's unbelievable how enough you are."
  4. "We can do hard things."
  5. "Show up for your life, as it is—not as it should be, not as you wish it were—but as it is. And then watch what happens."

Other books by Glennon Doyle

  • Love Warrior
  • Carry On, Warrior: The Power of Embracing Your Messy, Beautiful Life
  • Dancing Upon the Ashes: A Spiritual Memoir
  • Momastery: Practical Wisdom for Everyday Life

Did you know?


Glennon Doyle's book Untamed was an instant New York Times Bestseller, debuting at #1 on the list.