4 min read

The Speed of Trust: Summary

Everything you need to know about Stephen M.R. Covey's The Speed of Trust, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying The Speed of Trust by Stephen M.R. Covey in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying The Speed of Trust by Stephen M.R. Covey
The Speed of Trust by Stephen M.R. Covey is a book focused on building trust in business relationships. Covey outlines 13 behaviors that can help build trust, including talking straight, demonstrating respect, creating transparency, righting wrongs, and delivering results. He also explains the importance of having a trusting environment and how it can lead to greater loyalty, productivity, and innovation. The book is designed to help individuals and organizations create an atmosphere of trust where people feel safe to take risks, innovate, and collaborate.

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The Speed of Trust: Key Points

  1. Trust is the one thing that changes everything. It catalyzes and accelerates positive performance, while lack of trust stalls progress and increases costs.
  2. Trust is a hard currency that can be earned and spent. The more you have, the more you can achieve; the less you have, the greater the cost of doing business.
  3. Trust is based on character and competence. Your ability to earn trust depends on your character traits (integrity, courage, fairness, and accountability and your competence in executing tasks and projects.
  4. Trust is both a choice and a habit. By making conscious decisions to act with integrity, courage and accountability, you can develop habits that will build trust over time.
  5. Trust creates speed in an organization. With trust comes an increased sense of collaboration, innovation, risk-taking and speed of execution—all factors that drive success in today’s competitive environment.
  6. Trust takes time to build but seconds to destroy. Although it takes time to build trust, it only takes one wrong decision or one lie to destroy it completely. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider your decisions before acting on them in order to protect your trustworthiness.

What to say about The Speed of Trust

  • "The Speed of Trust provides an insightful perspective on the importance of trust in any work environment."
  • "The book presents us with a compelling argument that trusting relationships are the foundation for successful business practices."
  • "Covey's concept of 'The Speed of Trust' demonstrates how trust creates a competitive advantage and drives efficiency in the workplace."
  • "His research highlights the need to cultivate trust-based relationships to ensure sustainable success."
  • "The Speed of Trust offers a holistic approach to tackling the issues surrounding trust, both internally and externally."
  • "The message of this book is that when trust is established, it opens up communication and collaboration in a way that cannot be achieved otherwise."
  • "I believe The Speed of Trust provides valuable guidance on how to develop trust-based relationships and foster an effective working culture."
  • "Covey's insights into trust are extremely relevant to our current business landscape, and could prove beneficial when implemented correctly."
  • "The Speed of Trust is an excellent resource for anyone looking to gain a greater understanding of how trust can be leveraged for success in the workplace."
  • "This book provides us with an opportunity to reconsider our strategies and practices around building trust-based relationships, which may be essential for our organisation's growth."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about The Speed of Trust

  • Having read The Speed of Trust by Stephen M.R. Covey, I now understand the value of trust in business and relationships. It is a must-read for anyone looking to build successful partnerships and develop strong relationships. #Trust #SpeedOfTrust #StephenMRCovey
  • A key takeaway from reading The Speed of Trust by Stephen M.R. Covey is that trust is the foundation for any lasting relationship or success in business. #Trust #SpeedOfTrust #StephenMRCovey
  • The Speed of Trust by Stephen M.R. Covey provides valuable insight on how to create an environment of trust in any organization or personal relationship. It's a must-read for anyone looking to take their career to the next level! #Trust #SpeedOfTrust #StephenMRCovey
  • Learning about trust from Stephen M.R. Covey's The Speed of Trust was a game changer for me! I now have the tools to create lasting relationships and foster trust throughout my network. #Trust #SpeedOfTrust #StephenMRCovey
  • Trust is essential to success and Stephen M.R. Covey's book The Speed of Trust teaches exactly how to develop and grow it. Read it if you want to become a trusted leader in your industry! #Trust #SpeedOfTrust #StephenMRCovey

Top 5 Quotes from The Speed of Trust

  1. "Trust is the one thing that changes everything."
  2. "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
  3. "Leadership is not a rank; it's a choice and an action."
  4. "Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships."
  5. "The person who trusts others is willing to take risks, to be vulnerable."

Other books by Stephen M.R. Covey

  • Smart Trust: The Key to Lasting Success
  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
  • The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness
  • The Leader In Me: How Schools and Parents Around the World Are Inspiring Greatness, One Child at a Time
  • The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals
  • The SPEED of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything
  • The Mindset of Success: From Good Management to Great Leadership

Did you know?


The Speed of Trust is the first book to combine the principles of trust and speed in a business context. It has been translated into more than 30 languages and has sold over one million copies worldwide.