3 min read

The Now Habit: Summary

Everything you need to know about Neil A. Fiore's The Now Habit, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying The Now Habit by Neil A. Fiore in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying The Now Habit by Neil A. Fiore
The Now Habit by Neil A. Fiore is a book that helps readers overcome procrastination and guilt to achieve greater productivity, creativity, and personal satisfaction. It provides strategies on how to break down large tasks into smaller ones, manage time more efficiently, cope with feelings of guilt, and use external motivation to stay on track. The book also includes tips on how to increase focus and concentration, develop successful habits and routines, and use positive reinforcement to increase motivation.

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The Now Habit: Key Points

  1. The Now Habit is a self-help book that provides practical strategies for overcoming procrastination and increasing productivity.
  2. It emphasizes the importance of scheduling realistic goals and breaking them down into manageable steps.
  3. It encourages readers to identify and eliminate their personal procrastination triggers and develop healthier habits for achieving their objectives.
  4. It suggests focusing on the present moment and taking action immediately instead of waiting for the “perfect” circumstances or conditions.
  5. It encourages readers to reward themselves for completing tasks so that they form positive associations with work.
  6. It teaches how to break through perfectionism and make mistakes without feeling guilty or ashamed.
  7. It helps readers develop the “unschedule” technique, which involves setting aside specific periods of time for specific tasks but also leaving room for spontaneity and relaxation in between them.
  8. It emphasizes the importance of balancing work and leisure activities so that we don’t become overwhelmed with our workloads.

What to say about The Now Habit

  • "The Now Habit by Neil A. Fiore is an insightful guide to creating healthy, productive habits that can help us reach our goals more quickly."
  • "The Now Habit offers valuable strategies for combatting procrastination, so we can become more consistent in completing tasks."
  • "The Now Habit helps us focus on the big picture and break down intimidating tasks into smaller, manageable ones."
  • "The Now Habit encourages us to think positively and reward ourselves for accomplishments, which can be a great motivator."
  • "Neil A. Fiore's The Now Habit provides useful techniques to help us make progress on long-term projects with ease."
  • "The Now Habit teaches us how to focus on the present moment and stay in control of our time and energy."
  • "By reading The Now Habit, we can learn how to make better use of our time and resources to reach our objectives faster."
  • "The Now Habit gives us a roadmap for developing proactive behaviors that enable us to accomplish more with less effort."
  • "I highly recommend reading The Now Habit if you want to develop a positive, goal-oriented mindset that will help you succeed in the workplace."
  • "Neil A. Fiore's The Now Habit provides a comprehensive guide to creating effective habits that will lead to greater success in both your professional and personal life."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about The Now Habit

  • Just finished reading The Now Habit by Neil A. Fiore and it's an absolute must-read for anyone looking to take control of their time and productivity! #productivity #prioritization #timemanagement
  • Have you read The Now Habit by Neil A. Fiore? It's an essential guide to breaking free from procrastination and reclaiming your time! #productivity #proactive #nowhabit
  • Need help staying productive and beating procrastination? I highly recommend The Now Habit by Neil A. Fiore - it's full of practical advice and strategies to help you succeed! #productivityhack #nowhabit #timeefficiency
  • Struggling with stress, anxiety or feeling overwhelmed? Check out The Now Habit by Neil A. Fiore - it'll help you manage your time and get back on track! #nowhabit #timemanagement #productivity
  • If you're looking for a comprehensive guide to improving your work-life balance, The Now Habit by Neil A. Fiore is a must-read! #worklifebalance #timeefficiency #nowhabit

Top 5 Quotes from The Now Habit

  1. “Don’t wait for motivation; act now and the motivation will follow.”
  2. “Each step forward, no matter how small, builds confidence and encourages action on the next step.”
  3. “It is not necessary to finish a task in one sitting. In fact, it is often better not to do so.”
  4. “If you let yourself be intimidated by the size of a project, you will never get started and that fear will haunt you every day.”
  5. “The Now Habit is a way of life: a life of making progress, feeling good about yourself and enjoying the process of living without procrastination.”

Other books by Neil A. Fiore

  • The Road Back to Health: Coping with the Emotional Impact of Illness
  • Awaken Your Strongest Self: Break Free of Stress, Inner Conflict and Self-Sabotage
  • The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die
  • The Thriving Artist: Making Art a Successful Part of Your Life
  • The Eight Essential Steps to Conflict Resolution
  • Telecommuting Success: Working Smarter and Living Better
  • Turn Procrastination into Innovation: How to Overcome Procrastination and Live a Fulfilling Life

Did you know?


The Now Habit was one of the first books to focus on overcoming procrastination and has sold over 300,000 copies since its publication in 1988.