4 min read

The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Summary

Everything you need to know about Ben Horowitz's The Hard Thing About Hard Things, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz
Ben Horowitz's The Hard Thing About Hard Things provides readers with an exploration of the unique challenges that come along with management and leadership in a start-up environment. Through real-life stories and interviews, Horowitz offers practical advice on how to navigate difficult decisions, manage unexpected crises, recruit and retain talented employees, and ultimately build a successful company. He also examines the personal toll of such demanding work, encouraging readers to focus on their own well-being as well as their business goals.

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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Key Points

  1. Leadership is hard work: Making difficult decisions and dealing with a variety of issues that come with leading an organization takes courage, resilience, and emotional intelligence.
  2. Embrace reality: Don’t sugarcoat the situation or avoid making difficult decisions. Acknowledge the situation at hand and take decisive action to move forward.
  3. Have a clear vision: Having a clear plan and strategy is essential for success. Set goals and objectives, design a timeline, and commit to seeing the project through to completion.
  4. Invest in people: It’s important to invest in people who have potential and encourage them to reach their fullest potential within the organization.
  5. Be resilient: It’s important to remain resilient when faced with adversity or failure; every setback should be seen as an opportunity to learn and grow from mistakes.
  6. Take responsibility: Don’t blame others when things don’t go as planned; take responsibility for your own actions and decisions and learn from mistakes.

What to say about The Hard Thing About Hard Things

  • "The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz offers an insightful and comprehensive look into the challenges of leading a startup in a volatile business environment."
  • "I found The Hard Thing About Hard Things to be an invaluable resource for understanding the complex dynamics involved in making difficult decisions at the executive level."
  • "The way Ben Horowitz breaks down the difficult aspects of leadership in The Hard Thing About Hard Things is truly impressive and really highlights the importance of planning and foresight throughout every stage of business growth."
  • "The Hard Thing About Hard Things is a must read for anyone looking to expand their knowledge on how to navigate tough times while still maintaining a successful organization."
  • "Ben Horowitz's approach to tackling hard decisions in his book was incredibly informative, and I believe it could be a great help to our team as we strive for growth and success."
  • "Reading The Hard Thing About Hard Things gave me a newfound appreciation for the complexity of effective management, and I believe it could be beneficial for us to consider its lessons when making important business decisions."
  • "The wisdom imparted in The Hard Thing About Hard Things is exceptional, as it provides much-needed perspective on how to manage difficult situations with confidence and clarity."
  • "One of the greatest takeaways from The Hard Thing About Hard Things is that no matter how hard things get, there are always solutions that can propel your organization forward if you're willing to explore them."
  • "It was really eye-opening to read how Ben Horowitz navigates hard decisions in The Hard Thing About Hard Things, as it provides valuable insight into how leaders can remain unflinching in challenging times."
  • "The advice provided by Ben Horowitz in The Hard Thing About Hard Things is incredibly relevant in today's unpredictable business climate, and I believe we should strongly consider incorporating some of his strategies into our own practices."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about The Hard Thing About Hard Things

  • “Just finished reading The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz. This book has been a great source of insights for me on the struggles that come with managing a business. #Leadership #BusinessManagement #Startup #BenHorowitz”
  • “In The Hard Thing About Hard Things, Ben Horowitz provides invaluable advice on how to navigate the challenging world of business and leadership. If you're looking for a great read on the topic, this is a must-read! #Leadership #BusinessManagement #Startup #BenHorowitz”
  • “The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz is an essential read for anyone looking to gain insight into the ups and downs of business leadership. Highly recommended! #Leadership #BusinessManagement #Startup #BenHorowitz”
  • “I highly recommend The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz if you want to learn more about the difficulties that come with running your own business. A must-read! #Leadership #BusinessManagement #Startup #BenHorowitz”
  • “The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz is full of practical advice on how to handle difficult situations as a business leader. Grab a copy and you'll be glad you did! #Leadership #BusinessManagement#Startup#BenHorowitz”

Top 5 Quotes from The Hard Thing About Hard Things

  1. "Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence."
  2. "You can’t change the winds, but you can adjust your sails."
  3. "If you are going through hell, keep going."
  4. "One of the most important skills a leader must possess is the ability to identify and hire great people. It is not enough to be the smartest person in the room."
  5. "It doesn’t matter how great an individual contributor you have been; when you become a manager, your value will be judged on how well the people under you perform."

Other books by Ben Horowitz

  • What You Do Is Who You Are: How to Create Your Business Culture
  • The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups
  • The Little Black Book for Managers: A Guide to Maximizing Your Potential
  • The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: Strategies and Wisdom on Life, Wealth, and Joy

Did you know?


The Hard Thing About Hard Things has been featured in the Harvard Business Review, Forbes, and The Wall Street Journal.