3 min read

The Cheating of America: Summary

Everything you need to know about Charles Lewis's The Cheating of America, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying The Cheating of America by Charles Lewis in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying The Cheating of America by Charles Lewis
In The Cheating of America, Charles Lewis examines how corporate lobbyists, special interests, and politicians have colluded to create a system of political and economic inequality that has cost taxpayers billions of dollars. He argues that the only way to restore fairness to the American economy is to strengthen the power of ordinary citizens, who should be able to make their voices heard in government and business.

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The Cheating of America: Key Points

  1. Corporate America has become increasingly powerful and influential over the past two decades, to the point where it can often dictate economic and political policies.
  2. This power has been used to manipulate the market and create unfair advantages for corporations that are not available to ordinary citizens.
  3. In order to gain these advantages, corporations have engaged in a variety of unethical practices such as corporate welfare, price fixing, accounting fraud, insider trading and political influence peddling.
  4. These practices have resulted in an unprecedented transfer of wealth from ordinary citizens to corporations and their top executives.
  5. This transfer has exacerbated the already growing gap between the rich and poor in America and further weakened the middle class.
  6. The current system of corporate governance needs to be reformed in order to ensure that corporations are accountable for their actions and that all citizens have access to a fair and equal playing field when it comes to economic opportunities.

What to say about The Cheating of America

  • "The Cheating of America by Charles Lewis is an important read for anyone interested in understanding the systemic corruption that has taken root in our country."
  • "This book provides a comprehensive overview of how corporate and political interests have manipulated the system to their advantage."
  • "Charles Lewis' research highlights the hypocritical double standards and lack of accountability that have been prevalent in our society for far too long."
  • "The Cheating of America is an eye-opening exploration of how power and money can be used to undermine democracy and the rule of law."
  • "This book offers a detailed analysis of how companies and individuals have exploited loopholes and legal loopholes to gain a competitive edge."
  • "Charles Lewis provides a convincing argument for why we must take action to ensure that all citizens are treated fairly under the law."
  • "The Cheating of America provides an insightful look into the ways in which powerful interests have distorted our government and economy."
  • "This book paints a clear picture of the consequences of unchecked greed and corruption, which has caused significant harm to our nation's citizens."
  • "This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand how economic and political interests have shaped our society in recent decades."
  • "The Cheating of America is an invaluable source for those seeking to uncover the truth behind corporate and political greed, as well as its effects on our nation's citizens."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about The Cheating of America

  • Just finished reading The Cheating of America by Charles Lewis - an eye-opening look at the current state of US politics. Highly recommend it! #TheCheatingofAmerica
  • Our democracy is under threat - check out The Cheating of America by Charles Lewis to learn more about the forces undermining our political system. #TheCheatingofAmerica
  • Fascinated by Charles Lewis' work in The Cheating of America - he provides a gripping account of how money is used to influence policy and politics. #TheCheatingofAmerica
  • A must read for anyone concerned about the future of our democracy - The Cheating of America by Charles Lewis is a thought-provoking book on the power of money in politics. #TheCheatingofAmerica
  • Read this if you want to be better informed about the US political landscape - The Cheating of America by Charles Lewis is an insightful and revealing read. #TheCheatingofAmerica

Top 5 Quotes from The Cheating of America

  1. "In a democracy, the only way we can hold our leaders accountable is by knowing what they do in our name."
  2. "The American people have not been given the facts and information necessary to see how their system of self-government has been corrupted."
  3. “The dominant force in politics is not the elected officials—it is the unelected billionaires who are funding campaigns and buying access.”
  4. "We must begin to understand that money corrupts and corrodes our democracy, erodes public trust in government, and undermines the very legitimacy of our democratic system."
  5. "Politics is a business—a big business—and the American people are paying for it, one way or another."

Other books by Charles Lewis

  • 11: Was There an Alternative?
  • The Business of America: How Consumers Have Replaced Citizens and How We Can Reverse the Trend
  • American Insecurity: Why Our Economic Fortunes Keep Declining and What We Can Do About It
  • Secret: The Making of the American Military Establishment
  • Whistleblowers: Exposing Corruption in Government and Industry
  • Public Radio and Television in America: A Political History
  • Unchecked and Unbalanced: Presidential Power in a Time of Terror
  • The Politicians and the Egalitarians: The Hidden History of American Politics

Did you know?


The Cheating of America was the first book in the country to reveal how Wall Street, corporate executives, and lobbyists have worked together to undermine the public interest.