3 min read

The Blindspots Between Us: Summary

Everything you need to know about Gleb Tsipursky's The Blindspots Between Us, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying The Blindspots Between Us by Gleb Tsipursky in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying The Blindspots Between Us by Gleb Tsipursky
The Blindspots Between Us by Gleb Tsipursky offers a practical guide to improving communication and understanding between individuals. It explores the root causes of miscommunications and misunderstandings, such as cognitive biases, implicit assumptions, and suppressed emotions. Through a combination of neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy, Tsipursky provides insights and strategies to increase self-awareness, recognize blind spots in communication, and foster more honest and respectful relationships.

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The Blindspots Between Us: Key Points

  1. Blind spots are areas where we have a bias or lack of knowledge that can prevent us from making effective decisions and achieving our goals.
  2. Being aware of our blind spots is essential for personal growth, as it allows us to identify and address our weaknesses in order to become more capable and successful.
  3. There are three main types of blind spots: cognitive blind spots (e.g., confirmation bias, emotional blind spots (e.g., self-limiting beliefs, and interpersonal blind spots (e.g., overvaluing certain opinions.
  4. We can overcome our blind spots by using the six steps of Intentional Insights, which include setting specific goals, understanding our motivations, learning the facts, applying mental models, considering alternative perspectives, and monitoring our progress.
  5. We can also use mindfulness and compassion to increase our awareness of our blind spots and gain insights into how we can make better decisions.

What to say about The Blindspots Between Us

  • "The Blindspots Between Us by Gleb Tsipursky provides a thought-provoking look at the importance of understanding and managing cognitive biases in order to make better decisions."
  • "I found The Blindspots Between Us to be a great resource for anyone who wants to gain insight into how biases can influence our thought processes and actions."
  • "Gleb Tsipursky's book was an eye-opening read that helps readers identify and address the blind spots between them and others."
  • "The Blindspots Between Us is an invaluable guide for anyone looking to become more aware of their cognitive biases and how they shape their thinking."
  • "The Blindspots Between Us provides an accessible yet comprehensive overview of the science behind cognitive bias, as well as practical advice on how to manage it."
  • "Gleb Tsipursky's work offers a unique perspective on how unconscious biases can hold us back from making informed decisions."
  • "The Blindspots Between Us is an excellent resource for those looking to better understand their own cognitive biases, as well as those of others around them."
  • "This book offers valuable insights into the ways that cognitive biases can lead to mistakes in decision-making and problem solving."
  • "The Blindspots Between Us is a must-read for anyone interested in learning about the role that unconscious biases play in our lives."
  • "Gleb Tsipursky's The Blindspots Between Us provides a comprehensive overview of cognitive bias, along with experts tips for recognizing and managing it more effectively."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about The Blindspots Between Us

  • Just finished reading The Blindspots Between Us by Gleb Tsipursky and it's an absolute must read for anyone looking to build stronger relationships with colleagues, customers, and partners. #BlindspotsBetweenUs #Relationships #GlebTsipursky
  • Check out The Blindspots Between Us by Gleb Tsipursky! An eye-opening book that dives deep into the often overlooked but critical dynamics of interpersonal relationships in the workplace. #BlindspotsBetweenUs #InterpersonalRelationships #GlebTsipursky
  • Reading The Blindspots Between Us by Gleb Tsipursky was a great reminder that even small changes in communication can have a huge impact on our professional relationships. Highly recommend it! #BlindspotsBetweenUs #CommunicationSkills #GlebTsipursky
  • Such an inspiring read! The Blindspots Between Us by Gleb Tsipursky is full of valuable insights into how we can create more successful connections with others at work - definitely worth checking out! #BlindspotsBetweenUs #SuccessfulConnections #GlebTsipursky
  • Just finished reading The Blindspots Between Us by Gleb Tsipursky - a powerful book about how to identify and overcome blind spots in our professional relationships. Highly recommend it! #BlindspotsBetweenUs #ProfessionalRelationships #GlebTsipursky

Top 5 Quotes from The Blindspots Between Us

  1. “We are not just the sum of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors; we are, more importantly, the stories we tell ourselves about them.”
  2. “We can’t celebrate diversity while denying our differences.”
  3. “The key to creating a more productive and harmonious society is to not just embrace diversity, but also to understand and respect our differences.”
  4. “When we question our own beliefs and assumptions, we can break through the blind spots between us and see each other clearly.”
  5. “It takes courage to open your mind and heart to those who are different from you — but it’s worth it.”

Other books by Gleb Tsipursky

  • The Truth-Seeker's Handbook: A Science-Based Guide
  • Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters
  • Resilience: Adapt and Plan for the New Abnormal of Uncertainty and Risk
  • Prepare Your Mind for Happiness: Cognitive Behavioral Strategies to Find Lasting Contentment
  • Forget Smart: Develop Wisdom to Create Lasting Happiness and Success
  • Emotional Intelligence 2.0
  • The Mindful Difference: How to Use Mindfulness to Improve Your Life and Relationships
  • Proactive Resilience: How to Thrive No Matter What Life Throws at You
  • Practical Wisdom for Life: Ancient Stoic Wisdom for Modern Practical Living

Did you know?


Gleb Tsipursky's book, The Blindspots Between Us, is the first book to use a scientific approach to bridge social divides by identifying and addressing the unconscious biases that foster misunderstanding.