3 min read

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Summary

Everything you need to know about Benjamin Franklin's The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography is the story of one of the United States' Founding Fathers who, through his hard work and dedication, achieved success in many different areas of life. He writes about his early childhood, education, and experiences in business, politics, and science. He also discusses his involvement in the American Revolution and the development of a new nation. Throughout the book, he emphasizes the importance of virtue, diligence, and frugality as essential for achieving success.

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The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: Key Points

  1. Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706 in Boston, Massachusetts.
  2. He was the 15th of 17 children born to his father, a poor soap and candle maker.
  3. He had very little formal education but was an avid reader, teaching himself mathematics, science, philosophy and politics.
  4. He became an apprentice to his brother James, who was a printer, at age 12.
  5. The Autobiography charts Franklin’s rise from poverty to wealth and influence as he achieved success in various business ventures throughout the American Colonies, including running a printing business in Philadelphia and becoming a partner in a merchant firm in London.
  6. Franklin also delves into his political life and his involvement in the struggle for independence from Britain, writing that: ‘The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph’.
  7. Franklin was also active in many other areas, such as establishing libraries and fire departments, inventing bifocal glasses and a stove (the 'Franklin Stove', founding insurance companies and proposing an early version of Social Security.
  8. The Autobiography is one of the most influential books ever written in the United States; its themes of self-improvement and hard work have been echoed by generations of Americans since its publication in 1793.

What to say about The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

  • "The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is a remarkable story of ambition and success, showing that hard work and determination can lead to greatness."
  • "The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is an inspiring read, providing insight into the life of one of America's founding fathers."
  • "The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin offers a unique perspective on history, as it is told by one of its most important figures."
  • "I was particularly struck by Benjamin Franklin's own reflections on the importance of personal growth and development in The Autobiography."
  • "The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is an invaluable resource for understanding the ideals and principles that shaped America's early years."
  • "Benjamin Franklin's writings in The Autobiography are as relevant now as they were when first published centuries ago."
  • "Reading The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin provides readers with a glimpse into the life and times of one of America's greatest statesmen."
  • "The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin serves as a testament to the power of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity."
  • "The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin reveals a deep understanding of human nature and psychology, which is still applicable today."
  • "The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is an insightful exploration into the mind and motivations of a truly remarkable individual."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

  • Just finished reading The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin. A must-read for any professional looking to learn from one of the founding fathers of the United States.
  • Looking to get ahead in business? Read The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin and learn the secrets of success from one of the greatest minds in American history.
  • Anyone wanting to learn about self-improvement should take a look at The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. It's an inspiring read full of wisdom from a true leader.
  • Aspiring entrepreneurs should definitely check out The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin's life story is an incredible example of what can be achieved with hard work and determination.
  • If you're feeling stuck in your career, reach for The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin for some much needed inspiration and guidance!

Top 5 Quotes from The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

  1. "Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight."
  2. "Those who govern, having much business on their hands, do not generally like to take the trouble of considering and carrying into execution new projects. The best way therefore to obtain any favor of them is to make the matter easy by splitting it into parts, and then presenting them separately."
  3. "Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man."
  4. "Diligence is the mother of good luck."
  5. "Hide not your talents. They for use were made. What's a sun-dial in the shade?"

Other books by Benjamin Franklin

  • The Way to Wealth
  • Poor Richard's Almanack
  • The Journal of a Voyage Across the Atlantic
  • A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain
  • An Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania
  • Experiments and Observations on Electricity
  • A Letter to a Royal Academy
  • Fart Proudly: Writings of Benjamin Franklin You Never Read in School
  • Advice to a Young Tradesman, Written by an Old One
  • A Modest Enquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Currency

Did you know?


The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is the first autobiography ever written by an American.