3 min read

The 80/20 Principle: Summary

Everything you need to know about Richard Koch's The 80/20 Principle, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch
The 80/20 Principle, by Richard Koch, is a book that explains how a small number of inputs can result in a disproportionately large number of outputs. It argues that in life, business, and economics, 80% of the results come from 20% of the inputs. The book encourages readers to identify and focus on the 20% that will give them the most rewards so they can enjoy greater efficiency and improved results.

Want to know more?

The 80/20 Principle: Key Points

  1. The 80/20 Principle states that for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.
  2. This principle can be applied to many aspects of life, including business, money management, relationships, and more.
  3. It is important to focus on the small number of factors that are responsible for the majority of results.
  4. By introducing constraints, it is possible to identify and prioritize the most important tasks in order to maximize success.
  5. The key to success is to identify and eliminate activities or tasks that are not producing desired results or that do not add value.
  6. It is important to be aware of diminishing returns; once a certain level of success has been achieved, additional effort may not produce significant results.

What to say about The 80/20 Principle

  • The 80/20 Principle provides a powerful tool to help identify areas of focus and maximize impact in any situation.
  • I believe the 80/20 Principle can help us prioritize resources to achieve maximum efficiency in our current projects.
  • It's interesting to consider that, according to The 80/20 Principle, 80% of results come from only 20% of effort or resources.
  • Richard Koch's theory suggests that we should focus on understanding which 20% of inputs create the greatest output and apply our resources accordingly.
  • By understanding and adhering to the 80/20 Principle, we can avoid misallocating resources and maximize our potential returns.
  • Applying The 80/20 Principle allows us to determine what will give us the most value for the least effort, leading to greater cost-effectiveness.
  • The 80/20 Principle can be beneficial for identifying patterns in complex data sets and deriving insights from them.
  • Adopting The 80/20 Principle can help us identify bottlenecks and areas of improvement in our current operations quickly and accurately.
  • We can use The 80/20 Principle to make sure that we are focusing on the tasks with the greatest potential return on investment instead of wasting time on unimportant activities.
  • Following Richard Koch's approach could potentially revolutionize how we approach our business strategy, allowing us to become more efficient and effective in achieving our goals.

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about The 80/20 Principle

  • Have you heard of The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch? It's a great way to focus on the most important tasks and maximize productivity! #8020principle #productivity
  • Implementing The 80/20 Principle into your work routine can help you unlock greater success. Make sure to check out Richard Koch's book and start achieving more! #8020principle #success
  • Take control of your time and energy with The 80/20 Principle. It helps you identify what matters most, so you can make the most out of every day. #8020principle #timeefficiency
  • Learn how to maximize your efforts and get ahead with The 80/20 Principle. Richard Koch's book will show you how to focus on what matters most for success. #8020principle #successminded
  • Discover the power of The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch and find out how to become more productive and successful in less time. #8020principle #maximumproductivity

Top 5 Quotes from The 80/20 Principle

  1. "The 80/20 Principle asserts that a minority of causes, inputs, or effort usually lead to a majority of the results, outputs, or rewards."
  2. "The Pareto Principle is about the relationship between inputs and outputs: The correlation between what we put in and what we get out."
  3. "Focus on the few creative activities that will lead to the highest returns in your work and personal life."
  4. "If you are able to identify those activities that most efficiently produce the desired result, you will be able to make tremendous progress."
  5. "Most people try to do too much and end up achieving too little."

Other books by Richard Koch

  • Living Next Door to the God of Love
  • Simplify: How the Best Businesses in the World Succeed
  • The Star Principle: How It Can Make You Rich
  • Little Book of Big Management Ideas
  • Superconnect: Harnessing the Power of Networks and The Strength of Weak Links
  • The Power Laws: The Science of Success
  • The 80/20 Manager: Ten Ways to Become a Great Leader
  • The Natural Laws of Business: How to Harness the Power of Evolutionary Dynamics to Achieve Business Success
  • The 80/20 Revolution: How to Get more done with Less and Why 80/20 Thinking is the Future
  • Cocreating Change: The Path to a Sustainable Future
  • Creating Wealth Through Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Unlocking Potential: 8 Coaching Skills That Transform Individuals, Teams, and Organizations

Did you know?


The 80/20 Principle states that 80% of results come from 20% of the effort. This concept is sometimes referred to as the Pareto Principle, named after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto who first used the principle to describe how 80% of the wealth was owned by 20% of people in Italy.