3 min read

Strategy Safari: Summary

Everything you need to know about Henry Mintzberg's Strategy Safari, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Strategy Safari by Henry Mintzberg in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Strategy Safari by Henry Mintzberg
Strategy Safari is a book by Henry Mintzberg that outlines ten different "schools" of thought related to strategic management. These schools include the Design, Planning, Positioning, Entrepreneurial, Cognitive, Learning, Power, Cultural, Environment and Configuration schools. The book provides readers with an overview of each school and examines the various approaches they take to understanding strategy. It also highlights the strengths and weaknesses of each approach as well as their implications for strategic management.

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Strategy Safari: Key Points

  1. The 10 Schools of Thought: Mintzberg's "Strategy Safari" outlines ten distinct schools of thought that contribute to the study of strategic management. These are: design, planning, positioning, entrepreneurship, cognitive, learning, power, cultural, environmental and configuration.
  2. Strategic Thinking: Mintzberg stresses the importance of strategic thinking in order to make effective decisions. He emphasizes that understanding the strategy process is key to making sound decisions and implementing successful strategies.
  3. Strategy as a Process: Mintzberg stresses that strategy is an ongoing process rather than an isolated event or decision. He encourages organizations to be flexible and adaptive in their strategies in order to stay competitive in an ever-changing environment.
  4. Systematic Patterns: Mintzberg argues that there is a systematic pattern behind every strategy and it is important to recognize this pattern in order to fully understand its implications. He emphasizes the need for organizations to identify these patterns in order to develop effective strategies and achieve their goals.
  5. Integrative Approach: Mintzberg encourages an integrative approach when developing a strategy, which involves combining different elements from various schools of thought into one cohesive approach. This helps organizations create more comprehensive and effective strategies.

What to say about Strategy Safari

  • "Strategy Safari by Henry Mintzberg is an invaluable guide for navigating the complexities of business strategy."
  • "Mintzberg's holistic approach to strategy development provides us with a comprehensive framework for creating effective strategies."
  • "The book offers insightful and practical advice on how to develop and implement successful strategies."
  • "The case studies included in Strategy Safari are invaluable in demonstrating how different strategies have been applied in various contexts."
  • "What I particularly appreciate about the book is that it emphasizes the need to adapt strategies based on changing market conditions."
  • "Strategy Safari provides a valuable set of tools that can be used to create and maintain successful long-term strategies."
  • "Mintzberg's concept of 'strategic drift' is particularly interesting as it highlights the importance of ongoing evaluation and adjustment of strategies over time."
  • "Strategy Safari provides an insightful look at the many factors that should be taken into account when developing effective strategies, and how they interact with each other."
  • "The book is an excellent resource for strategists looking to gain a better understanding of the complexities of strategic decision making."
  • "I believe that Strategy Safari by Henry Mintzberg is a must-read for anyone involved in strategic planning and execution."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Strategy Safari

  • Just finished reading Henry Mintzberg's "Strategy Safari" and I'm so impressed with the comprehensive approach to understanding strategic management! #StrategySafari #Mintzberg
  • A great resource for all professionals in the strategic management space: Henry Mintzberg's "Strategy Safari". Highly recommended! #StrategySafari #Mintzberg
  • Henry Mintzberg's "Strategy Safari" is a must-read for anyone looking to gain a better understanding of strategic management. #StrategySafari #Mintzberg
  • If you’re looking for an insightful and comprehensive look at the fundamentals of strategy, then you must read Henry Mintzberg’s “Strategy Safari”! #StrategySafari #Mintzberg
  • An essential guide to understanding strategy - Henry Mintzberg's "Strategy Safari". A great read! #StrategySafari #Mintzberg

Top 5 Quotes from Strategy Safari

  1. "Strategy is a pattern in a stream of decisions."
  2. "Strategy formation is an emergent process, not a programmed one."
  3. "A strategy is like a map; it tells you where to go and how to get there, but not what you'll find when you arrive."
  4. "The essence of strategy formulation is figuring out where one wants to go and how best to get there."
  5. "Strategy formulation is the practice of deciding upon the best course of action for achieving desired objectives."

Other books by Henry Mintzberg

  • The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning
  • Managing
  • Mintzberg on Management: Inside Our Strange World of Organizations
  • The Strategy Process: Concepts, Contexts, Cases
  • Closing the Gap Between Strategy and Execution
  • Managers Not MBAs: A Hard Look at the Soft Practice of Managing and Management Development
  • Beyond Craft: The Art and Science of Managing Professional Services Firms
  • Rethinking Management: Breaking the Myths of the Standard Model
  • Simplify: How the Best Businesses in the World Succeed
  • The Structuring of Organizations: A Synthesis of the Research
  • Seeing Around Corners: How to Spot Inflection Points in Business Before They Happen

Did you know?


Strategy Safari by Henry Mintzberg is the first book to integrate the perspectives of multiple disciplines and levels of analysis in order to understand and develop effective strategies.