3 min read

Rework: Summary

Everything you need to know about Jason Fried's Rework, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Rework by Jason Fried in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Rework by Jason Fried
Rework, by Jason Fried, is a business book focused on how entrepreneurs and small businesses can succeed in the modern economy. It emphasizes practical strategies for success such as avoiding large-scale planning, not wasting resources on managerial hierarchy, embracing feedback from customers and employees, and taking advantage of new technology to make processes more efficient. The book also advocates for flexible working conditions and an innovative attitude to empower workers and maximize productivity.

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Rework: Key Points

  1. Embrace constraints – Limits encourage creativity and force smarter decision-making.
  2. Hire slowly and fire quickly – The right team members can make or break a business, so take your time to find the right fit and don’t hesitate to let go of those who don’t fit.
  3. Do less with more – Instead of trying to do everything, focus on fewer things that have greater impact.
  4. Ignore the real world – Don’t try to conform to what “everyone else is doing”; instead, be creative and follow your own path.
  5. Focus on outcomes not output – Instead of measuring success by how much you produce, focus on the results you achieve.
  6. Embrace process not plans – Plans are often outdated before they are even finished; instead, focus on creating repeatable processes that can be adjusted as needed.
  7. Iterate often – Make small changes over time instead of trying to get everything perfect all at once.
  8. Make decisions quickly – Don’t waste time debating every option; trust your gut and make the best decision you can in the moment.

What to say about Rework

  • "Rework is an insightful and inspiring book that offers valuable lessons about how to build a successful business."
  • "Rework is a great example of how unconventional thinking can be used to achieve success."
  • "Rework offers many creative solutions to the most common problems facing small businesses today."
  • "The advice in Rework is practical and applicable - it's not just theoretical concepts or ideas."
  • "Rework emphasizes the importance of experimentation and encourages entrepreneurs to take risks."
  • "I believe Rework has the potential to revolutionize how small businesses are run, particularly in today's economy."
  • "Jason Fried's writing style in Rework is clear, concise and easy to understand - it's a fast read!"
  • "The wisdom provided in Rework can be applied to any type of business, regardless of size or industry."
  • "Rework provides valuable insight into how to create a company culture that focuses on innovation and growth."
  • "I think Rework should be an essential resource for anyone interested in starting their own business or improving upon an existing one."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Rework

  • "Rework by Jason Fried is one of the best books on entrepreneurship I've read. It provides invaluable insight into how to think differently about the business world and has helped me gain perspective on my own professional goals."
  • "If you're looking to get ahead in your career, I highly recommend reading Rework by Jason Fried. This book offers a unique perspective on how to tackle the most challenging aspects of business and has been incredibly helpful for me."
  • "Rework by Jason Fried has given me the confidence to take risks and challenge conventional wisdom about business. Highly recommend it for anyone looking for new ways to approach problem-solving!"
  • "Just finished reading Rework by Jason Fried – an amazing book that will help you to think differently about achieving success in business. If you're looking for a fresh perspective, this is definitely worth a read."
  • "Fantastic read – Rework by Jason Fried is a must-read for entrepreneurs and business professionals alike! It teaches you how to think innovatively and provides incredible insights into how to be successful in any industry."

Top 5 Quotes from Rework

  1. "Start before you're ready."
  2. "Done is better than perfect."
  3. "You don't need to have a 100-person company to develop that idea."
  4. "Talking about something is not the same as doing something."
  5. "Underpromise and overdeliver."

Other books by Jason Fried

  • It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work
  • Getting Real
  • Shape Up: Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters

Did you know?


Rework was written in three months and became an international bestseller, selling over a million copies.