4 min read

Resilience: Summary

Everything you need to know about Gleb Tsipursky's Resilience, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Resilience by Gleb Tsipursky in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Resilience by Gleb Tsipursky
Resilience by Gleb Tsipursky is a book that offers strategies and tips on how to increase resilience and cope with difficult times. It discusses the science behind psychological resilience, exploring topics such as the role of emotions in decision-making, how to develop healthy habits that support effective self-leadership, and how to recognize and challenge cognitive biases. It also provides actionable advice on how to develop productive mindsets and practical skills for handling stress, dealing with failure, managing relationships, and achieving success in the face of adversity.

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Resilience: Key Points

  1. Develop a Growth Mindset: Resilience is about embracing change and learning from it. This requires developing a growth mindset—the belief that you can develop your skills, abilities, and perspectives through effort and learning. You need to be open to acknowledging your shortcomings and failures, and use them as opportunities for growth.
  2. Establish Positive Habits: One of the most important aspects of resilience is forming positive habits that will help you build mental strength and foster self-compassion. Examples include regular physical activity, maintaining a healthy diet, getting adequate rest, meditation, journaling, and setting goals.
  3. Cultivate an Optimistic Outlook: Develop an optimistic outlook on life by focusing on the positive aspects of situations rather than the negative ones. Acknowledge the things you’re grateful for in your life and practice reframing challenging experiences in more positive ways.
  4. Appreciate Your Strengths & Weaknesses: Recognize both your strengths and weaknesses, so you can be aware of which areas need improvement and which ones you can leverage to your advantage. Focus on building up your strengths while also striving to improve upon your weaknesses.
  5. Be Proactive & Take Action: Don’t wait for things to happen—instead, take action! Have a plan in place for when difficulties arise so that you can be prepared to face them head-on instead of feeling overwhelmed by them.
  6. Reach Out for Support: Don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need it—whether it’s from friends or family members, or professional help such as counseling or therapy. It takes courage to ask for help but it can make all the difference in helping you stay resilient in the face of adversity.

What to say about Resilience

  • Resilience, by Gleb Tsipursky, offers an insightful look into how we can develop the capacity to handle difficult situations and remain focused on achieving our goals.
  • The strategies proposed in Resilience provide valuable guidance that can help us make better decisions in times of crisis.
  • Gleb Tsipursky's book helps readers to gain a better understanding of how to remain composed under pressure and keep striving for success.
  • Resilience is a must-read for anyone looking to build emotional strength and resilience as they navigate difficult circumstances.
  • With his extensive research and concise writing style, Gleb Tsipursky offers readers a unique insight into the concept of resilience and how it can be applied in practice.
  • Resilience provides powerful tools that enable us to prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally to face any challenge that comes our way.
  • By reading Resilience, we are able to gain clarity on our own thought processes and understand why certain emotions arise in certain situations so that we can better cope with them.
  • Gleb Tsipursky's book provides an invaluable resource for developing the mental strength required to stay resilient in challenging times.
  • Resilience is an inspiring read which encourages us to remain strong in the face of adversity and never give up on our dreams despite life's setbacks.
  • Through its comprehensive analysis of resilience, the book gives us a greater appreciation of how important this quality is for achieving our goals in life.

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Resilience

  • Building resilience is key to achieving success in life and career - check out this amazing read from @GlebTsipursky on how to do it: https://glebtsipursky.com/resilience #resilience #success #career
  • Learn the importance of cultivating a resilient mindset with this great article from @GlebTsipursky! It's an essential part of personal growth. #resilience #mindset #growth
  • Resilience is one of the most important skills we can cultivate - don't miss this insightful piece from @GlebTsipursky! #resilience #skills
  • Gain invaluable insight into building sustainable resilience with this must-read article by @GlebTsipursky. Don't miss out! #resilience #sustainability
  • Strengthen your ability to handle challenges with this helpful article by @GlebTsipursky - understanding resilience is crucial for success. #resilience #challenges #success

Top 5 Quotes from Resilience

  1. "Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress — such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems, or workplace and financial stressors."
  2. "When faced with adversity, resilience isn't about suppressing your emotions or lying to yourself that everything is okay. It's all about finding the strength within yourself to confront and work through the challenges while still maintaining a positive outlook and outlook on life."
  3. "Focus on what you can control rather than what you can't — this is key to resilience."
  4. "The greatest form of resilience is not just bouncing back but bouncing forward — turning your adversity into a new opportunity for growth and learning."
  5. "Life is never easy or predictable — so be prepared for the unexpected and learn to embrace change as an opportunity for growth."

Other books by Gleb Tsipursky

  • Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters
  • Commitment Management: How to Develop and Sustain High-Performing Teams
  • Find Your Purpose Using Science: A Research-Based Model for Fulfilling Work and Meaningful Life
  • The Blindspots Between Us: How to Overcome Unconscious Cognitive Bias and Build Better Relationships
  • The Truth Seeker’s Guide to the Post-Truth World: How to Separate Facts From Lies and Make Your Own Meaningful Decisions
  • The Emotionally Intelligent Decision-Maker's Guidebook: How to Leverage Emotions for More Effective Thinking, Problem Solving, and Planning

Did you know?


Gleb Tsipursky is the founder of Disaster Avoidance Experts, an organization that helps individuals and organizations build resilience to navigate and thrive in uncertain and chaotic environments.