3 min read

Ready for Anything: Summary

Everything you need to know about David Allen's Ready for Anything, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Ready for Anything by David Allen in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Ready for Anything by David Allen
Ready for Anything by David Allen provides practical advice on how to be organized and productive in the face of life’s distractions and challenges. It outlines a system for managing commitments and tasks, breaking them down into manageable steps and delegating them when necessary. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of taking time to relax, reflect, and recharge in order to stay productive. By following these steps, readers can learn to be more efficient and effective in their professional and personal lives.

Want to know more?

Ready for Anything: Key Points

  1. Break large tasks down into smaller, more manageable steps.
  2. Focus on outcomes rather than activities and projects.
  3. Prioritize tasks according to their importance and urgency.
  4. Capture ideas, tasks, and other information in an organized way so that nothing is forgotten.
  5. Process all incoming information before deciding what to do with it.
  6. Make clear decisions about what action needs to be taken on each task or project.
  7. Regularly review and update your “to-do” lists and action plans.
  8. Ask yourself what the next logical step should be for each task or project you are working on.
  9. Stay focused on the most important tasks and manage distractions effectively.
  10. Use time-management techniques such as time boxing and breaking tasks down into small chunks of time to get them done faster and more efficiently.

What to say about Ready for Anything

  • "Ready for Anything by David Allen is a great resource to help individuals become more organized and productive in all areas of their life."
  • "The book provides valuable insights on how to create effective strategies to tackle difficult tasks and achieve success."
  • "Ready for Anything offers practical steps to stay focused, prioritize and manage one's energy levels efficiently."
  • "David Allen's approach to productivity is based on the concept of breaking down complex tasks into smaller, manageable components."
  • "This book is an invaluable guide for anyone who wants to maximize their time, increase their efficiency and reach their goals."
  • "Ready for Anything provides readers with a comprehensive system for getting things done and staying on top of their commitments."
  • "The book provides a clear framework that can be used to create a more productive lifestyle, while also allowing room for flexibility."
  • "Allen's approach to task management is grounded in the idea that we should focus on the outcome rather than getting lost in the process."
  • "Ready for Anything offers valuable advice on how to stay motivated and make progress on long-term projects without burning out."
  • "David Allen's techniques are designed to help people manage their resources and energy levels effectively so that they can accomplish even the most daunting tasks with ease."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Ready for Anything

  • Just finished reading #ReadyforAnything by David Allen and it was incredibly insightful! Highly recommend it for anyone looking to maximize productivity and efficiency in their day-to-day life. #productivity #timemanagement
  • David Allen's #ReadyforAnything is a must read for anyone looking to make the most of their day. The book provides invaluable time management tips that will help you stay productive and organized. #timeisprecious
  • Maximize your productivity with the help of #ReadyforAnything by David Allen! This book is packed with practical advice for better time management and more effective goal setting. #organization #goalsetting
  • Just finished reading David Allen's #ReadyforAnything and I'm already feeling more organized and productive! Highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to get the most out of their day. #timemanagement #efficiency
  • Looking to increase your effectiveness? Get your hands on a copy of David Allen's #ReadyforAnything today! You won't regret it! #productivityboost #timeisprecious

Top 5 Quotes from Ready for Anything

  1. “You can do anything, but not everything.”
  2. “Clarity is power.”
  3. “The best way to get something done is to begin.”
  4. “The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year.”
  5. “If you don’t pay appropriate attention to what has your attention, it will take more of your attention than it deserves.”

Other books by David Allen

  • Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
  • Making It All Work: Winning at the Game of Work and the Business of Life
  • Getting Things Done for Teens: Take Control of Your Life in a Distracted World
  • Getting Things Done with Outlook 2007
  • Getting Things Done at Work
  • Do It Tomorrow and Other Secrets of Time Management
  • The Quick Guide to Getting Things Done
  • GTD Connect: The Online Community for GTD Practitioners

Did you know?


Ready for Anything by David Allen is the first book to establish a comprehensive system for personal and professional productivity that has been widely adopted and recognized as the foundation for getting things done.