3 min read

Purple Cow: Summary

Everything you need to know about Seth Godin's Purple Cow, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Purple Cow by Seth Godin in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Purple Cow by Seth Godin
Purple Cow by Seth Godin is a book that encourages businesses to stand out from the competition by innovating and taking risks. The book argues that traditional marketing methods are no longer effective and suggests that companies should focus on creating something remarkable or unexpected in order to capture the attention of potential customers. It also stresses the importance of building a strong brand identity and cultivating word-of-mouth marketing. By doing so, companies can engage their target audience and drive loyalty.

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Purple Cow: Key Points

  1. Be remarkable – stand out from the crowd.
  2. Advertising is no longer enough; you need to create something so remarkable that people will talk about it and share it with others.
  3. Create a product or service that is worth talking about and people will naturally spread the word.
  4. Embrace change and innovate constantly, don’t settle for the status quo.
  5. Deliver value, not just features; make sure your product or service solves a problem and adds value to customers’ lives.
  6. Focus on quality, not quantity; create something special that will last over time.
  7. Take risks but be prepared to fail; success is often achieved through trial and error.
  8. Aim for the long-term; focus on creating a sustainable business model rather than quick profits.

What to say about Purple Cow

  • Purple Cow by Seth Godin is an insightful and thought-provoking book that encourages readers to think outside the box and challenge conventional wisdom.
  • The ideas in Purple Cow are revolutionary; they are an effective way to stand out from the competition through innovative thinking.
  • Purple Cow provides a unique perspective on how to be successful as an individual or organization, by being different and unique.
  • One of the key messages in Purple Cow is that it's not just about what you produce, but how you market it that can make all the difference.
  • I was particularly impressed by Seth Godin's concept of 'purple cow' marketing; this is a great example of creative marketing strategies.
  • Reading Purple Cow has inspired me to come up with new ideas and strategies that will help our company stand out from the competition.
  • By taking risks and embracing change, we can use the principles outlined in Purple Cow to better position ourselves in the market place.
  • Through his book, Seth Godin effectively conveys the importance of taking risks and challenging accepted notions of success - a principle which can be applied to any business or industry.
  • Purple Cow is a must-read for anyone looking for fresh ways to approach their business or professional goals.
  • Seth Godin offers valuable insights into how to create buzz around a product or service, and how to reach a wider audience by using unconventional tactics.

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Purple Cow

  • Having just finished "Purple Cow" by Seth Godin, I'm inspired to think outside the box and challenge conventional wisdom! #innovation #marketing
  • "The old rules are dead--innovate or die!" -Seth Godin, author of Purple Cow. This is a great reminder to stay ahead in today's competitive market. #entrepreneurship #business
  • As a business leader, I highly recommend reading Seth Godin's "Purple Cow" for insights on how to stand out from the competition. #marketingtips #success
  • Check out Seth Godin's "Purple Cow" for tips on how to be remarkable and make your brand truly unique. #branding #marketing
  • If you're looking for creative ways to take your business to the next level, read "Purple Cow" by Seth Godin! #ideas #creativity

Top 5 Quotes from Purple Cow

  1. "Purple cows, after all, are interesting."
  2. "The key to success is to find something remarkable and then encourage people to talk about it."
  3. "Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell."
  4. "The world is full of boring stuff--that's why we need you to create something remarkable."
  5. "It's not about appealing to everyone. It's about finding the people who care and creating something they'll love."

Other books by Seth Godin

  • The Dip
  • Linchpin
  • Tribes
  • V Is for Vulnerable
  • This Is Marketing
  • What to Do When It's Your Turn (and It's Always Your Turn
  • The Practice: Shipping Creative Work
  • All Marketers Are Liars
  • Permission Marketing
  • Small Is the New Big
  • Free Prize Inside!
  • Meatball Sundae
  • Survival Is Not Enough
  • The Bootstrapper's Bible
  • The Icarus Deception
  • We Are All Weird

Did you know?


Purple Cow was the first business book to become a New York Times bestseller without the help of an author tour.