3 min read

Personal Productivity For Busy Managers: Summary

Everything you need to know about Tony Riches's Personal Productivity For Busy Managers, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Personal Productivity For Busy Managers by Tony Riches in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Personal Productivity For Busy Managers by Tony Riches
Personal Productivity For Busy Managers by Tony Riches is an essential guide for busy managers looking to improve their personal productivity. It provides useful tips and techniques to help readers manage their time more effectively, prioritize tasks, and eliminate distractions. In addition, the book covers goal setting, communication skills, delegating tasks, and other topics related to improving productivity in the workplace.

Want to know more?

Personal Productivity For Busy Managers: Key Points

  1. Start with a plan – Create an effective plan to help prioritize tasks, manage time and meet goals.
  2. Set realistic goals – Set realistic goals that are achievable and can be measured.
  3. Manage your energy – Make sure to get enough sleep, regular exercise and healthy nutrition to maintain energy levels throughout the day.
  4. Delegate and outsource – Outsource tasks that are not essential for you to do or that can be done by someone else with greater expertise.
  5. Eliminate distractions – Eliminate distractions like emails, social media and other activities that can take away from productivity.
  6. Utilize technology – Use tools like project management software, task tracking tools and automated reminders to help stay on track.
  7. Take breaks - Breaks are important for mental clarity and creative thinking, so make sure to schedule them into your day.
  8. Track progress - Monitor progress on tasks and goals to ensure that everything is on track and to identify any potential problems before they arise.

What to say about Personal Productivity For Busy Managers

  • "Personal Productivity For Busy Managers by Tony Riches is an excellent resource for anyone looking to maximize their efficiency and achieve greater success."
  • "This book provides clear and practical advice on how to prioritize tasks, manage time and boost productivity."
  • "The strategies outlined in Personal Productivity For Busy Managers will help any manager better structure their day to ensure maximum results."
  • "Tony Riches’ approach to personal productivity is based on years of experience in the corporate world, making it a valuable resource for busy managers."
  • "The book offers easy-to-follow steps and advice that can be applied immediately to improve personal productivity."
  • "Personal Productivity For Busy Managers offers an effective way to identify and eliminate the sources of wasted time in any organization or business."
  • "The techniques Tony Riches outlines in this book promote a healthier work-life balance for busy managers, allowing them to be more productive and achieve success."
  • "The tools provided in this book will help busy managers gain control over their days, become more organized and increase overall performance."
  • "Personal Productivity For Busy Managers provides valuable insight into the importance of taking regular breaks from work, which can lead to better decision-making and improved productivity."
  • "This book is a must-read for any manager who wants to discover new ways of improving their personal productivity in order to reach their goals faster."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Personal Productivity For Busy Managers

  • Discover how to maximize your personal productivity as a busy manager with Tony Riches' new book - it's a must-read for anyone in a management role!
  • As a busy manager, it can be hard to stay productive and on top of your workload. Learn strategies to help you succeed with Tony Riches' new book.
  • Harness the power of personal productivity and become more efficient with Tony Riches' new book for busy managers.
  • Struggling to manage your time effectively? Find out how to maximize efficiency with Tony Riches' new book on personal productivity for busy managers.
  • Get ahead of the competition with Tony Riches' new book on personal productivity for busy managers - take control of your time and get more done!

Top 5 Quotes from Personal Productivity For Busy Managers

  1. “Focus on the most important tasks to achieve the greatest results.”
  2. “Every moment of your time should be invested in activities that will help you reach your goals.”
  3. “You only have so much energy and focus, so use it wisely.”
  4. “Don’t let other people’s priorities become yours.”
  5. “Start with the end in mind and work backwards to ensure you stay on track.”

Other books by Tony Riches

  • The Wars of The Roses: The Fall of The Plantagenets and The Rise of The Tudors
  • Owen: A Novel of Owain Glyndwr
  • The Tudor Trilogy: Three Novels in One
  • The Black Prince of Wales: Edward of Woodstock
  • A Time for Revolution: The Story of Wat Tyler
  • The Earl's Vengeance: A Medieval Mystery
  • The Deceitful Crown: An Historical Adventure Novel
  • The Kingmaker's Daughter: A Novel of the Wars of the Roses
  • The Hollow Crown: A Novel of Richard III
  • The Yorkist Age: A Historical Mystery Series
  • The White Queen: A Novel of Elizabeth Woodville
  • The Red Rose Lineage: An Epic Historical Adventure

Did you know?


Tony Riches' Personal Productivity For Busy Managers includes a unique 10-step system for managers to help them improve their productivity, time management and personal development.