3 min read

Orbiting the Giant Hairball: Summary

Everything you need to know about Gordon MacKenzie's Orbiting the Giant Hairball, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Orbiting the Giant Hairball by Gordon MacKenzie in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Orbiting the Giant Hairball by Gordon MacKenzie
Orbiting the Giant Hairball is a book by Gordon MacKenzie that serves as an inspirational guide to creative and innovative thinking. It offers insight into how to break away from the "corporate hairball" of traditional thought and bureaucracy in order to achieve greater creativity, productivity and success. Through anecdotes, stories and illustrations, the book encourages readers to think outside the box and embrace their individual approaches to life, work and relationships.

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Orbiting the Giant Hairball: Key Points

  1. Innovation comes from embracing failure and chaos. MacKenzie encourages readers to be creative and embrace the “Giant Hairball” of life - the chaos, randomness, and unpredictability that come with it.
  2. Don’t accept the status quo or limiting beliefs. MacKenzie challenges readers to look beyond the status quo and break down the walls that limit their personal growth or creativity.
  3. Follow your own orbit. MacKenzie encourages readers to create their own paths in life and not just follow others blindly. He also stresses the importance of being true to oneself and taking risks to pursue what truly inspires them.
  4. Balance work and play. MacKenzie believes that a balance between work and play can help unlock creativity, reduce stress, and open up new opportunities for growth. He also emphasizes the importance of taking time out to rest and recharge in order to stay productive and creative in the long run.
  5. Trust your intuition. MacKenzie believes trust in intuition is essential for creative thinking and problem solving, as it can help one make better decisions without overthinking or second-guessing themselves too much.

What to say about Orbiting the Giant Hairball

  • Orbiting the Giant Hairball is an inspiring read that encourages us to think outside the box and break free from our daily routines.
  • MacKenzie's unique perspective on creativity and innovation has been a great source of motivation for me.
  • I find the book to be a refreshing reminder that working within established systems can lead to unexpected results.
  • The stories shared in Orbiting the Giant Hairball are engaging and thought-provoking, making it an enjoyable read.
  • MacKenzie's advice on how to foster creativity in any organization is invaluable.
  • I believe the ideas presented in Orbiting the Giant Hairball could be applied to our own workplace, allowing us to approach our tasks with a different outlook.
  • Reading this book has helped me develop a more flexible attitude towards problem solving.
  • I think the lessons learned in this book can help us become more creative and innovative as a team.
  • The way MacKenzie encourages readers to take risks and explore their own potential is inspiring.
  • This book has been an eye-opening experience that has taught me to challenge the status quo and strive for something better.

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Orbiting the Giant Hairball

  • Did you know that the concept of orbiting the Giant Hairball was coined by Gordon MacKenzie? It's an inspiring metaphor for navigating the complexities of modern organizations! #OrbitingtheGiantHairball #GordonMacKenzie
  • Orbiting the Giant Hairball is a helpful guide for staying creative and productive in large organizations. It's a must-read for anyone looking to stay ahead of the curve! #OrbitingtheGiantHairball #GordonMacKenzie
  • I'm currently reading Gordon MacKenzie's Orbiting the Giant Hairball - an invaluable resource to help spark innovation and fresh ideas within large groups. #OrbitingtheGiantHairball #GordonMacKenzie
  • Pick up a copy of Orbiting the Giant Hairball to learn how to break free from corporate bureaucracy and stay true to yourself! #OrbitingtheGiantHairball #GordonMacKenzie
  • Following the principles outlined in Orbiting the Giant Hairball can help you thrive in your career without sacrificing your passion or creativity! #OrbitingtheGiantHairball #GordonMacKenzie

Top 5 Quotes from Orbiting the Giant Hairball

  1. "Play is the highest form of research."
  2. "Creativity and innovation come from an intense curiosity and a desire to explore and experiment."
  3. "The most dangerous risk of all - the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later."
  4. "A great life is not a series of successes but rather a tapestry of rich experiences from which we learn and grow."
  5. "If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place."

Other books by Gordon MacKenzie

  • Imagining The Universe: A Visual Journey of Astronomy & Astrophysics
  • Exploring the Solar System: A Visual Encyclopedia of Our Universe
  • The Star-Crossed Universe: A Tour of the Night Sky Through Poetry and Stories
  • The Edge of the Sky: All You Need to Know About the All-There-Is
  • The Unseen Universe: An Exploration of Nature's Hidden Wonders
  • To the Moon and Beyond: A Visual Guide to Exploring Space
  • Backyard Astronomy: Your Guide to Exploring the Universe
  • Adventures in Time and Space with Max and Zoe
  • Spacetime Explorers: An Interactive Adventure in Physics
  • Dark Matters: The Universe in Shadow

Did you know?


Orbiting the Giant Hairball was first published in 1988 and has since sold over 300,000 copies worldwide.