3 min read

On Writing: Summary

Everything you need to know about Stephen King's On Writing, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying On Writing by Stephen King in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying On Writing by Stephen King
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft is an insightful and instructive book about the art of writing by renowned author Stephen King. It combines personal anecdotes with practical advice for aspiring writers, discussing topics such as grammar, style, plotting, description, dialogue, character development, and more. In addition to outlining his own experiences and techniques, King encourages aspiring writers to find their individual voice and emphasizes the importance of dedication and hard work. He also reflects on the joys and frustrations of the writing life.

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On Writing: Key Points

  1. Writing is a craft that requires dedication and hard work to be successful.
  2. Writers should develop a writing routine and stick to it; this will help increase productivity.
  3. Writers should read widely in order to gain an understanding of the genre they are writing in, as well as to get ideas for their own work.
  4. Writers must be willing to revise their work, as even the best writers often have to rewrite sections or entire pieces multiple times before they are satisfied with the result.
  5. Writers need to be able to accept criticism from readers and editors, and use it constructively to improve their work.
  6. Writing should be enjoyable; if it becomes too much of a chore, take a break and come back refreshed and ready to write again.

What to say about On Writing

  • "On Writing by Stephen King is an inspiring book that demonstrates the power of storytelling."
  • "The book highlights the importance of self-discipline and dedication in order to reach one's writing goals."
  • "On Writing provides valuable insight into the creative process and how to develop a successful writing career."
  • "The book emphasizes the need for writers to push themselves out of their comfort zone in order to reach their full potential."
  • "On Writing is an excellent resource for writers at any level, as it offers tips on how to craft compelling stories and hone one's craft."
  • "Stephen King's advice on writing resonates with the reader, making it a must-read for any aspiring writer."
  • "The book is filled with useful advice on how to structure a story and use language effectively to engage readers."
  • "The easy-to-follow lessons found in On Writing help writers improve their craft and create compelling stories."
  • "On Writing is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to hone their writing skills and become a better storyteller."
  • "This book serves as an inspiration for all writers, as it teaches us that hard work and dedication are essential components of success in this field."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about On Writing

  • I recently finished reading On Writing by Stephen King and it was an eye-opening experience. It's a must-read for anyone looking to hone their writing skills. #OnWriting #WritingTips
  • Stephen King's On Writing is a great resource for writers of all levels. It provides insight into the craft of writing that is both inspiring and educational. #OnWriting #WritingAdvice
  • Just completed On Writing by Stephen King and can honestly say it has changed the way I look at my writing process. Highly recommend to all aspiring writers! #OnWriting #WritingSkills
  • Stephen King's On Writing is a must-have for any writer's bookshelf. It's full of invaluable advice about how to become a better writer. Check it out! #OnWriting #WritingGoals
  • Need some help with your writing? Look no further than On Writing by Stephen King - guaranteed to provide the guidance you need to take your writing to the next level! #OnWriting #WriteBetter

Top 5 Quotes from On Writing

  1. "I believe the road to hell is paved with adverbs."
  2. "If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools to write."
  3. "The scariest moment is always just before you start."
  4. "Writing is a lonely job. Having someone who believes in you makes a lot of difference."
  5. "The truth is, there are no gods in writing—only mortals."

Other books by Stephen King

  • The Outsider
  • The Institute
  • Elevation
  • The Shining
  • Doctor Sleep
  • It
  • Carrie
  • The Stand
  • Salem's Lot
  • Misery
  • Needful Things
  • Gerald's Game
  • The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger
  • /22/63
  • Revival
  • Pet Sematary
  • Different Seasons
  • Dolores Claiborne
  • Cujo
  • Bag of Bones
  • Dreamcatcher
  • Insomnia
  • Under the Dome

Did you know?


Stephen King wrote On Writing in just two and a half months, while recovering from a near-fatal car accident.