3 min read

Never Go With Your Gut: Summary

Everything you need to know about Gleb Tsipursky's Never Go With Your Gut, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Never Go With Your Gut by Gleb Tsipursky in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Never Go With Your Gut by Gleb Tsipursky
Never Go With Your Gut by Gleb Tsipursky argues that human emotions can often lead to poor decision-making, and suggests practical strategies for avoiding this problem. The book uses science-based approaches to teach readers how to make decisions based on facts and evidence, rather than instinct or emotion. It covers topics such as the dangers of cognitive biases, logical fallacies, and mind traps; how to recognize these pitfalls in order to avoid them; and how to develop a mindset of objectivity and rationality in decision-making.

Want to know more?

Never Go With Your Gut: Key Points

  1. Your gut instincts are often irrational, and making decisions based on them can lead to poor outcomes.
  2. Instead of going with your gut, use the principles of evidence-based decision making. These include gathering data, researching potential solutions, assessing potential risks, and considering how past decisions have worked out.
  3. Take action only when you have considered several points of view and made an informed decision.
  4. Address cognitive biases that can lead to poor decisions, such as confirmation bias and anchoring bias.
  5. Develop a system for making decisions that includes seeking feedback from experts or mentors.
  6. Monitor the results of your decisions over time to ensure they are helping you reach your goals.

What to say about Never Go With Your Gut

  • "Never Go With Your Gut provides a valuable perspective on making decisions, emphasizing the importance of evidence-based research."
  • "I found Never Go With Your Gut to be an insightful and thought-provoking book that encourages readers to think more critically."
  • "Gleb Tsipursky's work in Never Go With Your Gut highlights the power of reason and rationality over our natural instincts when it comes to problem-solving."
  • "This book is an excellent resource for anyone looking to make better decisions, as it explains the pitfalls of relying on intuition alone."
  • "The strategies outlined in Never Go With Your Gut are definitely applicable to everyday life and can help us make more informed choices."
  • "Never Go With Your Gut is a great reminder that gut feelings should not be the sole basis for decision making, but rather used in conjunction with other sources of information and research."
  • "Never Go With Your Gut provides a unique approach to decision making by focusing on the use of evidence-based analysis rather than instinctual reactions."
  • "This book is an invaluable resource for business owners and professionals looking to foster a culture of critical thinking and sound decision making."
  • "The advice presented in Never Go With Your Gut is timely and relevant, providing readers with an effective framework for avoiding common mistakes when making decisions."
  • "I highly recommend reading Never Go With Your Gut to gain a deeper understanding of how we can make more informed decisions in our everyday lives."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Never Go With Your Gut

  • Business leaders, entrepreneurs, and professionals: check out Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters by Gleb Tsipursky for insightful advice on how to make the best decisions and avoid business disasters. #DecisionMaking #BusinessLeadership
  • Having difficulty making complex decisions? Read Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters by Gleb Tsipursky for an in-depth look at decision-making strategies. #DecisionMaking #BusinessLeadership
  • Learn from leading experts like Gleb Tsipursky with his book Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters. Discover strategies used by top professionals to make sound decisions! #DecisionMaking #BusinessLeadership
  • Want to become a more effective leader? Check out Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters by Gleb Tsipursky for guidance on overcoming obstacles in decision-making. #DecisionMaking #BusinessLeadership
  • Don’t miss out on this essential read for professionals! Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters is a must have book written by Gleb Tsipursky. #DecisionMaking #BusinessLeadership

Top 5 Quotes from Never Go With Your Gut

  1. "When faced with tough decisions, don't rely on intuition alone - instead, use evidence-based decision making to make the best possible choices."
  2. "Relying solely on your gut can lead to poor decisions that can cost you dearly in both the short and long term."
  3. "By using evidence-based decision making, you can rest assured that your decisions are more likely to lead to positive outcomes."
  4. "The only way to make sure your decisions are based on accurate information and not on bias or emotion is to use evidence-based decision making."
  5. "Evidence-based decision making is the best way to ensure that your decisions are effective, efficient, and ethical."

Other books by Gleb Tsipursky

  • The Blindspots Between Us: How to Overcome Unconscious Cognitive Bias and Build Better Relationships
  • Find Your Purpose Using Science: How to Use Proven Research to Uncover What Really Fulfills You
  • The Truth-Seeker's Handbook: A Science-Based Guide
  • Disaster-Proof Your Life: A Lifelong Approach to Mental Well-Being
  • Resilience: How to Navigate Life's Curves
  • The Antifragile Self: How to Thrive in an Uncertain World

Did you know?


Never Go With Your Gut is the first book to explore the concept of "prospection," which is the science of making decisions by looking into the future and assessing potential outcomes.