3 min read

Moneyball: Summary

Everything you need to know about Michael Lewis's Moneyball, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Moneyball by Michael Lewis in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Moneyball by Michael Lewis
Moneyball by Michael Lewis tells the story of how Billy Beane, the general manager of the Oakland Athletics baseball team, used analytics and in-depth data analysis to build a winning team despite having a much smaller budget than other big-name teams. Through his unorthodox methods, Beane was able to assemble a competitive roster of players who were overlooked by other teams, helping the Athletics to make it to the playoffs multiple times despite their financial disadvantage. The book is an inspiring tale of how one man's creative approach to a long-standing problem can lead to success.

Want to know more?

Moneyball: Key Points

  1. The Oakland Athletics, a small-market baseball team, used data-driven analytics to assemble a competitive team and gain a competitive edge despite having limited resources.
  2. The A’s created a new system of player evaluation which placed greater emphasis on undervalued aspects of player performance such as walks, stolen bases, and on-base percentage (rather than traditional measures such as batting average and RBIs.
  3. Moneyball emphasized the use of objective data to inform decisions, rather than subjective opinions about players.
  4. Billy Beane, the A’s general manager, implemented this system throughout the organization, from scouting to training to evaluating players.
  5. Moneyball showed that teams with limited resources can still compete if they use smart analytics and focus on finding inefficiencies in the market.

What to say about Moneyball

  • Moneyball is an inspiring story of how data-driven decision making can revolutionize an industry.
  • Michael Lewis does a great job of highlighting the power of analytics in the world of sports and entertainment.
  • Moneyball provides a unique and fascinating perspective on how to build a successful team in the modern era.
  • The book demonstrates how a small, under-resourced team can use data and analytics to their advantage.
  • Moneyball is an insightful look at how teams can identify and capitalize on market inefficiencies.
  • Michael Lewis brings together a compelling mix of research, storytelling, and analysis in his exploration of the game of baseball.
  • Moneyball offers valuable lessons on how to use data to make better decisions when it comes to strategic planning, budgeting, and personnel management.
  • What's most remarkable about Moneyball is that it shows how even the smallest changes can have a big impact on an organization's bottom line.
  • The book is full of inspiring stories about how analytics can be used to uncover valuable insights that can shape the future success of teams and organizations alike.
  • Moneyball serves as a reminder that we should never underestimate the power of data-driven decision making when it comes to achieving our goals.

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Moneyball

  • Check out the amazing story of how Michael Lewis' Moneyball changed the way we look at professional sports! #Moneyball #MichaelLewis #SportsManagement
  • Did you know that Moneyball by Michael Lewis revolutionized the way teams measure and acquire talent? #Moneyball #MichaelLewis #SportsAnalytics
  • I just finished reading Moneyball by Michael Lewis and it was truly an eye-opening experience! #Moneyball #MichaelLewis #BusinessInnovation
  • The principles in Moneyball by Michael Lewis are a great example of how to use data to drive decision-making in even the most traditional industries. #Moneyball #MichaelLewis #DataDrivenDecisions
  • If you're looking for a book filled with insights on how to build smart teams, Moneyball by Michael Lewis is a must-read! #Moneyball #MichaelLewis #TalentAcquisition

Top 5 Quotes from Moneyball

  1. "Adapt or Die."
  2. "If we try to play like the Yankees in here, with $40 million, we will die."
  3. "It's hard not to be romantic about baseball."
  4. "I'm not in favor of reinventing the wheel. I'm in favor of ignoring the wheel."
  5. "The problem we're trying to solve is that there are rich teams and there are poor teams. Then there's fifty feet of crap and then there's us."

Other books by Michael Lewis

  • The Big Short
  • Liar's Poker
  • The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game
  • The New New Thing
  • Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World
  • Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt
  • The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Minds
  • The Money Culture
  • Losers: The Road to Everyplace but the White House
  • Coach: Lessons on the Game of Life

Did you know?


The Oakland Athletics baseball team was able to make the playoffs in 2002 and 2003 with a budget that was less than one-third of the payroll of the New York Yankees.