3 min read

Models of My Life: Summary

Everything you need to know about Herb Simon's Models of My Life, in 1 paragraph.
An illustration of a reader enjoying Models of My Life by Herb Simon in a cosy interior
A reader enjoying Models of My Life by Herb Simon
Models of My Life by Herb Simon is an autobiographical account of his career in economics, computer science, and artificial intelligence. Through a series of anecdotes, interviews, and reflections, he explains the process of how he arrived at his greatest accomplishments and the influences of people and events on him throughout his life. He also explores the impact of his work on society, as well as his own personal philosophy on how best to use one's time and energy.

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Models of My Life: Key Points

  1. The importance of self-reflection: Models of My Life encourages readers to take a step back and assess their life, values, goals, and decision making processes in order to create a better understanding of themselves and the world around them.
  2. Experiential learning: The book emphasizes the need for experiential learning and how it can provide invaluable insight into one’s life and behavior.
  3. Systems Thinking: Simon argues that individuals should be viewing their lives as complex systems with interconnected parts, rather than simply linear progressions or isolated events.
  4. Behavioral economics: Simon draws on the concepts of behavioral economics to explain why individuals make decisions they may not agree with later on down the line.
  5. Decision Making Process: Models of My Life provides readers with a step-by-step guide to developing an effective decision making process that takes into account both short-term and long-term implications.
  6. Goal Setting: Simon encourages readers to define their goals, develop strategies to reach them, and recognize when they have achieved them in order to ensure personal growth and success over time.

What to say about Models of My Life

  • "Models of My Life by Herb Simon provides a unique perspective on how to approach life's challenges and opportunities."
  • "I find the way Herb Simon examines the complexities of life in his book truly inspiring."
  • "The framework provided in Models of My Life is an invaluable tool for understanding complex situations and making informed decisions."
  • "Herb Simon's thought-provoking approach to models of life offer an insightful look into how we can better navigate our daily lives."
  • "In Models of My Life, Herb Simon provides a comprehensive exploration of the benefits of self-reflection and personal growth."
  • "Herb Simon's work offers readers an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world around them."
  • "The different models presented in Models of My Life allow readers to gain a more holistic view of their lives and relationships."
  • "The insights presented in Herb Simon's book are invaluable for anyone looking to better understand their own thoughts and feelings."
  • "Models of My Life is an essential read for anyone seeking guidance on how to approach life with greater clarity and purpose."
  • "Herb Simon's work provides readers with the opportunity to explore the depths of their own minds and make meaningful changes that will ultimately improve their lives."

What to post on LinkedIn or Twitter about Models of My Life

  • Just finished reading 'Models of My Life' by Herb Simon - an inspiring read about how the principles of behavioural economics can be applied to our lives in meaningful ways. #economics #motivation
  • New insights gained from Herb Simon's book, 'Models of My Life', on how to make better decisions in life and business. Highly recommend! #decisionmaking #business
  • Fascinating read on the timeless wisdom of Herbert Simon's 'Models of My Life'. #wisdom #behaviouraleconomics
  • Checked out 'Models of My Life' by Herb Simon - great advice on how to live a more meaningful life through modelling behaviour. #lifegoals #philosophy
  • Just finished reading 'Models of My Life' by Herb Simon - an incredibly powerful book that will help you understand yourself and your relationships better. #selfawareness #relationships

Top 5 Quotes from Models of My Life

  1. "The aim of science is not to open the door to infinite wisdom, but to set a limit to infinite ignorance."
  2. "Life is a system of events that are generated in large part by our own thoughts and actions."
  3. "A model is an abstraction from reality, a simplification that enables us to think about complex phenomena in terms we can understand."
  4. "Organizations are like machines; they need to be well-designed and carefully maintained if they're going to work properly."
  5. "It's not enough just to understand a problem; you have to be able to act on it, because understanding without action is useless."

Other books by Herb Simon

  • The Sciences of the Artificial
  • Organizational Decision Making
  • Judgment and Choice: The Psychology of Decision Making
  • Administrative Behavior: A Study of Decision-Making Processes in Administrative Organizations
  • Planning and Control Systems: A Framework for Analysis
  • Mathematical Models of Human Perception and Performance
  • Logic for Problem Solving
  • The Shape of Automation for Men and Management
  • Sciences of the Artificial, 3rd Edition

Did you know?


Models of My Life by Herb Simon was the first book ever written about artificial intelligence.